
Chapter 10 Jin's old house

But they did’t know that the arrival of Jin Yanzhao had determined the beginning and end.


" Okay, I'll wait for it. " Jin Yanzhao's cold tone and strong momentum enveloped Mr. Luo and his wife.


They shuddered for a while, but they still stood up, unwilling to admit defeat, secretly they became nervous and frightened.


Sitting in the car, Su Nian was still in shock, and the child in her arms gradually stopped crying. She opened her big eyes and looked around, very curious.


Jin Yanzhao hugged Su Nian in his arms, "Hey, it's okay..."


It didn’t know what Su Nian thought of, and she suddenly got up from Jin Yanzhao’s arms and grabbed his suit jacket, "What if the court notice comes? Jin Yanzhao, I don’t want this to be known to everyone..."


Su Nian's crying voice was inexplicably soft. Jin Yanzhao wiped the teardrops on her face with his fingertips, taking extra care and earnestness.


" I'll deal with it, there are no people in this world who dare to touch you! " Jin Yanzhao seldom showed stern expression in front of her, but gave Su Nian a reassurance.


Su Nian nodded, and the big rock in her heart finally fell.


Although the Luo was making trouble, there is one thing that was right. During her marriage, the child born from the Luo  was not their biological child. Even though the facts are said, there may not be evidence to prove it.


Su Nian looked at the man next to him, as if he was omnipotent, and there was way to make up for it when the sky fell... She couldn't help but smile.


Su Nian looked at the people and things passing by outside, and found that something was getting strange.


"This isn't the way to the villa?" Su Nian looked at the road going further and further, and couldn't help looking at the man who was sitting as steady as a mountain beside her.


Jin Yanzhao raised his eyes, "Who told you that we are going to the villa?"


"If you don't go to the villa, where shall we go?" Su Nian asked suspiciously.


Jin Yanzhao smiled mysteriously, but stopped talking. Su Nian didn't know the answer, so she simply ignored it. Anyway, she knew it when she got there. Could he still sell her?


After a long drive, the car finally stopped.


After getting off the bus, the maid butler stood in two rows and said in unison: "Welcome madame and young master."


Su Nian surprisingly looked at Jin Yanzhao, and saw that under the afterglow, his eyes were as dazzling and focused as stars...


He actually took her to Jin's old house.


" Su Nian, from today onwards, is the wife of Jin Yanzhao, and the child in her arms is also my eldest son. " Jin Yanzhao said to everyone.


The aura is full, there is a kind of aura that Su Nian admires in every gesture.


" Mosen, please take care of her when I'm not at home in the future. " Jin Yanzhao said to the man in suit who came to greet them.


"Yes, I know." Mo Sen nodded respectfully, then turned to Su Nian and said, "Hi, Madam, I am Mo Sen, the housekeeper of the Jin family."


"Hello..." Su Nian said cautiously to Mo Sen.


"Madam, you are polite."


"Let's go in." Jin Yanzhao hugged Su Nian.


Under the gaze of everyone, Su Nian was nervous and didn't know what to do. She only felt that the hot temperature of the hands on her waist seemed to burn her skin.


This house is amazingly big, the layout of which is designed in accordance with the European style, and everything is exquisite to make people amazed by its beauty.


Su Nian sat stiffly on the precious velvet sofa, soft as the cloud.


" Hello, madam, I am the wet nurse invited by Mr. Jin, let me take care of the child. " An middle-aged woman said softly.


"Okay, trouble you." Su Nian stood up and was very polite.


"No trouble, no trouble, if you doesn't dislike it, just call me Li." Seeing Su Nian's gentle and soft, the middle-aged woman seemed to had a sigh of relief and instantly became acquainted.


" Okay, Li ... " Su Nian called out obediently.


Then Li left with the baby, Jin Yanzhao smiled and looked at all this, "Unexpectedly, you have some ability to win over people..."


Su Nian didn't pay attention to this, "Hey, why did you hire a wet nurse? I think it's better for the parents to bring the children."


Jin Yanzhao approached her and jokingly said: "You don't have breast milk. If I don’t hire a wet nurse, do you want to starve my son to death?"


Su Nian's face turned red in an instant, "You, how did you know that I don't have breast milk..." She couldn't tell her words, and she was ashamed.


"I naturally have my way..." Jin Yanzhao would not tell her these things for fear of scaring her.


Jin Yanzhao's hand hugged her waist, and with force, he pressed her closer to him. Then a strong breath that only belonged to a man tightly wrapping Su Nian.


"However, this is the first time I heard of that woman who gave birth to a child has no breast milk. Did you drink it stealthily?" Jin Yanzhao evoked an evil smile, which was really owed.


Su Nian's face became even more red, " Jin Yanzhao, you are shameless, you are nasty, you are rascal... "


Su Nian became angry, and her small fist hit Jin Yanzhao's chest fiercely. But for Jin Yanzhao, this strength was almost the same as scratching through a boot, and it had no pain at all.


" There is something more shameless. Would you like to try? " Jin Yanzhao grabbed her wagging hand, leaned down, whispered in her ear, and deliberately licked her earlobe.


Suddenly, Su Nian's body trembled, and a peculiar air current emerged, and the tingling feeling made her very scared.


" Jin, Jin Yanzhao... " Su Nian's eyes were moist, and she looked at him with an imploring expression.


Such a pitiful appearance would only arouse Jin Yanzhao's desire to torture her even more.


Jin Yanzhao's eyes turned dull, " Xiao Nian, don't look at me like this, I am a normal man. "


This sentence made Su Nian never move or look.


Jin Yanzhao secretly suppressed the impulse of desire in his body, hugged her, and let go.


" Xiao Nian, your main task now is to accompany our child. You don't need to do other things, just stay here at ease and call me if you have trouble. " Jin Yanzhao said carefully.