

Mariat_Muhammed · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The lycan leader II

Evely was pinching her to stop but she can't stay on the same table with this cold man, she also has to finish this chicken and she will not enjoy it one bit with this man here.

"Although what you said is true, your table looked very unkept,,,,, I will manage and... don't mind me and continue with your mannerless way of eating as you call it".. Bryan said to her

"how rude." Sophia mumured

"I heard that." ..Bryan said without looking up.

Evely's mouth was open wide agape

Sophia looked at him sideways as if glaring, other student did not notice his sitting with them as they've already woken up from their reveries and went back to eating, gisting.

they all finished their meal and went back to class,Bryan went to his office,

Sophia's remaining class was cancelled so they all went home

"welcome!".. her mum greeted as she entered the house, "go remove your clothe and come eat "..

"mum when did you return and made all this..?? actually Sophia is a foodie.

"wow! mum you are the best. although am full but this food here is my favourites, my mouth is even watery already, really!" she said excited and rush to her room to remove her clothes, shower and wear her pink free gown, she came to the table to see her brother already seated.

"you are back too, how's your runs life in school..?, hope you are not breaking those high school girls heart". she asked her brother

"yes am back and am not a play boy, okayy!

Sophia smile at his brother and they started eating. their mum eat too


How is your school life Sophia.??".. her mum asked amidst their meal.

"it's fine mum"....

"no any boyfriend yet..??

Mum!!!!... they both chorused (Sophia don't like this topic)

"what... am I not saying the right thing..??, their mum defended.

"mum, other parent wouldn't like their children getting a boyfriend, I don't know why your own is so different".... Sophia complained ( she is so engulf in studying and looking for a lycan to kill that she did not give any guy her attention. not even to Glacierm the rich school prince that has being disturbing her)

"well that's because am your mum & not other parent and also very soon you will graduate and start working, do you want to grow old before you get married..??.. Elizabeth said this with a calmed face

"Mum she is just 23.".. samien interjected

"yes dear, that's why I said boyfriend or is she just going to jump into marriage without building a relationship..??.... it will start with a boyfriend, then fiance and then husband, that can take 6 or 7years to be build and by then she will be 30 or 31, do you understand what am trying to say now", their mum asked &

they both nodded

"so improve in your make ups from now on"...

mum!! they both chorused again

"samien you aren't the female one here why are you now being like this, or.... you don't want your sister getting a boyfriend..??"... Elizabeth teased samien

"mum I know am her junior brother but I don't approve her getting a boyfriend." ..samien said making Sophia and Elizabeth burst out laughing

"don't be a jealous brother you gonna get a girlfriend too someday.... who knows you don't even have one already".. his mum teased, they all laughed.

"but mum"...

Elizabeth smile at them and they continue eating. they gist for a little while after eating and then return back to their room for the night. in the morning they prepare themselves and goes out for their daily activities ....; Sophia & samien went to school while their mum went to her canteen


"welcome mum."..

"mum what happened why are you just coming back, we have been waiting.... samien even called you, switched offer

"oh dear, dear, dear, am so sorry, I was about to close the canteen when a handsome young man came with his family and I just couldn't ignore them, so I had to prepare the food they ordered, they apologise for coming late though... such a handsome gentleman, if only you will find that kind of man, I will just be happy.".... Elizabeth continues

Sophia just watch her mum helplessly

"mum this guy must be really exceptional see the way you even elaborate"... samien said trying hard to not laugh at his sister

"I wish I was there to see what makes him so exceptionally handsome to make mum break her rule she has never break before which is 'not opening the canteen after it's closed'." Sophia said.

"yes he is really exceptional!.. although I have not close the canteen, I was about to before they came.".. she continues.

"Alright mum, we've heard all you explained, samien cooked before I came , we ate and remain for you incase you will want to eat when you comeback as we weren't sure you were still at the canteen"... Sophia said to her mum

"oh dear, I wouldn't eat this night again, I already ate from the canteen.

"Alright mum."

samien pecked Sophia and Elizabeth; "good night".. he muttered & left to his room

"good night mum".. Sophia returned to her room.