
My Half Mates

Esmeray is a beautiful kind and powerless human girl. The moment she met her Mates or in human word Soulmates, her world turn into an dangerous storm. She discover some thing which she never thought it's exist. What will she do when she discover her true self..?? Will she except her fate or is she going to lost her humanity during this process.???

Rukia_Debbarma · Fantasy
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19 Chs

WHAT WAS IT...?????

Morning 7'o Clock Alarm rings -----

Esmeray - Just 5 more minutes my pigoo 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ (After opening one eyes) Shit it's already 7 AM. Fuck I have to wake my lazy ass and start getting ready for the university otherwise I am going to be late for my first day..


After taking a shower I packed my bags to leave my hometown Canada. Because it's time for my new life and to explore my new lifestyle too I guess. But I don't know what's happening with me, suddenly I felt so excited like I am going to meet someone there. But whoever it is, I am ready for everything. So its time for some adventure. Now I have to go to the kitchen have my breakfast and say my goodbyes. Then I can leave. Specially I am going to miss my mom and dad, but I know there blessings will be always with me. Now I am ready.


Esmeray - Mom let's go. We have to go, otherwise we are going to be late for my University first day.

Mom - Okay baby, just have your breakfast first then we can leave. And did you pack everything,

Esmeray - Yes mom all set. I am just going to miss your meal and dad hugs.

Dad - You know princess we are just one phone call away. Just give us a call and we will be there. And don't forget to call us everyday. We are going to miss you like crazy princess ( little sob )..

Esmeray - Dad don't cry I will be home soon before you realise. And I am going to visit you when I will get a chance. So don't worry, don't miss me to much dad and mom. You know I love you guys a lot.

Mom & Dad - We love you too princess.


Finally we are here at Svalbard, Norway. My dream destination and my favourite place in the whole world. Specially the university. University in Longyearbyen, University center in Svalbard. Can't wait to see the Northern lights, which is the main reason I am here today. Finally my childhood dream is going to fullfill. Fuck I am so excited. But also tired for this long ass journey which take 6.51 hours to reach. But I know my jetlag will be disappear once I saw the Northern lights.

Esmeray - So it's the last box . Everything is here I guess and now I just have to unpack and settle everything before the class start.

Mom - Yeah do it today princess, because remember from tomorrow onwards your class going to start. So for now it's all done we can leave now.

Esmeray - Okay mom. Everything is already settled in my dorm room, just have to settle some of my things, other than that everything is good. You can leave now otherwise you guys will be late for flight.

After saying goodbye to mom and dad. I return to my dorm room as I enter the room I hear a laugh, which is none other than my dorm mate just unpacking her stuff and laughing while talking on phone. I immediately feel happy atleast my dorm mate is friendly. So I approach her when she hear my heels sound she turn around putting all her attention on me and stand from ground while living some of her unpacking things. She smile widely and I continue to speak —

Esmeray - Hey I am Esmeray, Esmeray Finley major Literature and a fresh year student.

Unknown - Hi I am Daisy, Daisy Warren major Architecture and a fresh year student just like you. Atleast I have English with me, so we have atleast one common classes where we can have a little chat during classes. In that way we won't be bored and I feel like we were going to be a best friend in a matter of time. ( wink )

Esmeray - That's great I m looking forward it too my soon to be bestie. ( chuckle)

Daisy - We will ( smile ).

After talking to my dorm room mate I took a shower because here it's so freaking cold. I change in my pyjamas and have my dinner and go to sleep directly. Because after a long travel I don't have a energy to talk and unpack some of my clothes so as I lay down, I drifted off to sleep before I know..



After a loud bang sound my eyes suddenly open. As I quickly check my phone it's 3'o clock showing at my phone screen. I look the other side of my room and Daisy is sleeping peacefully making a little snore sound. Then again the Bang sound come from the window, like something is banging outside. I silently stand up from my bed as I making my way to window. I saw something was big standing towards the tree but I am not seeing properly because of these tree shadows. But suddenly my eyes catch something black and a big shadow, as I rub my eyes to see it properly my eyes become wide because whatever it is. It is so big then this creature eyes met mine as I look through his eyes, I feel like I am safe I don't why I am feeling like these. But if it's happening then there must be something. And the creature eyes go wild like it was in shock then it smiles like everything is good. But the creature smile doesn't creep me out, fuck now I am feel like I am crazy. But as I blink the creature was long gone. Now now if I tell anyone people will think I had gone crazy, maybe I am seeing things just because I am tired. Is it really a big creature or am I really seeing things. If I am seeing things then what was it..???

This question was running on my mind as I walk on to my bed and my eyelids become heavy as I am thinking about tomorrow because its a big day, my first day at my university. I am so ready for it. But I still want to know What was it.?? As I was thinking about everything I drifted off to sleep😴😴💤💤..