
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Urban
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157 Chs

Chapter 81

Qin Li put on his gloves, put his heart across, and stretched out his hand along the calf's hooves to touch its head.

Fortunately, Yan Sen had made some preparations before he left, so the position of the calf was not very crooked.

Qin Li put his mobile phone on speakerphone and broadcast the situation live so that Yan Sen could command it remotely.

At his command, she slowly pushed the calf back into the birth canal, then slowly adjusted its position in the direction of the timing pillow. Because there is no experience, every move is anxious, afraid of going wrong which step, and then a corpse two lives.

Qin Li's heart is very confused, the air in the cowshed is not very good, and the more anxious she is, the more unable to touch the correct position. As time goes by, if the calf doesn't get out again, the cow will probably be here.

The cow could not cry, and she rolled her eyes in pain as if she could not hold on. At this time, she did not care whether it was dirty or tiring, just wanted to hurry to finish this thing so that she could fly up.

In her confusion, she suddenly felt a click, like the sound of something entering the basin, and then a great impulse pushed her hand out. Just for a second, Qin Li saw a dark shadow on the ground, which was a cowering calf.

After working so hard for so long, Qin Li could not believe his eyes when suddenly the revolution succeeded.

The calf was covered with amniotic fluid mucus in its eyes and nose. Seeing it lying there motionless, Qin Li's heart thumped.

Did she deliver a baby?

Is the calf alive or dead?

She wiped the calf's head with whatever cloth she could pick up, trying to get the muck off, but to no avail, the calf still lay very little. At this time, I heard a cow barking in my ear, which was issued by the mother cow.

Qin Li had an idea and used his milk strength to push the unresponsive calf to the side of the cow.

Just finished production, black hawk gasping, a look of exhaustion. But when it saw its calf, the mother's love and let it miraculously restore the spirit, it put out the tongue to lick the calf, it licked away the dirt.

The cow kept calling to her baby, and slowly the calf responded, struggled, and opened its eyes.

It was his first glimpse of this Brave New World.

Qin Li had never felt so clearly the joy and hope brought by the arrival of a life, even if it was just an animal, but she was still deeply moved. By herself, and by these two cows.

It's good to be alive.

Cows are different from people. Calves are vigorous and can shake themselves to their feet soon after birth, while cows are slowly regaining their strength. The black hawk licked the calf's head, reminding it that it was time for milk.

Qin Li put the cow's teats into the calf's mouth and watched it sucking milk with its eyes closed, suddenly feeling that the world was peaceful again.

She sat on the haystack and stared at the mother and son for a long time before she noticed that something was shaking in the haystack.

She picked up the straw and saw that it was her mobile phone, she had just been busy looking after the calf and did not know when the phone was hung up.

Qin Li wiped his dirty hands on his body a few times, then connected the phone, and Yan Sen's urgent voice came from the other end, "Li, Li, how are you?"

"Mother and son are safe!" After Qin Li said this, there was a sense of joy and pride that could not be suppressed.

Yan Sen also gave a low cheer, "Great, Li, you are good. Thank you very much."

Thank you is not enough, it is better to give something substantial reward.

Qin Li asked, "When are you going home?"

Yan Sen, "I went to pick up Carl and turned the car around."

Qin Li asked, "Do you want me to stay here until you come back?"

Yan Sen did not answer the question, "Has the calf fed yet?"

Qin Li glanced down at the calm and peaceful mother and calf and nodded, "I ate a little, and now I have fallen asleep."

Yan Sen said, "Then you go home and rest, and let me take care of the rest."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Li returned to the farmhouse and took off the dirty clothes, only to find that the blood and urine had been dried by the wind.

However, she did not feel disgusted at all but felt great.

Qin Li took a bath, cleaned himself up, put on fresh clothes, and then went to the cowshed. She was so excited, but one night happened, let her feel like a dream.

The mother and calf were lying on the straw and seemed to be asleep.

Qin Li walked over and patted the cow on the head. The black eagle raised its head and gave a gentle moo as if to express gratitude to her.

After about half an hour or so, Yan Sen came, and there stood an old man, probably veterinarian Karl.

Carl, armed with medical tools, sat down with the pair and began to examine their health

Qin Li saw Yan Sen, had a stomach to say, who knows, just opened his mouth to say an I, was Yan Sen a hug.

He hugged her tightly, put his lips to her hair, and kissed her hard. "Thank you."

This sentence suppressed Qin Li's thousands of words, with his approval, it is worthwhile to do anything.

Carl checked it out quickly and said, "Nothing's wrong. Everything's fine."

Qin Li was relieved and said jokingly, "Shouldn't we open a bottle of wine to celebrate?"

Her casual remark was agreed with by the other two, and Yan Sen said, "It should be celebrated."

After settling the cow, the three men went to the farmhouse, where Yan Sen generously brought from the cellar a bottle of semi-dry red that had been stored for ten years. He uncorked the cork with a touch and filled a cup for one.

Three wine glasses bumped together, full of blessings.

Talking about the scene when he delivered the baby just now, Qin Li sighed and said, "It was too scary, I don't want to think about it."

Carl laughed, and patted Qin Li on the shoulder, sincerely, "I am proud of you."

Qin Li was embarrassed by his praise and busily said, "It is the environment that makes people."

Yan Sen stretched out his hand to hook her waist and kissed her on the face, there were outsiders, and Qin Li was very embarrassed, kneeching off him.

