
My Gooning System

I, Herald Goonberg, after dying, found myself in the world of Gu At first, I didn't know what to do. however, I soon found out that I have something that most inhabitants of this world don't have, that is, My gooning system. With this system, even Venerables, The Great Dao, and Heaven's Will, Will have no way of defeating me. I will stop at nothing just to get back to my home world.

Mrek_Travo · Book&Literature
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4 Chs


As the elder snowman got closer, the Gu House's four pillars shifted all attention toward it.

The nearest pillar shot out a ball of white liquid stuff, The next closes followed, and so on.

The snowman was very agile, able to quickly evade the white stuff even at just the span of which an eye can blink.

There were many close calls where the snowman almost got hit, but using its icicle samurai, he was able to deflect the white stuff.

He continued advancing and retreating, destroying parts of the Gu House while avoiding the white stuff.

"Come on Human! Are you gonna hide inside this Gu House forever?"

The elder snowman taunted, his tone was fierce.

Herald paid no heed to the words that were said to him, he was calculating the right time for him to jump in and surprise the snowman.

Herald already saw many opportunities, But Right now,

It was not that he didn't want to quickly walk away, it was because fear was looming in his mind.

"What if I die before making it inside this Gu House?"

[You will not die, I promise of that.]

[You just have to find the perfect timing and I will guide you, put your trust in me.]

Saying so, Herald put his trust in the System again, he saw many opportunities but he knew they were traps to lure him outside.

When the True opportunity came, Herald put both of his hands in front of him and moved as if he were swimming, suddenly, the white liquid that had accumulated in his palm gushed out as if were a gust of wind, propelling him quickly.

The snowman was caught by surprise but he managed to take a step back, his gaze was serious as he raised his Samurai Icicles in a fighting position.

"So, you've finally decided to come out and face me huh, I will be kind enough to grant you a swift death."

Herald made a fighting stance, and as instructed by the system, he activated a function of the killer move Dragoon twin killer move.

"Dragoon Twin: Claws"

White liquid from his wings started levitating toward his elbow, which then started slowly going down into his palms and his fingers.

The liquid extended from his elbow unto his arms, the whole of his knuckle was covered by the white stuff, his fingers were then covered next, and the white liquid was forming into a claw.

On his elbow, the white liquid formed a shield-like sharp shape that extended a few cm.

The snowmen watched as Herald's arms transformed, some were in awe and some were in hysterical laughter.

"Haha isn't his hands just covered in $#&???"

"What a freak!"

"Supreme Elder make this human regret insulting our kind!"

Herald seemed calm but inside he was still scared of what might happen. Despite only being in this world for a few hours, he gained much new knowledge from the system.

In times of peace, Rank Fours, and Fives barely made an appearance as they could influence the whole of the Mortal world of their respective region.

While Rank fours are formidable characters in the mortal world, they are nothing in the face of Rank Five Gu Masters who are just a few steps away from reaching immortal cultivation.

Generally speaking, super clans and large clans have a Rank Five as their clan leader, while Rank Fours only hold the position of elders.

Throughout the five regions of the Gu world, Rank Four and Rank Five Gu masters were worlds apart.

However, there are many exceptions to the first, For example; demonic cultivators.

Demonic cultivators are those that are unbound by the rules, even Herald's Senior, Great Love Immortal Venerable, was a Demonic Cultivator for a significant portion of his life.

The odds were heavily against him, but is there a way to escape with no repercussions? There was not!

Herald was not afraid of repercussions but of death.

Back on Earth, he continued doing illegal activities despite the risk!

"Just meltdown you snow savage!"

Herald cried out as he raised his palm, pointing a finger at the elder snowman as it evaded countless White projectiles from the pillars.

Seemingly from nowhere, Heat started emitting in Herald's palm, white liquid started forming from thin air as they made a circular motion they gathered in large amounts while moving into the tip of his finger that had taken the form of a claw.

After a while, the white liquid continuously shoots out from his finger, traveling a short distance at half the speed of sound.

"Hmmp pathetic attack from such an insignificant Cultivation path."

The snowman snorted as he easily blocked the attack with his Samurai-like hands.

The hot liquid was being deflected to the ground, its temperature melted the surrounding snow where it fell.

Herald stopped activating the finger gun, he had a grim expression, the Gu house behind him barely slowed down the approaching danger, and his attacks were also ineffective.

Herald was still in the protection range of the Gu house, he was still safe because the pillars were starting to slow down the snowman.

The elder snowman continued dodging the white stuff trying to get closer to Herald, but thankfully the closer an enemy gets, the faster the white stuff shoots out.

Herald was running out of primeval essence trying to keep his form activated, the Gu house was also weighing down his recovery.

In contrast, the snowman elder barely used Primeval essence, using primeval essence from time to time to keep the Samurai Icicle from melting, or when avoiding attacks that he didn't see earlier.

Earlier, the plan was to drag the fight on until the Elder Snowman exhausts its primeval essence reservoir. But now, the situation is turning out much worse.

[Shooting projectiles from your hands and the Gu house is burdening your recovery a lot. Stop the Gu house from shooting and limit your ranged attacks, we will engage in

close quarter combat.]

The elder snowman was surprised when no projectiles shot out, wariness grew inside him.

"Does this human have a secret that I do not know? Looks like I will have to probe him to reveal it."

