
Chapter 91 Am I that kind of person?

Qiao Yue's coquettish voice sounded on the phone. Su Nian was shocked with goose bumps. She really couldn't stand such a crazy and abnormal Qiao Yue.

"First of all, it's better for you to go alone. It's a tender world for two."

"I'd like to open a world of two people with tenderness and honey, but you can see that Gu Qingyan doesn't have this mind at all. How embarrassing I am to be there alone..."

"Then I won't go..."

"No, how can I not go? As a friend, shouldn't I go to see him? You have to go with me. I can't trust him. Honey, please, please... "

"OK, ok... I'll go with you, go with you..." Su Nian heard her plea, so she had to disarm and surrender.

"Thank you, honey. You're the best... I love you so much..."

Su Nian shivered and shrunk. He only felt the cold surging up, but it was a dry and hot summer. This feeling was really wrong.

The mobile phone was suddenly taken away. Jin Yanzhao said concisely, "Su Nian will accompany me today. Go yourself."

"Mr. Jin..." Qiao Yue exclaimed in surprise and then said, "Mr. Jin, don't. just lend me Xiaonian for a day. Please, help the poor me..."

"No, Su Nian can't touch men other than me." Jin Yanzhao said overbearing.

Qiao Yue glanced. It turned out that she was jealous. It's easy to do.

"Mr. Jin, you know, I've always been on your side and unconditionally support you. Don't worry, I'll take strict care of Xiaonian and never let her contact any man except you. Save Su Nian and lend me one day..."

Su Nian had not recovered from Jin Yanzhao's words before he was sold by Qiao Yue. He pointed to his mobile phone and wanted to talk, but he didn't know what to say.

Su Nian could only defeat Jin Yanzhao's joking eyes.

Jin Yanzhao looked at Su Nian proudly and said to Qiao Yue on the phone, "in this case, Su Nian will be handed over to you."

"Don't worry, Mr. Jin, can't you trust me Qiao Yue? I will show you the old, the small and the few, all of which will be wiped out. " Qiao Yue said it was murderous. Su Nian only felt that the end of the world was coming.

"Well, come and go after dinner."

"OK, Mr. Jin, I'll obey." Qiao Yue said with a smile.

Jin Yanzhao hung up and returned his mobile phone to Su Nian. Su Nian Committee Qu Baba looked at Jin yanzhao, "how can you so distrust me..."

Jin Yanzhao put her in his arms and said, "I'm afraid you'll be deceived, so take good defensive measures."

Su Nian pushed Jin Yanzhao's chest, "really? How can I feel the strong smell of collusion. "

Jin Yanzhao looked at Su Nian and pinched her small nose. "Is this nose so smart? Is it a dog nose? "

Su Nian angrily hammered his chest, "who has a dog's nose? Who has a dog's nose? You're a dog's nose. You're a dog's nose..."

Jin Yanzhao laughed loudly. His hearty laughter revealed his lightness and joy at this time.

He grabbed Su Nian's hand, put it on his heart, and said painfully, "ah... It hurts... Nian is going to murder her husband... It hurts... Nian is going to murder her husband..."

Su Nian looked at Jin Yanzhao's look and immediately panicked, "how could it be? I started very lightly. How could it be like this..."

Jin Yanzhao smiled and looked at Su Nian who was worried about him. He pressed her under his body and showed a funny look on his face. Su Nian suddenly reacted. Jin Yanzhao was teasing her.

"Jin yanzhao, is it fun?" Su Nian stared at her angrily.

The small face was bulging like a small steamed stuffed bun. Jin Yanzhao hugged her tightly and said gently, "thank you, Nian, for caring about me and worrying about me."

Su Nian blinked his eyes. For a moment, he couldn't react to the sudden deep feeling. He immediately threw his anger out of the sky and gently hugged Jin Yanzhao's waist.

Jin Yanzhao looked at Su Nian's eyebrows carefully. His serious and affectionate appearance made Su Nian feel the hot and deep emotion from this man.

That was the love she had been asking for for a long time. Now, the man gave her a warm heart, and she will cherish it forever.

"Get up, Qiao will come later, or you'll laugh at me again." Su Nian said with a small mouth.

