
Chapter 5

She makes up a few lies about requiring signatures to deliver mail, and the resident reluctantly opens the door to sign. That's when our fake-deliverer clutches at her heart and makes a big dramatic gesture of reaching for pills, asking for water.


When the woman complies, our faker hurriedly grabs her phone to snap a few photos of the entryway, then makes a lame excuse to the woman for why the delivery is for the wrong person. The woman doesn't buy it since she's a celebrity ("Don't you know who I am?") and our faker beats a hasty retreat, her cover blown.

But she's gotten what she came for, as it turns out she's actually a reporter, CHAE YOUNG-SHIN (Park Min-young). She puts in a call to her editor; she works for a low-rent tabloid operation, as we can surmise from the way her editor tries to fashion a juicy headline out of her photo of men's shoes in the celebrity's entryway. He complains that it's too weak to use as proof of liaison, and not worthy of a scoop.

Young-shin heads to the parking garage looking for more to the story, which is where she nearly gets plowed down by a convertible as it parks. She heads over indignantly to give the driver a piece of her mind, but he's foaming at the mouth over a subway snafu, and Young-shin's ears perk up when he blames this on "the Healer."

Spidey senses tingling, she eavesdrops as the driver picks up a photograph and asks for a confirmation of the Healer's appearance. He throws the photo in the backseat, and in an split-second of pure guts (or foolishness), Young-shin snatches the picture before the driver screeches off.

Next we jump to a charged protest site outside the corporation Samhan Group, where ex-workers and their families protest illegal layoffs. Reporters swarm the site, among them a grave-looking Serious Journalist, KIM MOON-HO (Yoo Ji-tae). He's recognizable and respected, and maybe even a bit of a maverick; the other reporters stand around waiting for the official press conference, but Moon-ho heads right into the thick of things to talk with the protesters.

He interviews a distraught old woman who begs him to save her son, who's laid up in the hospital after self-immolating in protest. Moon-hoo leaves a colleague to handle the press conference and immediately heads to the hospital, where he finds the son in a ghastly state, burned from head to toe.


The man has written out his story in case a reporter should come, and Moon-ho reads: "Please tell our story. Nobody will listen to what we have to say." There's something in Moon-ho's demeanor that assures us that he will treat this with dignity and fairness, and he apologizes for coming so late.

But back to the subway. For now, Healer Jung-hoo is safe enough, with the goons waiting for their moment. Min-ja hacks into security at the next subway stop and sees the fresh influx of gangster types arriving and stationing themselves right at the doors. Meanwhile the client is quaking in his shoes about to pee himself, and Jung-hoo tells him calmly to trust him.

As the train approaches the station, Jung-hoo instructs his client to jump at the count of three. "One… two…" And screeeeeech! The train jerks to a stop in the middle of the tracks

, and Jung-hoo counts, "Three!"