
My Half Mates

Esmeray is a beautiful kind and powerless human girl. The moment she met her Mates or in human word Soulmates, her world turn into an dangerous storm. She discover some thing which she never thought it's exist. What will she do when she discover her true self..?? Will she except her fate or is she going to lost her humanity during this process.???

Rukia_Debbarma · Fantasy
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24 Chs

it's time part - 2

Another side of the world ---

Spy - Your Majesty *vow*

King - What's the news.??

Spy - We found your daughter your majesty.

King - *coffee cup slips from hand* What did you just say.??

Before we continue let me introduce myself ---

Hey readers as all you know I am a king from Luncheon kingdom (Fictional name) which is located in Finland. So my kingdom is name after Moon goddess there is a myth that our kingdom was created by our moon goddess herself. She used to live here and always bless this kingdom with her peace,her power and whenever a girl child born in this kingdom she will descend all her power even while growing up the girl child will unlock another power which is choose to live a normal life or the immortal life. But in our whole generation we never had a daughter hopefully this time there will be a daughter. Is she still don't have a power we won't mind we just want a healthy little daughter.

Spy - Yes your majesty we detect the moon goddess power it's not that strong but still the power was used and it's her.

King - How can you be so sure that it's moon goddess power.?? It can be other creatures power like fairy,vamps or werewolf.

Spy - No your majesty it's not another creature power it's the same power as the moon goddess only the difference is she fainted after the power use.!!

King - That means she don't have any idea she have a power.!!

Spy - Your Majesty I think she is your daughter because if the myths are true then the first descend girl child will be born by moon goddess powers.!!

King - But we had a son not a girl her majesty give a birth to a son not a girl .!!! And they both were twin but one son had died after the delivery process how can she be our daughter it's impossible how it can be.!!

Spy - How can you be sure Your Majesty no human being can be hold so much power as moon goddess.!! If she had that type of power then soon the devil will find her and it will be dangerous for her to live without protection. So think through your majesty .!!!

King - If what you are telling me is true then someone double cross me in this palace if she is really my daughter then whose son was died at that hospital which we held and made a funeral for Prince.!!! So much questions.!!!

Spy - I have one more proof that she might be your daughter your majesty.!!

King - Show me what is it.??

Spy - That's her picture ..!! She have same hair colour and eyes which is duplicate of yours your majesty. Not only that she had a black mole behind her neck which is totally identical like yours black mole your majesty.

King - *watching pictures* Omg she really look like my duplicate but a girl version. I am so confused right now.!! Who swap my babies in the hospital room then.!!

Spy - Looks like we have a rat in our palace your majesty which we had to deal with it.

King - We need more information before we show up at her door.!! Inform the *Red moon* Prince that we need his help ..!!!

Spy - But first your majesty let's find that rat who play with her majesty babies. For that rat our majesty have to go through so much pain she fell sick for months.

King - You read my mind..!! Make truth serum and call all the staff to be present by 10 minutes. Looks like today they are going to see with their eyes that the King of Luncheon just not a great king with so much kindness if the situation came then he can be brutal and become a merciless King ..!!! How daring of them that they play with the King's family.!!

Spy - Yes your majesty I am on it ..!!! *bow and leaves the room*

Hmmm,*sigh* people always respect me as their king not only that I am always a fair ruler never done and take any unfair decisions.!! Here I am as helpless as a normal father waiting for some kind of confirmation while having so much power it benifits me nothing.!! All power are useless I am realising it today while waiting for my staff to gather here. All this time I had a daughter which I never knew about and after hearing this I feel like a failure to my daughter if she truly is daughter then I don't know how I am gonna make her believe that I am his real father. Will she forgive me after hearing this that we give up on her that we didn't even try to look for her we just assume that our twin baby died.!!! If it's true then how we are going to explain to her all of this..!!! And what will she react when she will discover that she had a power which can destroy the world in a second but not only that she can create and nurture the world in a second too if she wants.!! Suddenly I feel some icy hands on my shoulder which is none other than my wife.!!!

Queen - I hear everything my king..!!! *Little sobs*

King - *little sobs* Yuilia did you hear what our spy just inform us that we have a daughter can you believe it. That means you never lost a baby.!!

