
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Urban
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157 Chs

Chapter 121

Afraid that the bald idiot found himself in fooling them, and halfway back, so Qin Li pulled the black, hid in the basement.

Qin Li is afraid of the dark, usually does not go to the basement, but today is a special situation, so usually afraid, now are not afraid.

Just relying on one breath to support, only to have the spirit of killing gods and ghosts to kill ghosts, dare to go out and they desperately. Now the reason comes back, know their weight a few pounds, can not be scared. When facing them, how brave they are, how dangerous they are. After all, this was a group of men, and she was just a defenseless woman. Even if there were bullets in the barrel, there's no way she could have actually fired, and there's no bullets in the gun. Maybe she wouldn't have gotten away with it that easy tonight if Toby hadn't been so freaked out by the firecrack, making everyone assume she pulled the trigger.

Therefore, the important thing is not how terrible the opponent is, but that the opponent has a pig teammate, then the weak side also has a chance to win.

In spite of that, Qin Li was still very nervous, after all, she was the only person in such a big house, in case these devils and serpents came back, the same method could not be used twice.

Fortunately, in the dark basement, there are black accompanied by the side, and it snuggled together, she felt a hint of warmth.

Qin Li nervously strained his nerves, almost counting the time spent, and finally, there was a siren outside. Sure enough, the police can not be trusted, not so much waiting for the police to rescue them, but waiting for them to collect their bodies.

But now that the police are here and the ghosts are gone, there's nothing to be afraid of.

Qin Li put his shotgun away and went out.

There were several police cars parked outside, a team of policemen arrived, and searchlights lit up the whole garden.

It's a good thing these skinheads pulled back before the cops got here, otherwise, it would have been a big deal, even if it was called a hostage rescue, or it would have been on the news.

The policeman who came to the joint was the one who made a statement in the hospital during the day. When he saw Qin Li, he said, "How are you again?"

Qin Li smiled wryly, "I don't want to, but these people are haunting me and I won't stop until I get killed."

The police looked around. The garden was smashed, the rubbish bins were burnt, and the air still smelled of petrol, as if it had been a battle.

These skinheads are usually very rampant, even the police dare to provoke, every three days in the town to smash their police cars. Only there's no proof. We catch them, we let them go. Unexpectedly, now they are more and more daring, during the day to create a vicious accident, and then at night to disturb the family.

Thinking of this, he could not help sympathizing with Qin Li, so his attitude was somewhat polite.

Qin Li gave a brief account of the evening's events. Upon hearing her threaten them with a gun, the police said, "This behavior violates the gun control treaty, and the gun owner may lose his license."

Without waiting for Qin Li to explain, he immediately added, "But things happen for a reason, if it were not for this gun, it is estimated that today would be tough." At that point, the owner can appeal, ask the judge to weigh the issues on a case-by-case basis, and maybe keep his license."

Qin Li nodded, the license is difficult to test, it is a pity that it was revoked, but after all, a license saved her life. I believe that after Yan Sen knows, he will stand on his side.

Seeing a large, bound man lying in the snow, the policeman asked, "Did he attack you?"

Qin Li nodded, "He is only one of them, the others are scared away by me."

A few of the police heard, a little admire her, a person to fight a group of skinheads. The hero of women!

The policeman untied him, pushed Toby, and said, "Hey, wake up, you hear me? Are you really going to sleep here forever?"

Toby's head cocked and he finally came to himself. As soon as he opened his eyes, he reflexively clutched his chest and cried nervously, "Don't hit me, don't hit me, it wasn't my idea."

The police were angry at him, this man empty long so big, brain cell value is negative.

He slapped Toby on the shoulder and picked him up. 'No one's hitting you, but you must come with us to the police station now.'

Before Toby knew it, he heard a snap of cold handcuffs around his wrists.

"I, I'm hurt," he then saw Qin Li standing in front of him, pointing at her with his cuffed hands and Shouting, "It's her, she shot me."

The policeman sneered, "Then why aren't you dead?"

Toby gasped, and then realized this too. He touched his chest and said, "Yes, why not?"

For the first time, the police met such an idiot, and the word "idiot" rolled around his throat, and finally he refrained from saying it.

"All right, now we're going to charge you with murder, breaking and entering, and threatening a person. You have the right to remain silent, but anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

When Toby heard it, he was dumbstruck and pointed to Qin Li, "What about her?" She shot me..."

The words were not finished, and was interrupted by the police, "Hit you what?" There are no bullets in the barrel."

"How come there are no bullets? There are no bullets! What hit me?"

When the policeman saw that he did not give up, he pointed to the firecracker path on the ground, "She only lit this thing, it is not illegal to put firecrackers in your garden."

Toby could not believe that he was fooled by the cannon, and said to the police on both sides, "I must have been hit somewhere, I must have, I want to go to the hospital."

The policeman said, "Well, we'll arrange a psychiatrist for you."

A psychiatrist? Toby was about to ask why a psychiatrist, when he got a jolt. Oh, my God, that's a psycho beat!

The police stopped talking to him and pressed him into the police car, and one of them turned to look at Qin Li and said, "It is not safe here, otherwise, you will follow us to the town." We'll give you shelter and 24-hour protection."

After such a disturbance, Qin Li did not dare to live alone in the farmhouse, so hearing him say so, he was immediately eager.

