
My Half Mates

Esmeray is a beautiful kind and powerless human girl. The moment she met her Mates or in human word Soulmates, her world turn into an dangerous storm. She discover some thing which she never thought it's exist. What will she do when she discover her true self..?? Will she except her fate or is she going to lost her humanity during this process.???

Rukia_Debbarma · Fantasy
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24 Chs


As I woke up from a sweet sleep the first thing I check is the time as I check the time it's 12 PM. Oh fuck I had a class at 9 AM great I just miss my glasses again. It looks like all my classes are going under the bridge if I skip classes like this I sure as hell going to get F in all my papers. *Eyeroll* as I rise from my bed I notice Daisy is also here wait isn't she had a class at 10 AM today why she is still here. As I stand and walk towards her bed she is still sleeping so peacefully and some evil thought came to my mind in that way I can wake her up.!!

Grabbing the water bottle without wasting any time I pour all the water into her head she imediately open her eyes and sit on her bed. Her face immediately change into smile to annoying and I start laughing.!!! She roll her eyes and reply ---

Daisy - What was that for.?? I didn't even did anything to you.!! *Puppy eyes*

Esmeray - Sorry i had to do this you were sleeping too peacefully.!! *Laugh*

Daisy - It's too early for this shit Esme after what you did last night all you can do is make me sleep more.

Esmeray - What did I do.?? I am innocent you know.

Daisy - *eyeroll* Innocent and you someone give me some poison.!! So I don't have to hear this *innocent* word its so irritating *annoying smile*.

Esmeray - Hey what are you taking about. *Blush* I even had no idea what are you saying I was just sleeping like a baby last night.!!

Daisy - Yeah yeah babies don't kiss two boys at the same time or should I say two mans.. Anyway tell me who was the best kisser Zeke or Ris.?? I heard Zeke is the best kisser cause half of the girls in this campus is kissed by him.! Not me he is not my type I have a bf and he is joining from today.!! Omg he is joining today what's the time.??

Esmeray - Um okay you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend and wait what Zeke is a playboy.

Daisy - We will talk later I have to go I have to receive him.!! He is coming with his best friends so talk later. Love you.

She rush through from our room grabbing her backpack without looking back. I shout before she go further ---

Esmeray - Your clothes change your PJs, you can't go there like that.

Daisy - Oh shit. I had to change before going to campus otherwise he will think why am I running around campus half naked. *Nervous laugh*

Esmeray - Now go and change while you change I will pack our bags. *Smile*

Daisy - Fine. I am so tired but excited at the same time.

While she is changing her clothes i quickly got up and change my clothes too. Looks like she is washing her face then I start packing our bags with books. While packing our books I hear some strange noise ---

Strange voice - Ray Ray wake up.!! You have to connect with your soul before it's too late. It's time your birthday is coming this is the time where you will achieve your all powers.

Wait what was that whose voice is that I look around the room but no one is here I am alone in this room. As I look around our mirror catch my attention my shadow appear in the mirror but it's not same it's like i am talking to myself but it's not me. The reflection suddenly smile she is wearing some gowns which is not close to what I am wearing right now.

Reflection - Why are you looking at me like that, like I am some kind of miracle or magic .!!

Esmeray - What who are you.?? Where did you came from and why are you wearing some gowns you are my reflection but you are wearing totally opposite me.

Reflection - I am you Esme and you is me.!!

Esmeray - You are delusional you are not me I am um um um myself.!!

Reflection - *smile* Esme try to understand I am me I am inside you we are in this together.

Esmeray - Um you know if you are doing some kind of magic then be my guest. But you are not me and now go away I am late for class.

Reflection - Esme Esmeray listen to me.!! You birthday is coming up wake me up from your close brain. Otherwise I won't be able to help you.

Esmeray - I told you I don't need your help now go away.

Reflection - Please it's time to wake up from that amnesia it's time. Otherwise we won't find out M---

Before she can finish her sentence Daisy enter the room from washroom. She touch my shoulder as I turn around she just start staring at me with her confused eyes.

Daisy - What is it.?? Whom are you talking to is someone here.??

Esmeray - No no just talking to myself.

As I turn around and look at the mirror the reflection which is talking to me at that moment is now vanished it's like she didn't exist in this world. Oh god Esme you just hit your head pretty well. Now I am seeing things which even don't exist great Daisy will think I am some kind of psycho.

Daisy - Let's go we are already late and my bf is here. Let's go let's go I can't wait to meet him I am so excited.

