
Chapter 8 Promising to Marry Him

Jin Yanzhao folded his legs and leaned on the chair, with his hands drooping on the armrests, his laziness was only added to his coercion.


"Talk, what are you going to talk about?" Su Nian twisted the corner of the quilt tightly, sat up upright, and asked anxiously.


"Obviously it's about the marriage."


"I haven't gotten divorced yet. I am a married woman." Su Nian blurted out, but felt wrong after speaking, and carefully looked at he expression on Jin Yanzhao's face.


But Jin Yanzhao was so calm that Su Nian couldn't figure it out completely.


"What? Do you still want to live with that man? " Jin Yanzhao's eyes narrowed, with a breath of danger.


"I didn't...I... " Su Nian didn't know what to say, only to deny it.


"In this case, you have become the mother of my child. If you don't marry me, who else do you want to marry?" Jin Yanzhao approached her, pretending to be a threat.


"Who knows if you are like Luo Weixin..." Su Nian asked back.


"Do you doubt?"


"Of course I doubt it. For people like you, there is definitely no shortage of women around, maybe there are a bunch of children. " Su Nian secretly speculated.


Jin Yanzhao snorted coldly, and said, "Are you kidding?"


Seeing his change of expression, Su Nian knew she had said something wrong, coughed pretendingly, and said, "You are a child of a wealthy family."


"Heh... Not all children of the rich family have to own many beautiful women. I don't bother this." Jin Yanzhao was very arrogant.


"You don't like beautiful women, can’t you…. " Su Nian said more and more quietly, looking at Jin Yanzhao's eyes, she also became extraordinarily smiling.


Jin Yanzhao's face turned dark, no man could bear such suspicion, even that he was still an excellent man with wealth and power.


Jin Yanzhao flung Su Nian fiercely. The close faces and the rising heat seemed to let people indulge in it.


"Whether I can or not, don't you know? Would you like to relive the feeling of the night eight months ago?" Jin Yanzhao said jokingly, pressing Su Nian's hand with strong power, making her unable to move.


Su Nian struggled with her hands, looking at the approaching face, panicked so much, her face became even more red, and it was full of blush, just like the sunrise on the horizon, waiting for someone to pick it up.


"Let me go, or I might shout..." Su Nian tried to threaten him.


"Okay, you shout, just let them all come and see whether I can or not. " Jin Yanzhao said rascally, playing tricks.


Su Nian looked at the door as if someone was pointing at them, feeling more anxious, and couldn't help begging, "I'm wrong, I'm wrong, you can do it, how can you not..."


"Huh, that's it?" Jin Yanzhao reluctantly said.


"Ah? What do you mean?" Su Nian looked at him, not understanding what he meant.


"You hurt my self-esteem. You wronged me so, don't you have any compensation?" Jin Yanzhao clutched his heart, pretending to be particularly injured.


"Compensation? What compensation?" Su Nian looked at Jin Yanzhao dumbly.


"If you marry me, I will not blame it." Jin Yanzhao looked down at her, and raised a meaningful smile.


Su Nian looked at that smile, and was immersed in it. Her consciousness suddenly became clear. He was like ecstasy. That smile, the corners of the mouth, made people commit crimes.


"Su Nian, do you agree or not?" The gentle tone was as soft as a March peach blossom.


Su Nian almost disarmed and surrendered, but there was the last trace of reason calling for her.


She and Jin Yanzhao belong to two worlds separately. If it weren't because Luo Weixin's calculation and the birth of this child, then they would be two parallel lines that never intersect. Is this kind of life what she wants?


"Su Nian, both the Luo family and Su family are eyeing this child. Only if you marry me and announce the identity of this child can I protect him with integrity." Jin Yanzhao analyzed the current situation for her.


"Moreover, after leaving Luo Weixin, how will you raise this child as a woman? Or, do you bear to watch the child endure discrimination and contempt by others, saying that he is a child without a father?"


Jin Yanzhao's words are reasonable, and they are in her heart. The facts that she realizes but are unwilling to accept always make her feel that she is not a qualified mother and cannot even protect her child.


The ward was silent, Jin Yanzhao was also silent, he was waiting, waiting for Su Nian's compromise.


"Jin Yanzhao, can I trust you?" Su Nian raised her watery eyes and looked at Jin Yanzhao.


Jin Yanzhao said very seriously: "I am your husband."


"Okay, I promise you, I will marry you." Su Nian said, a clear light burst into those eyes, pure and natural.


Jin Yanzhao smiled, put a kiss on her forehead, and then left, "This compensation is very good, and I am very satisfied."


Su Nian blushed, she shrank into the quilt and ignored Jin Yanzhao.


Jin Yanzhao was in a good mood, "Hurry up and take care of your body so that we can go home."


Gentle words always make Su Nian shy.


Jin Yanzhao left again. Su Nian looked at the sun shining outside the window. She thought, her decision was correct.


Every day after that, people from the Luo and Su came several times, but they were both stopped by An Xu.


On the topic of "Tan Zi" that day, An Xu's abnormality was finally over.


"Miss Su, your body is recovering well and you can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. I have already notified Mr. Jin." An Xu informed her the second time when he heard the news.


The first time, it was naturally left to Jin Yanzhao.


"Miss An, thank you for taking such care of me. " Su Nian thanked her sincerely.

An Xu held Su Nian’s hand in her hand, “If you really want to thank me, please don’t call me Miss An anymore, just call me Xiao Xu, and I will call you Xiao Nian too. Can I? "