
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Urban
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157 Chs

Chapter 82

"So... You delivered a cow?" Qu Danni cried in amazement, her voice trembling with surprise.

Qin Li nodded.

"You cow, I will bow down. They say the environment changes people, I see you can't believe it."

Qin Li also expressed his regret.

Is not, more than half a year ago, she was a husband to cheat and a cry two make three to hang herself, a blink of an eye can be a cow delivery of a fierce village woman. How unpredictable things are!

The two of you sigh for a while, and finally get back to business, Qu Danni said, "I say, when are you free in the end, come to Munich, I really have something to look for you!"

Qin Li said, "The black eagle has just given birth to a calf, and every day it has to be milked, and the milk is made into cheese while it is fresh." Dany, I really can't leave."

Qu Danni sighed, "If you go on like this, you will really become a female farmer."

Qin Li shrugged his shoulders casually, "Farmers are farmers, living with nature and animals, standing aloof from worldly affairs, which is also very good."

Qu Danni spat, "OK? What a shit. You come from a metropolis with a population of tens of millions, and you envy how many people have died in one hukou, and here you are giving up on yourself."

Qin Li does not think so, the city has the good of the city, the countryside has the good of the countryside, the way of life is different, each takes what he needs.

Qin Li pulled the crooked building back and asked, "By the way, you've been asking me to go to Munich, what's the matter?" Couldn't you have said it over the phone?"

Qu Danni said, "This matter is more complicated, the phone is certainly not clear, but you are now busier than the German chancellor, I don't know what to do."

Qin Li thought for a while and said, "If not, come over this weekend."

Qu Danni asked, "Is it convenient? I don't want to meet Mashuishu. Besides, it has something to do with her. It's not good for her to hear it."

Qin Li said, "Thomas and Ma Shushu have moved out for the time being. It's just me and Yan Sen here. There's no third party.

Qu Daniqi said, "Ma Shu Shu is not Laiding Thomas, how can you move out?"

So, Qin Li put the day the brothers quarreled, but also almost separated the matter said, Qu Danni listened to, a word, "Ma Shu Shu this woman is not simple, most of her is to take Thomas as a springboard, I bet with you a car of winter melon, later he will be abandoned."

Qin Li helplessly, "That is also a later matter." Now the situation between the two brothers is such that neither of them will give in, and they can only watch the road in front of them and go step by step."

Qu Danni was worried, "What I want to tell you... Well, forget it, I can't tell you clearly this time, anyway, I will come next weekend, or come later. Oh, by the way, I may bring Lao Wang next door, is that convenient?"

Qu Danni had mentioned it before, so Qin Li did not feel strange, said, "There is a room, that is, Yan Sen is withdrawn and does not like strangers, I still asked him first, so as not to throw people out like last time, it can be embarrassing."

Qu Danni said, "I'm waiting for your news."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Li took out the velvet box from the drawer and took the ring on his hand. She looked left and right for a moment, then finally put it back.

With the velvet box, she went upstairs to find Yan Sen.

Yan Sen was lying in bed reading when he heard a knock at the door and asked to come in.

Qin Li looked at Yan Sen who was wearing only a pair of shorts all over his body. He was really envious of his strong body. It was almost winter and he wore so little, just like a plum outside the window who was not afraid of the cold.

Yan Sen put down the book and asked her what was going on with his eyes.

Qin Li stepped forward, put the velvet box on his bedside table, and said, "You'd better return the ring."

Yan Sen, "Don't like the style?"

Qin Li shook his head.

Yan Sen asked again, "Are the diamonds not big enough?"

Qin Li still shook his head.

Yan Sen puzzled, "Why is that?"

Qin Li said, "It's too expensive. Why don't you return the ring. Then I don't have to sell the cow for money, and I can keep the calf."

So, Yan Sen smiled, "I thought women would have a crazy pursuit of diamonds."

Qin Li nodded sincerely and said frankly, "Like is like, but two thousand five thousand... It's too expensive. I'd rather keep the cow than the diamond. I thought you said that after the calf is born, it's usually sold to a butcher, right?"

Yan Sen HMMM sound.

"Although I love meat, beef, pork and mutton are never taboo, because pigs, cattle and sheep are not my own." But now it's different. I delivered the calf myself, and the thought of it being slaughtered makes me a little uncomfortable." At this point, Qin Li paused, looked at Yan Sen and said, "Let's keep it."

Seeing her eager expression, Yan Sen could not help smiling again, put the box away, and said, "All right." That is as you wish."

Qin Li breathed a sigh of relief and hugged Yan Sen and gave him a kiss.

She turned to go, but was Yansen pulled his arm, he a force, pulled her onto his bed. He turned, pressed her under him, kissed her on the cheek and said, "Sleep in my room tonight."

It is getting cold outside, a person's bed is indeed a little cold, Qin Li felt the heat emanating from his body, a hint of warmth wrapped around her heart.

Qin Li put his hand against his restless mouth and said, "OK, but only if we don't do anything."

Yan Sen asked, "Why?"

Qin Li, "Because my aunt has come."

Yan Sen, "..."

Qin Li lay on his back for a while, suddenly remembered his original intention of coming, and said quickly, "By the way, Danni will come this weekend and stay for a day or two, is it OK?"

Yan Sen responded, and she continued, "Maybe I'll bring a friend."

Yan Sen, "Male and female?"

"A man."

"Her boyfriend?"

Qin Li, "No."

Yan Sen, "You know him, too?"

Qin Li nodded.

Yan Sen was silent for a while, then suddenly said, "Is this friend interested in you?"