Jin Yanzhao kissed Su Nian's small mouth and tasted the sweet rain and dew. It was fragrant and beautiful. Su Nian also responded to him meticulously.

After a burst of lingering love, the two people got up and cleaned themselves up. As soon as they came downstairs, Qiao Yue came.

"Mr. Jin, good morning." Qiao Yue said.

"Well, good morning." Jin Yanzhao looked at the newspaper solemnly.

Qiao Yue looked around and asked suspiciously, "why don't you see Xiaonian? Where has she gone?"

Jin Yanzhao continued to stare at the newspaper and pretended not to answer.

Qiao Yue pointed to Jin Yanzhao and said in surprise, "you won't go back on your word. Did you hide her? Mr. Jin can't do this. Be kind. "

Qiao Yue was sad and looked at Jin Yanzhao. Jin Yanzhao had to put down the newspaper and said to her, "am I that kind of person?"

Qiao Yue wanted to say yes, but he didn't have the courage.


"Qiao, come." Su Nian came down from upstairs and hugged Qiao Yue very warmly.

But Qiao Yue felt the burning eyes from Jin Yanzhao. Qiao Yue hugged Su Nian like a prank and took a sip on her face.

"Ah..." Su Nian screamed and pushed Qiao Yue away. "What's the matter today? So enthusiastic? "

Qiao Yue put her hand on Su Nian's shoulder, took a provocative look at Jin yanzhao, who tried to hide his anger, smiled and said, "I miss you."

"I think you miss Mr. Gu. Miss me, you're not so good." Su Nian said to her very seriously, and then pushed her hand off her shoulder.

Seeing this scene, Jin Yanzhao smiled with great satisfaction. The anger in his eyes suddenly disappeared, and then bowed his head and continued to look at the newspaper in his hand.

"Xiao Nian, why is your mouth so red? Why is it so swollen? " Qiao Yue looked at Su Nian with a thief's eyes.

Su Nian covered his mouth, and the blush immediately covered his whole cheek and buried his head in Jin Yanzhao's arms.

Jin Yanzhao naturally protected Su Nian, picked his eyebrows, and said to Qiao Yue, "do you have an opinion?"

Qiao Yue swallowed a mouthful of water, and then obediently picked up his tail, "no, absolutely not..."

Qiao Yue finished a meal with chagrin. She could feel the strong aura from Jin Yanzhao. It was terrible.

After dinner, Su Nian and Qiao Yue drove to Mingcheng hospital and bought a lot of fruit to eat.

As a result, when she went to the ward, the hospital bed was empty. Qiao Yue panicked. The thing in her hand suddenly fell to the ground, and her happy face stiffened for a moment.

"Qiao Qiao... Qiao Qiao... Don't panic, don't panic..." before Su Nian finished, Qiao Yue ran out.

Su Nian mentioned what had fallen to the ground and hurriedly followed her to the information desk.

"Hello, where is Gu Qingyan in ward 1102?" Qiao Yue asked eagerly.

"Let me check for you." The medical lady hung a sign of danger and said slowly.

"Hurry up." Qiao Yue said anxiously.

The nurse's face suddenly looked a little ugly. Her hand looking through the records obviously slowed down. Su Nian hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I apologize to you for her. I'm worried because she's missing. Can you help us have a look and confirm it?"

The nurse's face got better. She said to Qiao Yue in a strange way: "hum, it's really no quality to ask people to return this attitude..."

"Who do you say has no quality? Who are you talking about... "Qiao Yue's temper became extremely irritable and his eyes turned red. The appearance of a tense sword was particularly frightening.

The nurse obviously felt afraid, but for her meager face, she pretended to be calm, snorted coldly, but didn't speak again.

Su Nian pulled La qiaoyue and motioned her not to worry too much.

"Is that the handsome boy in room 1102?" The nurse who was walking this way said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, that's him. Where has he gone?" Qiao Yue asked anxiously, his eyes full of expectation.

With a smile, the nurse came to the counter, packed up the things in her hand and said, "he has gone. He said that he has no serious physical problems. She doesn't like to stay in the hospital, so she went through the discharge formalities by herself."

"How? Don't wait for us... "Qiao Yue was a little sad and muttered.