
Chapter 9 Trust

"Okay." Su Nian agreed with a smile.


"Xiao Nian, Mr. Jin is a good person. Although he was born rich, he never has the extravagant temper. He is never close to the female. It is estimated that you are the only woman he has been in contact with for so long."


Su Nian was very surprised, but still listened to An Xu's words, "So, please take care of him." An Xu's tone was imploring.


"He helped me when I was most difficult. I know that marriage is actually fake, so even if I want to repay his kindness, I will do my best to take care of him, so don't worry." Su Nian said.


An Xu listened to Su Nian's words, and there was an imperceptible light in her eyes...


Su Nian packed up everything, she was going to discharge from the hospital, and no family members came to pick her up. If he didn't come, then she would have to take the child home alone.


That him is naturally Jin Yanzhao.


At this time, the cell phone rang, which is a very light ancient song.




"Xiao Nian, I have a temporary meeting, can An Xu send you back?" A magnetic voice came from the phone.


Su Nian was a little disappointed, "Okay...Will you come to see the child tonight?"


Then she only heard a laugh from Jin Yanzhao, "If you misses me, just say it, why you use the child to make excuses."


"I didn't." Su Nian said with a guilty conscience.


"Have you, your husband know in the heart." After that, he hung up the phone.


Su Nian was speechless for a while, would he come or not? 


After struggling for a long time, there was no result. With An Xu's voice, it was left behind.


"Xiao Nian, let's go." An Xu said with a smile.


Su Nian hugged the child, her bodyguard carried her things, An Xu walked side by side with her, "I'm going to trouble you again, Xiao Xu."


An Xu teased the child and glanced at Su Nian with a smile, "What words do you say? I regard you as a good friend."


That made Su Nian smile softly and quietly, "Well, I won't say it, I won't say it again..."


The two gentle women looked at each other and smiled, revealing their pure and beautiful hearts, without a trace of distractions.


As soon as they walked out of the hospital's gate, the Luo came forward again, then the bodyguards immediately stood in front of them.


Mother Luo knew that she couldn't make it through, so she yelled, "You are a little bitch, why is our Luo sorry for you? How can you treat Wei Xin like this, vicious woman... …"


This undisguised scream immediately attracted many passers-by to come and watch, all faces showed expressions of righteous indignation, and the look of contempt was even more obvious.


Su Nian's face paled as she watched these people's pointers.


"I didn't, it was Luo Weixin..." Su Nian paled and hugged the child tightly.


An Xu patted her hand gently, indicating that it was okay, "Mrs. Luo, I hope you can state the facts. It is obviously that Luo Weixin likes a man. After calculating Su Nian, I think it is not Su Nian who cheated in marriage. , It's still your baby boy."


An Xu's words were sharp, and Luo's mother's face became more and more difficult to look at. The people around were talking quietly, their expressions full of sarcasm and contempt.


"You're talking nonsense, you're talking nonsense, it's obviously that are you, a bitch, who has abandoned Wei Xin, and now you have climbed the high branch, thinking you are a phoenix..." Mother Luo rushed forward, the strength in her hands became stronger .


The crowd suddenly became a little confused, and Su Nian was constantly squeezed backwards, and she was anxiously guarding the child in her hands. At this time, the child seemed to be frightened. He cried loudly, and Su Nian became more anxious.


Father Luo pushed down Su Nian secretly and took the opportunity to snatch the child from her arms. Mother Luo was still screaming sharply, attracting everyone's attention.


Su Nian held the child tightly, staring at the middle-aged man in front of him, " Loosen your grip, loosen your grip. "


" Su Nian, not to know chalk from cheese, my Luo family has done so much for you. It’s just a child, you can still have a baby. " Luo's father sneered fiercely.


"Are you so unscrupulous for this child?" Su Nian looked at the crying blushing child, feeling very uncomfortable.


Father Luo didn't want to entangle with her anymore, just kicked her hard, Su Nian's tears fell in pain, but she still held the child tightly in her hand, didn't want to loosen her hands. .


When Luo's father was about to kick again, one hand pushed Luo's father to the ground fiercely, "Stop it all." With a loud roar, all the voices came to an abrupt end.


An Xu pulled Su Nian up, Su Nian coaxed the child,then An Xu looked at the two people in front of her, "Can you do anything more terrifying? Your precious son, Luo Weixin, the chairman of the Luo’s company, likes men, and now are you going to fight for a child again?"


An Xu's questioning made them akward, " It is clearly that she is a woman who does not obey the law. She is still my son's wife, but she has someone else's child. Isn’t it cheating? "


Suddenly, there was a sharp brake sound, and as soon as the car door opened, a pair of feet in shiny and expensive leather shoes stretched out.


Immediately afterwards, there were a pair of slender and straight legs, a luxurious and clean suit, and a stern and cold face.


No matter where Jin Yanzhao is, he will radiate the most eye-catching light.


He came to Su Nian, touched her head, hugged her affectionately, looked at the aggressive couple, and said coldly, " I am very thankful to you to give Su Nian to me personally. "


This sentence not only restored Su Nian's dignity, but also indirectly acknowledged the object of their mouth, and put all the accusations on him.


"Hmph, I tell you, I have reported to the court, do you think I will be afraid of you?  Su Nian cheated on marriage, this is an established fact, you just wait for the notice of the court." Luo mother tried to save her initiative right.