
Chapter 89 Qiao Yue's worries

Gu Qingyan grabbed the man's neck and squeezed it with all his strength. While the man felt pain and suffocation, the knife stabbed Gu Qingyan's arm harder.

The remaining three men hurried up to help. Gu Qingyan kicked one. His skill was not as powerful as the man who was fighting with him.

"Don't run yet." Gu Qingyan said coldly to the shivering girl.

The girl's eyes were full of tears. At the moment of Gu Qingyan's eyes, she suddenly woke up, picked up her broken clothes, simply put them on her body, covered the important position, and hurried to run.

The three men hurried to intercept the girl. The girl ran desperately, but soon was caught by a man. The girl grabbed his arm and bit. The man let go of the pain.

"Smelly girl, bite me..." the man continued to chase.

The girl ran into the darkness and hid. The more the men ran forward, the more they couldn't see the figure. They said angrily, "damn girl, running is very fast."

Gu Qingyan and the man continue to stand in a stalemate. The strong pain from each other stimulates people's wireless potential.

Gu Qingyan made the last effort and slammed the man's head against the wall. A violent pain and blood flowed down his forehead.

The man was dizzy and calm because of the feeling of stress and pain. The man pushed hard, released Gu Qingyan, pulled out the knife fiercely, and blood flowed down one by one.

Gu Qingyan forced himself to calm down and stand tall and straight to show his strength.

"Brother, what should I do? I wonder if the little girl will call the police? Or I'll get her back. " A man behind him asked in a panic.

The man frowned and said angrily, "it's really useless. You can't fight. You can't even see a woman."

"Brother, I'm sorry, we're wrong." The man behind him said with a low eyebrow, bearing the anger from the man.

"Brother, are you still chasing?" After a long time, the man who just started talking asked tentatively.

The man ignored him. Looking at Gu Qingyan, who was still cold, he said reluctantly, "wait for me, boy. Don't let me meet you again, or I'll kill you."

"Let's go..." the man took the remaining three men and soon disappeared into the dark alley.

Gu Qingyan leaned against the wall, pressed the wound on his other hand with one hand, and felt the hot blood gushing out a little bit.

Breathing heavily, eyes light closed, easing their physical strength.

Gu Qingyan's body is already very weak. If it weren't for long-term exercise, it's estimated that he can't take care of his business today.

But whatever, it's not his style.

In Gu Qingyan's ear, there was a slight sound of footsteps. Gu Qingyan suddenly opened his eyes. What came into his eyes was a pair of eyes full of tears.

"Why are you back?" Gu Qingyan resumed his usual gentle voice and asked.

"I... I hid... My legs were soft... I couldn't beat them..." the girl was too frightened and stammered.

As soon as she spoke, her tears fell, and all the grievances sprang up, but she didn't make a sound.

"Don't cry. It's all over. Go home quickly." Gu Qingyan said.

"Home... Where do I still have home... It was su Nian's woman who caused me to this point. I hate her, I hate her..." the girl said almost out of control.

The body squatted down slowly and made a sound of pain. Gu Qingyan also frowned at this time. Although he had questions, he was still crying in the face of a girl who had just experienced that kind of thing. He couldn't ask.

Gu Qingyan tried to take off his coat. The pain from his arm made his face pale gradually. There were dense beads of sweat on his forehead.

He squatted down and covered her with his clothes. The torn clothes could not cover her body.

The girl raised her head and looked at him, "thank you for saving me. You're hurt. I'll accompany you to the hospital."

Gu Qingyan smiled, "it's all right. I'll go by myself. Go home quickly. How can a person have no home."

The girl said, "I really don't have a home. The landlord doesn't rent the house to me, otherwise how can I be here..."

"Why?" Gu Qingyan asked softly.

"I, I'm Fang Xiaohui." The girl bowed her head and admitted her identity very hard.

Gu Qingyan suddenly remembered the news report a few days ago, "no wonder you hate Su Nian."

