

Mariat_Muhammed · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Looking at the human world

"oh what a tiresome day"... she exclaimed as she dashed into her bathroom to take some cool shower she came out after some time, wear her pink teddy pyjamas & went to sleep.


"Mum, dad."....Bryan greeted his parents coming down the stairs from his room dressed up in a black short, white flamingo foreigner T shirt worth 50 dollars, with white sneakers, and his hair stylishly brushed side ways.( the most beautiful, handsome gents)

"Bryan dear."... his mum greeted back while setting the table and his dad just nodded sipping his tea and looking outside the window, he has not been approachable ever since they escaped form the pack, if he has his way he will kill all human, Bryan is no different but he is getting over it slowly without even realising it.

"...you look stunning brother."... tracin complimented

"thanks dear cousin"...

"is Saturday brother, where are you going..?"... tracin ask as he sat down to have his breakfast.

"well I want to go have more look at the human world today apart from being the professor"... Bryan replied waiting for his food to be served. Human food doesn't satisfy them, but they have to live like human, only once in a while they go out hunting for other animals they can feed on. they can't be found out by humans now, even though they aren't afraid of fighting with human they can't afford loosing a loved one right now, engaging in a fight now will lead to that kind of loss and at least till they find the rest of them that might have escaped too and prepare themselves well enough then they will think of their next battle with humans... 'but will they be another battle?'


"samien you are already awake.., it's no school day for goodness sake, its saturday!".. Sophia blabbered coming out from her room seeing samien already seated at the dining

"sis you look scary.. maybe you should go back to your room, look yourself in the mirror then come out again."... samien teased his sister

"hmmph, whatever.. this is my house and this is my beautiful mum, and this is my ugly brother.. no visitor so let me Be." Sophia said as if trying to yell.

"Sophia!.. her mum called, why do your hair have to be this messy each time you wake up..?? Go wash off, arrange your hair before I serve breakfast. and my son is not ugly.".

"I know I have to wash off before I eat but what I don't understand is why the both of you have to attack me like this."..

"because you look scary!" samien and his mum chorused

"ok ok ok & she went back to her room.

"your son is ugly.!".. she shouted on her way.

"am not ugly, 'messy hair.'". samien shouted back

after some minutes breakfast was served.

"Sophia... you can come out if you are done." her mum called

"mum I will follow you to the canteen today." Sophia said while coming out of her room with her hair tied into a beautiful ponytail, wearing her blue jean tight trouser with an ash colored T shirt which have barbie at the front and wearing her white sneakers.

she looked dashing.

"alright come have your breakfast lets go.".. they all sat to eat their food, after they were done eating, samien butt in;

"I will now be left alone in the house..?? he thought no one was going to leave the house today

"you can visit your friend dear or you should tag along too if you want." their mum Elizabeth said

"I will go to the field." ..he refused

"by the way that barbie shirt looks good on you"... samien complimented.

"you are not even my boyfriend, so it useless."... Sophia replied

"mum.." samien called his mum in astonishment and Sophia smirk at him, "that's for calling me messy hair"..

"Sophia come on don't be harsh on your brother, he is just trying to be nice".. Elizabeth scolded.

"but mum he called me messy hair"..

"go get your purse let's go and stop whining like a little kid".. Elizabeth continues and samien smirked back at his sister.

"mum look at that".. Sophia reported

"go get your bag mum said".. samien interrupted.

"befast with it am waiting outside.".. Elizabeth said going out.

".... alright mum let's go." ..she met her mum outside, they boarded the bus and left for the canteen


"that sound interesting brother,,,, can I come along..??

"No, am taking lorencian with me"... Bryan declined.

"Brother please please please." tracin pleaded

"alright alright you can come with us"... with that said they all eat in silence.

Lorencian is a lycan friend of Bryan, they grew up together at the pack; Bryan, Hazelin, lorencian were very close friends before Hazelin died, Bryan found out about lorencian three years back where she was being harrassed by a police officer (or maybe she was the one doing the harassing) for slapping a grown up guy.... while approaching.. Bryan noticed the figure standing by the police side looks very familiar as he was staring through his windscreen. he decided to pull over and go confirm his thinkings. he came down and went closer only for it to be lorencian; he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Lorencian!!." He called in Excitement

"she turned back to see who it was that knows her name and dare to call her by it, if it's human she was going to suck life out of the scum.

"Lorencian is me!".. he said again excited

"Lorencian couldn't believe her ears and eyes, the voice clearly belong to Bryan and her eyes; that's Bryan standing there. Her joy knows no bounds, she rushed and threw herself in his arms. they hugged. "it's you.".. she said pressing him more... "I thought you were dead, you are alive." she continues while tears strolled down her eyes; cry of Relief and happiness.

"ehem ehem are you her guardian ..??" the police ask... "just tell her to apologise to this youngman she slapped and all will be settled." the police man said.

"Bryan looked at lorencian with an expression as if telling her 'lorencian you haven't change, now apologise'.. and she goes like..

"sorry, sorry, am so sorry young man."... she apologise erratically. they should not ruin this happy moment for her.

the police was supprised because this is what they have been trying to make her do and she won't even burge.

"well.. it's ok".. the young man replied

"thanks." .. she muttered and turned back to Bryan