
my girlfriend from internet

*this is my first time writing* I wrote it after being annoyed by typical overbearing rich and mighty ceo romance, where there is no sense and just plain arrogance and a need to show off. I tried a simple yet dramatic comedy romance. it is a wholesome read ************************************************* Elina and Austin are online friends for long time. but suddenly they stopped contacting. Elina then finds Austin and. she founds that the friend and love she had, is not a diffrent man. previously he was brimming with enthusiasm and life but now he was quite, obedient, sometimes scared(also funny) almost as if he is depressed and broken and pretend to hide it they with their trust, love and cute pranks, they mitigate through all ups and downs ahead of them

guess_me · Realistic
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3 Chs

chapter 2 (reunion)

(at hotel balcony)

"did you receive any news about his whereabouts?"

"yes miss!, the person you are looking for lives in a shabby apartment"


"has he offended you somehow?"

"yes, he has seriously pissed me off"

"should we send our men to deal him? or breakhis legs? or hospitalize him" Martin proudly suggested

"whaaa..??nooo!! i will be dealing with him myself" Elina suddenly exclaimed

she changes in a hoodie and comes down in the hotel and sits in a car.

there were already 2 big dudes in black sitting in fort of the car who had already been informed

"go" Elina ordered

** apartment **

the car arrives at a shabby colony which looked more like a haunted street due to the night

"he lives on the second floor room 208" the driver told Elina who was standing in front of the apartment

she goes in and climbs up stairs while each step is getting heavier for her. millions of thoughts are crossing her mind yet she continues to go up. before she relizes, she was already on half her way to the third floor. she goes down on second floor.

"you two, stand here and wait for signal before" she said while point a place near the stairs

she walked towards the door on which it was written '208'

she took a deep breath and slightly knocked the door

"comming!!" a shout was heard behind the door.

the door opened.

there was a shabby bearded guy with cupnoodle in his hand

the man stood there awestruck as the cup noodle fell from his hand

there was a heavy silence in the atmosphere

after few seconds ..

"lo-long time n-no see" the man said with a stuttering sounds with shine of brigtness in his moist eyes

"w-why?? bastard why?" she cried while standing still

she moved forward and hugged him tightly

"I... I..... "

"did you hated me? did i say something wrong??" she cried even louder

"I just...."

"i just what?"

"i just didnt had confidence."

"confidence for what ?" she screamed

"for facing you"

"why do you need confidence to face me? did i say something bad to you"

"confidence to... to... "

"confidence for what you piece of shit!" she shouted

"to ask you out??" he shouted back

"whaaa...??" she was dumbfounded

"ahh i mean... " he was flusttered and didnt knew what to do

"idiot!!" she hugged tightly as tears flowed down her cheeks

"i have always liked you" she stood on her toes and kissed him

he was so shocked that he fell in his bed behind him.

she realized that is already in his room.

it was a dull room with one window and single bed with only enough distance from entry to let the door open. there was small sink and a stove, with a small round table and a wooden chair.

she started crying again

"why did you live a place like this?? you could have asked my help as friend at least" *sob* *sob* "was i that unworthy friend?"

"please forgive me. i didnt want to worry you while you were pursuing your dream" he hugged her while patting her head.

"even while going through all that, you were thinking of me. why the fuck do you have to be so considerate" she starts to cry again

"God!! you are such a child" he patted her while calming her down with a tight embrace squeezing her within is arms

"just so you know, 'you' are good for nothing not me, and no has ever dared to laugh at me" Elina mocked while calming down while looking up towards him

"oh really?" he teased her and hugged her tightly with one hand on her head

he had managed to make atmosphere somewhat light

she pushed herself out of his hands with her face as red as tomato

"hump!! you gonna pay for this"

"how are you going to make a broke like me pay?" he laughed

"oh you dont have worry about it" she said with a grin

she wispered somthing in his ear and his face turned pale.

"no! absolutely no! that is absolutely embarrasing. I will literally die from embarrassment" he screamed like kid who is trying to oppose with all his might

"i knew you would say that" then she chuckled and shouted shouted "boys!!"

two large men appeared

*gulp* chill went down his spine as it seemed that war has ended before it began

"yo- you cannot do this! no!! please no!!" he pleaded like child who is now going to get his first his injection but knows that all his begging to his mom is futile

"grab this piece of shit and take any stuff that seems important to him to the penthouse" she ordered the men

"yes miss" they replied as one man grabbed him.

"bye my dear friend" she said in a mocking tone while going out and waving her her hand

"No!! no!!!! miss? madam? your highness?whatever you are! I am sorry!!" he shouted in despair.