"Shouldn't I hate her? It was because of her that Mr. Jin did this to me, and I was reduced to this point. Anyone can bully me... "

In the face of the girl's complaint, Gu Qingyan didn't want to say anything, but he also understood that everyone should be responsible for this resentment.

Gu Qingyan stood up and handed her a business card. "Go to the cat and dog nest, where you can spend tonight first. Let's talk about other things tomorrow."

Gu Qingyan walked forward step by step. Fang Xiaohui looked at the business card, looked at his back and asked, "what's your name?"

"Gu Qingyan."

The girl looked at him like this, a little bit integrated with the darkness. In her eyes, in addition to tears, there was gratitude.

When Fang Xiaohui used to be brilliant, she never knew what such days were like. Now, when she fell to the bottom, she realized what she had lost.

She hated herself more than Su Nian. She hated herself for making herself look like this.

The pressure of public opinion and the termination of the brokerage company have made her suffer great pressure and personal injury these days.

Tonight, she wanted to stay in the bar all night. At least the people there won't notice her, comment on her and point out.

She's really fed up with such days. Everywhere she goes, she looks at her with disdain.

In the bar, she felt temporarily relaxed, but it was also dangerous. The four men took her to the alley.

She struggled desperately, but there was no way to escape from four strong men. She wanted to ask for help, but no one seemed willing to help her. Instead, such things were common and common.

She was despairingly bullied by four men and humiliated to bear this inhuman torture. When she thought there was no way to live tonight, the man seemed to fall from the sky and save her.

This man is like a beam of hope projected from her bleak life, which makes her feel warm when she is extremely cold.

When Gu Qingyan walked to his car, his whole arm was full of bright red blood, and his consciousness had gradually faded.

Qiao Yue and Su Nian chatted happily. At this time, the door was pushed open. Qiao Yue stood up happily, with an indescribable light in her expectant eyes.

As a result, Jin Yanzhao put his hand in his trouser pocket and walked in cleanly. The light in Qiao Yue's eyes dimmed instantly, and his expression changed from surprise to disappointment.

"Yan Zhao, come." Su Nian stood up and took Jin Yanzhao's arm.

Jin Yanzhao pulled her into his arms with a smile and said gently, "well, there's a traffic jam on the road. I'm late."

"It's all right. Mr. Gu hasn't come yet. We may have to wait a while." Su Nian and Jin Yanzhao sat down.

At ordinary times, Qiao Yue was as quiet as a kitten. He didn't even look at Jin Yanzhao. All his attention was only focused on the black screen mobile phone.

"Qiao Yue, don't you welcome me?" Jin Yanzhao asked with a smile.

Qiao Yue looked up and looked at him lightly, "how can it be? It's my blessing that Mr. Jin can come." He patted his chest as he spoke.

"Really?" Jin Yanzhao asked suspiciously.

Qiao Yue's faint "um" can be regarded as an answer, and then continued to stare at the black screen mobile phone without saying a word.

Su Nian sighed and whispered in Jin Yanzhao's ear, "Mr. Gu has always been a punctual person, but Qiao Yue is a little worried that he hasn't come after so long."

"Maybe it's a traffic jam. I don't know what's wrong today. The traffic jam is very serious." Jin Yanzhao said softly.

After a while, Qiao Yue put down her mobile phone and said to Jin Yanzhao and Su Nian, "Mr. Jin, Xiao Nian, order, let's eat first."

"Are you waiting for him? If you don't wait, you may be on your way. " Su Nian took her arm and whispered.

Qiao Yue smiled at Su Nian. There was extreme uneasiness and worry in the smile, which made Su Nian feel very sorry.

"It's okay. Let's eat first. As you said, maybe he'll come soon. Qingyan doesn't like others waiting for him. He'll feel guilty, so order." Qiao Yue said.

"All right." Su Nian lowered his head and really didn't know what to say.