Queen - Yes Emerick if it's true then i can't wait to meet our daughter..!! I thought I lost another twin that day but it looks like we have our both children. I can't wait to share the news with Erik he would be so happy.!!

King - You know Yuilia I think that's why our son Erik doesn't had any side effect as we know twin bond is a unbreakable if one twin dies another one feels it.!! But after that incident our son doesn't feel anything..!! He even always inform us that he had a little sister who always come to his dream and call him to find her but we never believe it.!! *Sigh*

Queen - It's okay love we didn't know that time now we know if it's true then we are going to get back her no matter what.!! Our precious daughter belong here with us.!! And this time no one can hurt our precious daughter we will make sure of it..!!!

*Both nods*

Spy - Your Majesty and her majesty everything is ready let's go to the throne room.!!

King - *nod* Go I am coming in a seconds..!!

*Spy leave the room*

King - Love let's find out.!! If the spy is telling us the true then today someone has to pay for our daughter disappearance.!! *Roars*

*In throne room*

King - So first of all thanks to all of you that you all gathered here in such a short time but the main reason you are all here because we all are going to participate in a test today.!!

Mindlink - Love it's time create the illusion and I will make them talk and try to see their memory of that night.!! *Both nods*

This is for my daughter whoever did this to our daughter they will pay today I am a witch but I never use my magic because I left the coven.!! But that doesn't mean that I am a bad witch we were a white witch but today for my daughter I will summons all kind of powers so I can gather as much as information in that way we will be able find her soon.!! I sigh and move my fingers as the illusion start to crawl from my palm and surround everybody who is present in this room.!! I sense some of them hesitate but some of them are not even afraid most of them are not afraid of the situation cause they are innocent. I release whoever is not afraid but some of them are hesitate because of their relationship then one person fear catch my power my own sister.!! No it can't be.!! I immediately mindlink my husband and inform him ---

Mindlink - Love it's my sister who is afraid of the situation before she break through it catch her memory..!!!

My husband nod and i concentrate more on my power so in that way I can hold her power before she realise it.!! My sister is also a witch but she is not fully witch yet but yeah she can create some magics but other than that she can't block some powerful force.!! Which is mine and my husband. As I create more illusions towards her the little magic she had herself starting to break little by little..!! My husband and my eyes meet eachother he nods.!! That means the work is done.!!

Queen - All out except my sister, let's have a little chat my beautiful sister Vuilia.!!

*Everyone leaves*

King - Why did you do that we treat you like our sister.??

Vuilia - Sister oh please.!! You don't get to call me that.!! I am not ashamed what I did but I am happy that you won't ever find your daughter.!! Which is long gone and might be killed by some thugs.!!

Queen - Why sister why .?? You are there aunt why did you do that.?? I can't believe that you would do such things.!! They were babies what harm can be do to you.??

Vuilia - Isn't about the babies it's about you sister, you were always the best sister, best magic, best husband and best daughter. What else I deserve other then your sister always treat like your shadow who walks behind you. Want to know why I did this.?? I was the one who wanted to get married with Emerick but see who else get to marry with him obviously you. I loved Emerick from the moment I knew he exist but you as always had to take it from me. I even try some little magic so I can seduce him but look what did I get from that his love for you so pure that the spell didn't even work on him. So my last Target was hurting your children which I did it. And as stupid as you sister didn't even asked me for the details you just believe my all words.

Queen - Because I believed you sister I can't even imagine that you can do such things. Our daughter didn't even deserve it.!!! *Cry* you are gonna regret this ...!!!

Vuilia - Ohh don't cry sister *evil laugh* your daughter probably might have some creatures dinner already.!!!

Queen - Enough..!!!

I twist my hand and whatever the Little control I had I lost everything how can she talks shit about my daughter my precious daughter.!! God knows how she is been or whom her parents or how she treated.!! And here she is talking about shits.!! I am going to kill her, I twist and turn my fingers as my magic starting to flow as strong as ever my eyes becomes green my energy reach towards her neck while tightening around her neck the creep smile occur on my face.