Qin Li was startled and said, "No. He's Dany's neighbor. He came here to see us."

Yan Sen raised his eyebrows, "We?"

Qin Li said, "What is the specific matter, Danni did not say, it seems to have something to do with you and me Ma Shushu."

Yan Sen's head turned dizzy when he heard the woman's name. He turned off the light, slipped into the quilt and said, "Sleep."

Qin Li asked, "Then you agreed, right? Don't let my friends come, and you'll drive them out again."

'said Stern's voice from under the covers.' It was Thomas who threw your friend out, not me. '

Oh, cut. You two are still breathing in the same breath.

Qin Li turned around and was about to fall asleep when he heard Yan Sen saying behind his back, "You don't accept the ring because you don't want to accept my proposal."

Thought the cow was a good excuse to cover up, but he saw through it.

Qin Li smiled twice and said, "What are you talking about? Is that a proposal? Pshaw."

Yan Sen did not argue with her, her mind he knew, was pit once, more or less will have fear of marriage, this is human nature. He himself is also not, often secretly take his ex-wife and Qin Li compared, although knowing that the two are not the same kind of people, but still have a variety of worries about the future.

* * *

Busy taking care of Black Hawk and his son, the week quickly passed. Life is a miracle. When the calf is born, it is so wobbly that it can hardly stand, let alone walk. Now he can jump and run after his mother.

Seeing Qin Li, the black eagle will moo at her, so that animals also have feelings, do not only regard them as the human food chain.

The calf is thriving, and everything is going well, except for a little bit.

The black hawk is very unfriendly to their dog, because he can't tell the difference between a Wolf and a dog, and always treats the little black as a Wolf who will attack them at any time. As long as the black is close, it will become restless, and once, even almost trampled the black.

However, this two black IQ is really a worry, was attacked by a cow, has not learned, always standing outside the cow pen again and again to challenge the limits of the black eagle. Qin Li was afraid that Xiaohei would one day become a fugitive dog under the hooves of cows, so he had to buy a dog leash and circle it at home.

Black at home to give full play to the nature of the two, and Schrodinger fight for a while, but beat it, and take the sofa out of gas, good furniture hard more than a few scratches and teeth marks.

There was nothing to do, but Yan Sen made a kennel for him in the garden, and as long as it was not windy and rainy, he let him sleep outside.

A flash to the weekend, Qu Danni and the lawyer to come, Qin Li packed two rooms out. She also specially ran a supermarket, buy some food back, going to do a few home dishes for them to eat, let Qu Danni solution greedy.

Near noon the next day, Qu Danni and Patrick arrived and got out of the car with their bags.

I was driving Patrick's car, a fiery red Ferrari, and it was really hot. He's a barrister, he wears a fine suit, his hair is meticulously combed.

Qu Danni saw Qin Li ushered in, immediately put the plastic bag into her hand, way, "Well, are you want seasoning, ran three or four supermarkets to gather, almost did not run broken legs."  Qin Li busily said, "I know you have worked hard, so I made a table of small dishes for you."

Qu Danni heard some to eat, and suddenly her eyes lit up, put away a face of complaints, laughing and clapping, "If there is any command in the future, you can say it, and the small dedication will die."

Qin Li knows good love and poor mouth, and does not have her general knowledge.

At this time, Yan Sen just came back from the ranch and got down from the tractor. See the farmhouse to the guests, but also to say a few words, just lightly pulled the lower lip, it is said to have greeted.

Qin Li could not help but roll his eyes, this guy, good, and what force?

Qin Li smiled awkwardness to Patrick and explained, "He is the owner of the farmhouse, called Yan Sen, a more solitary character, not good at words." So take it easy."

Patrick didn't think so. 'We're bothering you.'

After a few polite words, Qin Li led them into the house, the table has been filled with dishes, are she got up in the morning to make fresh, so a room full of fragrance.

Qu Danni took a deep breath, rubbed her hands, and said, "Thinking of eating your food today, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep last night."

So it's true that you don't wear flattery.

Qin Li was very pleased with his friend's praise, giggled, pulled her to the table, pressed her shoulder to sit her down, said, "Then you eat more, eat up all the dishes, so I am more happy."

Patrick, "Excuse me, where is the toilet?"

Qin Li pointed to him, he nodded slightly, said sorry, and went to the bathroom.

After two hundred kilometers of driving, they were indeed hungry, so they stopped talking polite nonsense.

Qu Danni, while taking food in her mouth, said, "Delicious, too delicious." Li Li, if I were a man, I would marry you."

Patrick, who was not so naked, cut the ribs into pieces with a knife and fork and put them into his mouth to savor them. He even ate his meals in a literary manner, as slow as his character, and looked like a very elegant gentleman.

Like Yan Sen, a dead farmer...

Speaking of farmers, here come the farmers.

Yan Sen put down the tools, patted the dust on his body, and walked into the room. He sat down proudly at the table, greeting no one, with a face as stinky as a stone in a cesspool.

Seeing that he wanted to touch the tableware, Qin Li poked the back of his hand with chopsticks and shouted, "Have you washed your hands?"

Yan Sen a face calm tunnel, "did not wash."

Qin Li urged, "Go and wash yourself."

Usually, Yan Sen often forgets this, usually Qin Li reminds him, he will obediently go to wash his hands. But today, he not only did not lift his eyes, but also snorted from his nose, his face put on a variety of noble and cold expressions, and said, "No washing."

Qin Li a terrified, the face suddenly rose red, the atmosphere became strange, even the other two people on the table also followed together embarrassed up.