She packed a few clothes out, carrying a small luggage, and then took the little black and a few chickens and ducks, walked out. She can't take the other birds, so she'll have to call Mr. Schroeder tomorrow morning and ask him to take care of them sometime.

Seeing her left hand chicken and right hand duck, also lead a dog, the police could not help but laugh.

In the face of their teasing eyes, Qin Li helplessly shrugged his shoulders, there is no way, rural people move a home like this. When she was a city dweller, she moved with only money...

The police took her to town and set her up in a guest house for the rest of the night. It was almost dawn.

Qin Li changed her clothes and went to sleep. There were no skinheads, no car accidents, and there were police officers standing guard for her outside. She can finally relax and get a good night's sleep.

More had happened to her in one day than had happened to her in the last twenty-eight years, and life was not a movie, but a dog's blood was better than a movie.

* * *

The next day, Qin Li was still dreaming when he was woken up by a phone call.

It was the hospital calling to tell her that Yan Sen was awake.

Qin Li heard, suddenly ecstatic, no matter how good the news is than this news. After she had dressed herself, she rushed to the hospital, and it was already noon when the smell of lunch came from the corridor between the rooms.

She remembered that she had not eaten breakfast, and smelled the smell of rice, which really made people hungry.

Yan Sen had been moved to a regular ward, so she was no longer fully armed, asked for the ward number at the nurse's desk, and rushed straight to her destination.

Qin Li looked in through the small window on the door and saw Yan Sen lying on the bed, looking out the window on the other side. After experiencing the speed of life and death, it is really a bit of a feeling that one day does not see each other.

Her eyes were a little red at the thought of yesterday's car accident, which almost separated them.

Good thing. Good thing it's all over

He knocked on the door symbolically, and without waiting for him to answer, Qin Li eagerly opened the door and walked in.

Hearing the noise, Yan Sen turned his head and glanced at Qin Li, with no expression on his face, "Kung Pao chicken."

Ke? Qin Li startled, what is this routine? In shock, the words were swallowed, and he asked, "What did you say?"

Yan Sen said, "I want kung pao chicken."

What the hell? She's not a delivery guy. What about kung pao chicken?

People in that worry to death, and experienced a fierce battle at night, he is good, only in the heart to eat.

She grunted angrily, "No."

Yan Sen said, "Then Mapo dofu."

Qin Li, "No."

Yan Sen, "Fish fragrant eggplant pot."

Qin Li, "No, no." Where does she find the time to do all this?

Yan Sen frowned, displeased with the tunnel, "how nothing."

Qin Li, "I'm not a delivery man."

Yan Sen, "Then who are you? What are you doing here?"

Qin Li was angry and said, "I'm your wife! Come here to see if you're dead, so you can inherit your property."

Yan Sen opened his eyes wide and looked frightened, "My wife, who?" You?"

Hey, hey, what's that look on his face? Isn't the only thing that's missing from their relationship right now?

Okay, no more nonsense with him, Qin Li walked up to him and sat down. She reached out to touch his forehead to see how the wound was healing, but he avoided her.

Yan Sen grabbed her hand extended to him, looked at Qin Li and asked, "You are not a delivery boy, then who are you?"

Qin Li thought he was joking, patted his hand away and said, "I said I am your wife, you must not have lost your memory."

Casually, did not expect Yan Sen really nodded, said, "my memory is gone, I can't even remember who I am."

Qin Li, "...

Qin Li stretched out his hand and pinched him, "Is it fun to play with me? Still losing your memory? You've been watching too many soap operas."

Yan Sen said, "No. I didn't lie to you."

Qin Li startled, suddenly found that he looked at his eyes some strange, and, although Yan Sen some black humor, but should not take amnesia to tease her.

She asked cautiously, "You, you really don't remember me?"

Yan Sen, "Don't remember."

Qin Li's heart beat hard and he asked, "Don't you remember anything?"

Yan Sen nodded.

Qin Li was unwilling to ask, "You have a twin brother, called Thomas." Do you remember?"

Yan Sen shook his head.

"What's your name, do you remember?"

Yan Sen still shook his head, his head was blank, and he only spat out a sentence, "I really don't remember anything."

Qin Li, like being struck by lightning, looked at him frozen in place and did not know what to say for a moment. There's also a hint of self-deprecating fluke, as if he doesn't remember who he is, which is good and fair.

It turned out that just now, he really took her as a delivery food, and it was not a taste.

Qin Li ran out of the ward, called the doctor, and said, "Didn't you say it was nothing serious?" Why did he lose his memory?"

The doctor said, "It could be the lingering effects of the concussion."

Qin Li, "Does it matter? When will he recover?"

The doctor said, "Our side is surgery, the specific situation will be sent to the brain department after the examination."

Qin Li could not help Shouting, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and arrange it!"

Yan Sen looked at the front of the woman who was mistaken for delivery, a faint shadow appeared in the brain, but did not have time to capture, it flashed by.

Qin Li sat down on a chair, the feeling in his heart is both sour and sad, thought he picked up a life, this thing is over, did not expect that the dog blood met amnesia, is really a ring a ring, endless ah!


Yan Sen looked at her decadent look, in the heart also some uncomfortable, but the brain blank, just want to pretend also can't come out.

She looked up at his voice, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

Yan Sen asked tentatively, "Are you really my wife? What about your ring?"

Qin Li, "...

The ring was sold, and the cow was replaced!