The Snowman stopped in his tracks as he gazed at Herald, similarly, Herald was wary.

"Just what is this pile of snow piss planning?

[Try to look like you have something under your sleeves, it looks like the snowman is trying to probe you. This is our chance to make it look like we still have a trump card.]

The Gooning System was a unique Gu House that allowed Herald to cultivate Goon Path, it was implanted in his head, thus, only Herald can hear what it says.

Herald Smirked, his eyes became filled with cold light.

He spoke, his tone was calm.

"It looks like you've discovered something. Why aren't you rushing at me? Come on."

The snowman elder got more wary, skeptism was looming in his heart and his mind started overthinking.

"Strange, very strange! just what could it be that makes him so confident that he would survive this ordeal?"

"Now that I think about it, he purposely provoked us by killing snowman number one hundred eleven thousand six hundred seventy-seven... This must be some kind of plot...

Yes, a plot... No one would dare attack the snowmen in my tribe's territory..."

"Could it be that the other Variant Humans hired this human to probe my secret killer move?"

"But that's very unlikely, he's only alone, a Rank Four cultivator at that.

They wouldn't be dumb enough to think that a single Rank Four would be sufficient to force me to the brink and reveal it..."

While in deep thought, the snowman elder was caught by surprise when he saw a white claw lunge in front of him, quickly, he raised his Samurai Icicles and blocked the attack.

The collision caused some of the white liquid to splash all over the samurai icicle.

Herald had found the perfect opportunity, however, any Gu Master who reached Rank Two and above knows that even a single second of negligence could lead to death.

He was only able to surprise attack the Elder because it was being pressured by the other Variant Humans.

Herald's appearance wasn't that threatening at first, but now, He had unknowingly fooled the snowman elder into thinking he was being tested by the other Variant Humans.

The Snowman snorted as he spoke;

"Speak Human, which tribe hired you to go into my territory, and cause havoc?"

[It seems that this snowman is suspecting that you were hired to disturb his tribe.]

[According to the data stored in me, many types of Variant Humans and beasts currently rule and divide Qingmao Mountain.

The Variant Humans near these snowmen are as follows; Snow-furred bear man, a subtype of the now-extinct beast-man. Long-eared snowman, The closest description is that they're very much like elves described in your world's literature.]

The system described in the span of a second.

"Haha, you've guessed right. I am indeed sent by the Long-eared snowman to cause panic in your tribe."

Herald said with a joyful tone.

"So, it was like that... The Long-eared snowman is our ally, we have just recently made a pledge using a rank 5 Gu, it just means that you're a lying lone cultivator!"

"You've tricked me human.

For making a fool out of me I'll make sure to kill you painfully! Cupcake, come!"

The Snowman was furious, he was fuming as he said the words with hatred.

Heavy footsteps soon reverved throughout the surrounding area, howls could be heard as the snow from the trees fell from the wind.

Suddenly, A huge white wolf covered with armor made of Ice leaped in front of the snowmen, its eyes were filled with bloodlust, and gazed at Herald.

[This is a Beast Called 'Iron Snow Wolf'! By the looks of it, it's emperor-level! It can rival the battle strength of a Rank Five! Not good!]

The system knew many things about the world but not all.

How could it know that the Long-eared snowman and the carrot-nosed snowmen formed an allegiance, a recent one at that?

If it did, the system would've told Herald to say the other type of Variant Human.

"Human, this Iron Snow Wolf was gifted to me by the number one Enslavement Path Gu Master from the Long-eared Snowman tribe, the one you lied about!"

The snowman elder cried out as he pointed his finger at Herald, The wolf then howled and rushed into Herald.

"Not good! System, is there any way to get out of this situation? Do you have any destructive capabilities to help me!?!?"

[I do, but using them at your cultivation level is akin to suicide! The weakest attack that is available requires Rank Six Cultivation, you need to be an immortal to draw out even the most basic attack!]

[The best course of action now is to run while trying to outmaneuver this wolf]

The wolf was right in front of Herald when it opened its mouth and bared its long sharp fangs, in those fangs, many wild Snow and Ice Path Gu worms could be seen.

Snow from the surrounding area started floating, flying into the wolf's mouth in quick intervals.

The snow quickly built up and created a huge snowball, it emitted a cold aura.


Within seconds Herald hid behind a tree, and the giant pile of snow rolled over his direction, crashing into many trees and cutting them like grass.

At last, when the snowball was nearing Herald, the trees earlier helped slow it down, stopping halfway before The one where Herald hid.

Suddenly, the snowball burst, and before the snow reached the surface, it instantly formed into Four wolves.

howls were all over the place as they fought, while Herald was fighting toe toe-to-toe with all of them, The Iron Snow Wolf lunged, and lots of snow from where it landed dispersed like dust.

Herald is now Facing a squad of wolves and their creator, an Iron Snow Wolf that can rival a Rank Five Gu Master!

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A little spoiler for later chapters: Goon System contains a Will from Great Love, that's why it's able to give missions to Herald, and it's also the reason why Herald can use the System.

The system is a Rank Ten/Eleven Eternal Gu House, it has a Rank 7 Storage Type Gu that stores in Purple Jade immortal essence.

The next chapter is gonna be epic!1!1!1 Please Like, comment, share, and subscribe!!