
Chapter 90 Gu Qingyan wakes up

The three ordered. Qiao Yue's order was completely different from her usual taste. Su Nian knew that it was the dish she ordered for Gu Qingyan.

"Qiao Yue, call and ask." Jin Yanzhao said.

Qiao Yue looked at Jin Yanzhao and didn't speak. They looked at each other for a long time. Su Nian also advised: "Joe, go, don't worry about us."

Qiao Yue nodded, "OK, I'll come right away. I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong. I'm really upset. I'm sorry, Mr. Jin, Xiao Nian." With that, Qiao Yue ran out.

Su Nian and Jin Yanzhao looked at each other and smiled, "it seems that Qiao Yue is really moved by what he cares about."

Su Nian nodded. "Yes, Mr. Gu is a good match for her. One knows the cold and the heat, is warm and considerate, and the other is careless. It seems strong but actually fragile. It's a good match."

Jin Yanzhao looked at her, his face suddenly gloomy, "don't boast a man in front of me."

Su Nian looked at Jin Yanzhao who showed this appearance, slightly bent his mouth, smiled and said, "are you jealous?"

"Well, I'm jealous." Jin Yanzhao answered very simply, without hesitation or hesitation, so he really told Su Nian he didn't like it.

Su Nian was slightly stunned. Under Jin Yanzhao's powerful aura, he came back to his senses. He pecked on his face and said, "good, don't be jealous. I won't say it in the future."

"Yes." Jin Yanzhao moved his throat.

Two people eat quietly and wait while eating.

As soon as Qiao Yue ran out, he began to dial Gu Qingyan's phone number. It rang for a long time before he got through.

"Hey, Qingyan, where are you?" Qiao Yue asked eagerly, with a trace of crying in her voice, and some moisture in her bright eyes.

"I... I'm..." Gu Qingyan in the car held the last thought before he connected the phone, but he was weak and couldn't say a complete sentence.

The mobile phone suddenly fell into the car, lying on the steering wheel and fainted like that.

Qiao Yue also found something wrong. Her voice was weak. She was obviously seriously injured. Now it was a busy tone, and no sound came out.

Qiao Yue immediately panicked, forced the tears back, and hurried back.

The door was pushed open with a bang. Jin Yanzhao and Su Nian looked at the visitor in surprise. Qiao yue rushed to Jin Yanzhao.

The voice said eagerly, "Mr. Jin, help me, please. Qingyan may be hurt, but I don't know where he is. I beg you, help me, help me..."

At the moment, Qiao Yue couldn't help it anymore. Tears spread out. Su Nian was in a panic and didn't know what to say.

"I'll arrange it right away and wait a minute." Jin Yanzhao said seriously, patting Qiao Yue's shoulder for a few times, which was a comfort.

Then he walked out of the box. Su Nian held Qiao Yue in his arms and comforted him gently.

"It's all right, Qiao Qiao. Don't worry. Yanzhao has arranged it. There will be news of Mr. Gu soon."

Qiao Yue kept crying. Su Nian had never seen such a sad Qiao Yue. For a moment, it was hard to predict.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't worry, Mr. Gu will be fine..." Su Nian comforted.

"It turns out that my feeling in my heart is right. I should have called earlier if I knew it was so. It's all my fault... Xiaonian, if he has a long and short life, I won't let myself go..." Qiao Yue said remorse.

"Joe, it's not your fault. Don't worry. Don't cry. Good, Mr. Gu will be fine. Don't cry..."

Jin Yanzhao pushed the door in and looked at Qiao Yue, who was crying heartbroken. His heart was also affected.

"Qiao Yue, I've asked people to go out and call the Transportation Bureau and the hospital. Don't worry. Let us know as soon as you have news." Jin Yanzhao frowned and said.

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Jin..." Qiao Yue looked at Jin Yanzhao with tears in her eyes, full of gratitude.

After a while, someone called.

"Well, I am. Did you find it?" Jin Yanzhao asked.

After a while, Jin Yanzhao hung up the phone, looked at Qiao Yue's expectant eyes and said, "I've found it, I've notified the ambulance, and now I'm on my way to Mingcheng Hospital..."