Queen - Do you know how I know about this.?? Because my daughter is alive and I am going to find her and will continue to treat her like a princess as she deserves. But you won't see her smile cause you are the one who caused the damage.!! Your evil claws will never reach my daughter never ever.!! Because she had her own power and I will help her to grow as a kind person.!! And you will have to pay what you did to my princess.!! Now go to hell..*ahhh*

And just like that I observe her all power, now she will leave as a normal human beings unless and until I give back to her my power.!! *Clap*

Queen - Take her to the infinity trap from that trap she will never return to human world.!! You know what lets go now I will escort her.!!!

Vuilia - No sister just kill me but no infinity trap it's a endless trap with no day, time and year.!! Please sister I am so sorry please forgive me.!! Kill me but don't trap me there.!! I am begging you.!!

Queen - Let's go.!!

Mindlink - Love are you sure.?? I am sure my king for her I always had to think that I don't deserve a baby because I lost my baby.!! But this whole time she knew how much I suffer but still she don't have any regret until it's came to her own life.!! So I am taking her there no matter what..!! Okay my Queen do your thing I will wait here after that we are going to get our princess back.!! *Both nods*

Queen leaves the room with her escort ---

Vuilia - Please sister don't do this.!! We are sisters how can you forgot about me just like that.??

Queen - Yes that's way my princess beg you too I am sure the difference is she can't talk abck that's time.!! No more request now go.!!

I summon my power and infinity trap open infront of me as I push my sister into the infinity trap and the trap close infront my eyes.!!! I took a deep breath it's time to get back my princess.!! Princess your family is coming hold tight.!! I summon my power again and my body vanished from that room i immediately presence myself into the throne room Where my husband is waiting for me.!!

Queen - Love let's go.!! I can't wait to meet her .!!

King - Let's go love I still can't believe that I had a daughter a princess.!! But first thing first let our son know.!! Call him.

Queen - *nod* *phone rings*

Erik - Yes mom .???

Queen - Son you had a sister.!!!

Erik - *other lines silent*

Queen - Son say something..??

Erik - Mom are you high.?? Where did this came from.?? You always believe that I am just seeing some dreams.!! Told you it's true.!!

Queen - We believe you son we believe you. You had a twin but it's a girl your sister we thought that your twin died. But looks like she was alive the whole time she just got exchanged by your aunt Vuilia. I can't believe she could do something like that.!! And we are flying there so we can meet her.!!

Erik - I always knew aunt Vuilia had some evil spirit atleast hope she is out of our lives now.!! But I think mom let me go first i can't wait to meet my baby sister.!! Enroll me wherever college or university she is studying I will be there so I can protect her but not only that I can unhold this true little by little. In that way she will believe us. But if you just go there and make amends I don't think she will believe us. Not only that she will think that we abandoned her.!!

Queen - I think you are right.!! I will give you the information go and meet her but don't make us long son we are dying to meet our princess.!!

Erik - Me too mother me too.!!

King - Son I have send the address to your phone box go and check it there.!! We are enrolling you there today.!!

Erik - Thanks dad can't wait to meet our princess mom and dad.!! *Sobs* i have a sister i always wanted it.!! And now I have .!!

King - I know son i know.!! Just go help her and protect her.!! If she use her power as my spy inform them she might be in great danger soon.!!

Erik - Don't worry dad nobody can hurt our princess anymore no matter what they have to go through me first before they touch my little sister hair.

King - Yes we will protect her..!! Okay son bye love you take care of yourself.!!

Queen - Yes son take care of yourself and get to know our princess. Make her believe we love her never abandoned her.!! Love you son.

Erik - Love you too mom and dad.!! I am going tonight just enroll me there Bye..!!

*Call cuts*

Andy - What happened buddy..??? The call was long.. Is everything okay.??

Erik - You won't believe what happened.!! I had a sister my twin sister. * Explain everything*.

Andy - Shit she didn't deserve this someones wrong doing and she had to suffer..!! Let go get your sister back.

Erik - Yes we are going pack your bag vacation over it's time for Mission finding my sister.!!

Andy - *Laugh* yeah mission finding your sister.!!

Erik - Great mom and dad send me her address. I am coming little sister don't worry everything will be right.

And we leave to catch a long flight. Sister here we come.!! We reach after 12 hours of flight we land in international airport..

Andy - Let's go buddy it's time.!!

Erik - Yes it really is.

We both sigh and enter the campus..!!!

Next update Tuesday

Rukia_Debbarmacreators' thoughts