We nod as we leave our room and make our way towards the campus. As we reach the campus the whole campus is on talk like how i attract two most handsome man in this university one who isn't interest in any man or woman and another one is a playboy. Great Me and Zeke have a lot of talk about this situationship. Wait there is three man groups who is standing just close to my mans. I mean Close to Zeke and Ris and they are smiling, talking about some thing. While University hate me now just because I made contact with this two great now I have to face the biggest mean girls group too. Anyway I don't care about them what my heart desire I will do it without a heart beat. As we are walking towards the boys group Daisy suddenly run towards one boy as she hug him the boy hug her back and they kiss looks like this is the bf he is talking about. But his other friends are looking at me like they want to crash me under their feet they are so tall and muscular just like Zeke and Ris. As I approach them the other two boys smile..

Daisy - Babe how are you I miss you, how was your vacation with boys.??

Andy - Everything was great babe but although I miss you so much. How was your classes and the whole campus.?? How is treating you.??

Daisy - Everything is perfect babe I just miss you and your presence that's all otherwise I couldn't careless about classes and all. Anyway meet my roommate Esmeray. Esmeray my bf Andy and yeah he is a band member too.. You know Zeke band thats how I know him. *Wink*

Esmeray - Hi.

Andy - Hi Esme I hear a lot about you.

Esmeray - All good things I guess.

Andy - Ofcourse my babe can't even contain her happiness that you are her roommate she never bond well with any girls but with you she just feel safe and happy.!!

Daisy - Hey you can't enclose my secrets. *Angry face*

Andy - Sorry babe truth hurts.

Daisy - Anyway meet other friends and bandmate too. This is Erik, Lucian and the main lead singer you know him pretty well. *Wink*

Esmeray - Hi everyone I am Esmeray.

Everybody was friendly but I don't know why Lucian touch is uncomfortable the way he is holding our handshake it's indescribable. It's like he doesn't want to let go he is not even releasing my hands. He just stand and lick his lips the way he lick his lips my body get some goosebumps before I pull my hands from him Zeke appear behind me and without wasting anytime his hand hold my waist and pull my body towards him slowly.

Ezekiel - Lucian how about you release her hand.

Lucian - Oh yeah yeah I am sorry Esme I just was being friendly if you feel uncomfortable I won't do this again.

Esmeray - No no it's okay. Just don't hold it like that.

Ezekiel - Let's go Skön I have something to show you.

Daisy - Have lunch with us guys we are meeting after a long time.

Esmeray - Yeah why not let's go. We will go after class ocean eyes is that okay with you.??

Ezekiel - I don't mind.. *side eye to Lucian*

Fenris - Am I invited too or should I just leave.

Esmeray - Of course you are too Killer I won't leave you alone. What if you died of boredom if I leave you alone. You need some sunshine in your life not some computer sunshine you know what I mean.

Fenris - *blush smile* Hmm you know me pretty well I guess let's go. Josh come with us.

Ezekiel - Yeah come with us I don't mind.!!

Erik - I don't mind too come with us Josh take a chill pill and leave some works for tomorrow how can you manage work and University altogether.

Josh - I don't mind I like to use my brain 24×7.

We all leave for lunch as we sit in cafeteria both killer and ocean eyes sit besides me as our food arrived I start eating cause I am hungry as shark. Daisy and his bf are being in their world not focusing on what is happening around them I guess that's how love works. At the same time there is some tension between Josh and Erik it's like there is a sharp knife only with that sharp knife we can cut this tension. They are looking at each other like they are hungry for each other but at the same time holding so much back because of some reason. But Caprice he is totally opposite he is not interested in anything he just stare at my face while I was eating which is very creepy. As soon I look up our eyes meet i immediately cut our eye contact but he still try to hold our eye contact which I don't even want to look for. His eyes shines whenever he looks at me his eyes is the perfect mixture of blue and green eyes. I know I don't want to look at him but something is different with him. It's like I know him from thousand years. His eyes is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and oh man he is build up Just like Ris and Zeke. His eyes are telling me a thosand of stories which is connected with me and only I can read those beautiful eyes. As I am thinking about all of this suddenly I feel two pair of hands of my thighs great it's Zeke and Ris both hand is getting up and up while moving sensually it's like they are teasing me again. As there hand reach up to my short skirt I look towards them but both just *smirk* oh two can play at this game. Before they could continue anymore I stand up from the table while excusing myself ran towards the washroom.

Esmeray - This boys will be the death of me..! *Sigh* As I look up at the mirror the reflection appear again.

Reflection - Wake up Esme wake me up unlock me before they arrive. Before it's too la--

Esmeray - But who are you.??

Reflection - Please da----

Before she could finish more words the fire alarm start ringing and suddenly the room is filled with some kind of fire gas. I ran towards the door but the door is locked i tap the door 2 times 3 times no response. I try to open the door but it's not budging before I can think of anymore my vision gets blurred and i collapse again three times in a row. Before I close my eyes I saw Lucian who is smiling like maniac then everything went dark.