
My god sent system

What happens when a gang leader transmigrates? He builds a gang in a fantasy world. And what if the said gang leader is a brothers' fanatic, who did everything to protect his brothers but got killed in the end. Follow Lucius as he transmigrates into a magical world while dreaming of meeting his brothers again

Soulwriter · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Non fighting professions in Ehdtrorse

These professions, or classes, even though they are not inclined into fighting, can be used to defend one's self and if used right, be as dangerous as fighting classes.

Here's a list of the majority of them

1. Healer

Healers specialize in the art of magical healing and restoration. They can mend wounds, cure ailments, and provide support in times of physical or magical injury.

2. Mage Scholar

Mage Scholars dedicate their lives to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of magic. They study ancient texts, arcane theories, and magical phenomena to uncover hidden secrets and expand the collective wisdom of the magical community.

3. Diviner

Diviners possess the ability to see glimpses of the future or gain insight into the unknown. They use various magical methods such as scrying, tarot reading, or rune interpretation to provide guidance and foretell events.

4. Illusionist

Illusionists have mastered the art of illusion magic. They can create realistic illusions, manipulate perceptions, and deceive the senses to confuse or misdirect others.

5. Elemental Mage

Elemental Mages specialize in harnessing the powers of the natural elements—fire, water, earth, and air. They can conjure and control elemental forces, unleashing devastating attacks or manipulating the environment.

6. Ritualist

Ritualists are experts in conducting complex and intricate magical rituals. They can perform ceremonies to achieve specific magical outcomes, such as summoning entities, creating protective wards, or enhancing magical abilities.

7. Spirit Medium

Spirit Mediums can communicate with spirits and entities from other realms. They act as intermediaries, seeking guidance, or even harnessing the power of these otherworldly beings for various purposes.

8. Potion Master

Potion Masters specialize in the art of potion-making. They can create potions with specific effects, such as granting temporary abilities, enhancing physical attributes, or providing magical resistance.

9. Beast Tamer

Beast Tamers have a unique connection with magical creatures and beasts. They can communicate with and tame these creatures, forming powerful bonds and utilizing them in battle or other tasks.

10. Astral Weaver

Astral Weavers can manipulate the fabric of reality itself. They can create portals, bend space, and even traverse different dimensions, enabling them to travel great distances or access hidden realms.

11. Enchanter

Enchanters possess the skill to imbue objects with magical properties. They can enhance weapons and armor, infuse items with elemental powers, or create protective charms and amulets.

12. Scribe

Scribes are masters of magical script and ancient languages. They transcribe spells, create magical scrolls, and document the history and knowledge of the artificers and the world.

13. Artificer

Artificers are skilled artisans who create magical artifacts and devices. They combine craftsmanship and magic to craft unique and powerful items, such as enchanted jewelry, magical tools, or even sentient constructs.

14. Elemental Shaper

Elemental Shapers have a deep connection with a specific element and can shape and manipulate it at will. They can summon and control powerful elemental entities or reshape the enviAstronomers their advantage.

15. Astronomer

Astronomers study the celestial bodies and the movements of the stars and planets. They can interpret cosmic phenomena, predict celestial events, and even tap intocosmic energies for various purposes.

16. Arcane Architect

Arcane Architects are skilled in magical architecture and construction. They design and build structures infused with powerful enchantments, creating magical fortresses, teleportation gates, or even floating islands.

17. Dreamweaver

Dreamweavers have the ability to enter the realm of dreams and influence them. They can manipulate dreams, communicate with sleeping individuals, and even extract information from the dream realm.

18. Shadow Weaver

Shadow Weavers harness the power of shadows and darkness. They can manipulate shadows, become invisible, or summon creatures from the realm of shadows to aid them in combat or espionage.

19. Time Mage

Time Mages have the rare ability to manipulate time itself. They can slow down, speed up time, take a glimpse into the future, or even rewind time in specific areas.

20. Herbalist

Herbalists have extensive knowledge of magical herbs and plants. They gather and cultivate rare botanical specimens, creating potions, remedies, and poisons with unique effects.

This is all that there is now, but if you have any additional thoughts, feel free to contact me.