Seeing this, Carl laughed, "Little girl, you don't know me, my name is Carl." Yan Sen's father and I are good friends. We have known each other for 30 years."

Qin Li said quickly, "Nice to meet you."

Yan Sen, not ashamed, pointed to Qin Li and asked, "How is my fiancee?"

Carl looked Qin Li up and down and nodded, "I look good, much better than that woman Janie."

Smell speech, Yan Sen smiled, that smile pure and simple, like a child who had not grown up, for a compliment and secretly happy.

By the time the dust settled, it was three o 'clock in the morning, and Carl had come fifty or sixty miles from town. It was difficult to walk around the mountain road at night, so he asked him to stay at the farmhouse for the night until dawn. Thomas and Ma Shu Shu are not there, there are empty rooms in the farmhouse, Qin Li went to clean up a guest room out.

Everyone was tired after a long night, so they soon turned off the lights and went to sleep.

The next morning, Carl went to see the cattle again, saw Qin Li come to change the hay, and gave some instructions.

Before leaving, Karl Dao, "When I retire, I will rent a house here and spend my old age in peace."

Qin Li casually said, "OK, then rent our farmhouse, if you stay for a long time, I will give you a 50% discount."

When she said this, Carl was curious and asked, "Are you going to start a side business?"

Qin Li felt that there was nothing to hide, so he said, "I'm going to open a farmhouse."

Carl looked surprised. "Do Yan Sen and Thomas agree?"

Yan Sen is fine, Thomas hasn't said anything yet, but according to this guy's recent urine, I don't think he'll say no. So Qin Li nodded.

Carl was even more surprised. "They said yes."

Qin Li asked, "Why don't you agree? Surrounded by mountains and water, you can travel in summer, ski in winter, and there are all kinds of folk festivals, so if the farmers are happy, they will make money."

Carl, "There's money to be made. However, the villagers here are more resistant to foreign, and do not like foreign new things, so the development of tourism has been very refused. Little sister, if you want to start this road, I'm afraid it's a little difficult! Be prepared."

Qin Li was puzzled and asked, "Do I need other people's consent to open farm music?"

Carl, "Of course. If the village council doesn't approve, you'll be blocked in many places."

Qin Li asked tentatively, "For example?"

Carl, "Such as business licenses, and tax forms, which have to be stamped and certified by the village committee." If they're stuck, you can't do it."

Qin Li asked, "Who are the village committees?"

Carl, "It's the villagers, and as long as you can convince two-thirds of the villagers to approve of your farmhouse, you're OK." However, the chairman of the village committee must give you the final seal."

Qin Li asked, "Who is the chairman of the village committee? Do I know him?"

Carl shook his head, "I don't know if you recognize it, but Yan Sen must know it because it is his former father-in-law."

Ex-father-in-law isn't that... Janie's real dad?

I'll go! It's not like we don't get together.

This sentence was like a blow to the head, and Qin Li's good mood was immediately shattered.

After Carl left, Qin Li was sullen, even did not eat much lunch, and ran out.

Yan Sen wandered around and found her in the cowshed, listlessly playing with the calf. He went to her, sat down on the hay, and asked, "What's the matter? Why are you so unhappy?"

Qin Li grabbed a handful of straw in his hand, pulled it hard several times, and said, "I want to open the farmhouse."

This is not the first time Yan Sen heard her say, then nodded and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Probably pretty tough."

Yan Sen does not understand.

Qin Li Road, "a lot of documents."

Yan Sen, "Germany is more bureaucratic."

Qin Li said, "The problem is not bureaucrats, but..."

Yan Sen asked, "But what?"

Qin Li, "The chairman of the village committee is your former father-in-law!"

Yan Sen was startled and asked, "So what?"

Qin Li looks like you are a fool and says, "He will get in the way."

Yan Sen said, "No."

Qin Li, "Why not? Her daughter regards me as her husband's enemy, and her brother is made fun of by us in all kinds of ways. You said that if you were their father, you would try to mess with me even if you had the chance."

Listening to her, Yan Sen suddenly felt reasonable.

Qin Li lamented and said, "I died on the beach before my dream could be realized."

Yan Sen asked, "Are you going to give up?"

Give up?

Qin Li's heart is not willing.

She's very excited about this side business of farming, and she's waiting to make a lot of money and decorate the garden in ancient Chinese style.

Yan Sen said, "I will persuade Thomas, but here the villagers... I'm afraid it takes a little effort to work with them slowly."

Hearing him say this, Qin Li lit up a ray of hope, and said, "Carl said that a decision to pass or not is the need for the whole village to vote." That is to say, as long as the villagers agree, the chairman cannot refuse."

Yan Sen said, "The chairman still has a veto..."

Seeing her face sink, Yan Sen busy again, "However, a vote to deny the right as long as once, the general incumbent chairman will not easily use." And if that's what the public opinion is, it doesn't make sense for him to insist on denying it alone."

Qin Li asked, "Will the villagers agree?"

Yan Sen shook his head, "It's hard to say, it depends on how you persuade them?"

Qin Li asked, "I don't know many people, how can I persuade them?" You can't go to each of them."

Yan Sen thought for a second, and said, "With food."

Qin Li said, "No chance!"

Yan Sen, "There will be a chance."

Cooking is Qin Li's master, but, pretending to brush the sense of existence also needs a chance! How can we conquer the villagers like we conquered Yan Sen Thomas? That's a problem.