Before he finished, Qiao Yue ran out. Jin Yanzhao and Su Nian followed him, got in the car and quickly went to the hospital.

When he arrived at the hospital, Gu Qingyan had been sent to the ward. No one could enter except the medical staff.

The three men waited anxiously outside. After a while, the police also came and sent Gu Qingyan's mobile phone, and wanted to know what happened.

After all, it was a knife wound, and it was still in such a small alley. The police felt uneasy without investigating.

An hour later, Gu Qingyan woke up, and Qiao Yue stayed by his bed. Jin Yanzhao and Su Nian waited outside and couldn't bear to disturb them.

"Qing... Qing Yan, you wake up, you know? "I'm scared to death, you..." Qiao Yue said, and tears came out.

Gu Qingyan smiled weakly. It was full of morbid tenderness, which only made people feel distressed and guilty.

"Why are you crying..." Gu Qingyan said softly, his voice was a little hoarse, with a strong magnetism, and there was an unspeakable sexy.

"I'm worried about you. Do you know how worried I was when I couldn't hear your voice? I wish I could fly to you immediately..." Qiao Yue cried.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. I fought with some gangsters and accidentally cut my arm. I blame my body for being too weak, otherwise I wouldn't be like this." Gu Qingyan said.

Qiao Yue dried her tears and looked at Gu Qingyan with one eye. "Why fight with gangsters?"

Gu Qingyan thought for a moment and struggled. Qiao Yue shook the bed. Gu Qingyan found a comfortable position and slowly said, "because they bullied a girl."

Qiao Yue immediately understood that such things were not uncommon to her. Those dirty activities would not be saved after seeing them.

"If I meet this scum, I'll chop them and feed them to the dog." Qiao Yue said fiercely.

There was no longer the fragile look of crying just now, but returned to the usual domineering and strong look, which made Gu Qingyan laugh frequently.

"Well, the police are outside and say they want to know about the incident. I'll call them?" Qiao Yue said embarrassed.

Gu Qingyan nodded and replied, "OK, let them in."

Qiao Yue went out. Su Nian immediately met her, took her hand and asked, "how's it going? Are you awake? "

Qiao Yue pretended to be profound and said, "guess..."

Jin yanzhao, who was silent on one side, looked at Qiao Yue's funny appearance, and knew that Gu Qingyan was all right. He was relieved, and the corners of his mouth gently raised.

Su Nian said eagerly, "Joe, how can I guess that this is a matter of human life? Tell me... "

Qiao Yue stopped teasing her and said, "when I wake up, I feel very good. It's just that the wound is a little deep. It's estimated that I'll keep it for some time."

"Great..." Su Nian said.

"You go in. Qingyan is waiting for you inside." Qiao Yue said to the police.

The two policemen nodded, pushed the door and went in.

When Jin Yanzhao and Su Nian got home, it was already midnight. After a thrilling night, they finally fell silent.

After Qiao asked, he didn't know the reason why he left.

Qiao Yue wanted to stay in the hospital to take care of Gu Qingyan, but Gu Qingyan insisted on letting her go back, so she had to go home reluctantly.

Early the next morning, Su Nian received a call from Qiao Yue, disturbing her dream.

"Honey, did you get up?" The flattering tone made Su Nian only think that the person on the other end of the phone was definitely not Qiao Yue.

"Not yet..." Su Nian said vaguely.

"Why haven't you got up yet? Father-in-law sun is out. You're still sleeping. Get up..." Qiao Yue's roar came over the phone. Su Nian almost threw out his mobile phone.

However, the mobile phone is still well in hand, but the ears and brain have been completely destroyed.

Su Nian, who was originally dizzy, suddenly woke up and somersaulted.

"When did you get up so early? Today is the sun coming out in the east? " Su Nian asked.

"If the sun comes out in the East, it seems good. Get up quickly, chick, and accompany me to the hospital to see Gu Qingyan."

"You go alone. What's the situation when I go? When a super light bulb?" Su Nian hummed.

"Honey, how can you be a light bulb? You are my little lucky star. Go with me, go with me, okay?"