
My German husband and I farm diary

Husband derailment, marriage breakdown, seven years of itch, and finally arrived at a beautiful girl. This marriage, Qin Li was a complete failure, except for a divorce agreement, nothing. Desperate, she decided to go far away to further her studies. Originally thought, life is so, but unexpectedly met a magical creature → German farmers. Huh, foreigners go on blind dates? With the mentality of a newspaper, Qin Li embarked on a blind date trip. Unexpectedly, this opens the door of the new century. You raise the chickens, I'll raise the cows, You plant, I plant, Qin Li felt that she seemed to find a second spring. Who says blind dates can't be trusted?

Beeber167 · Urban
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157 Chs

Chapter 120

Qin Li meets Mueller in the hotel, how he said to the police for themselves, threatening their things, in her subconscious has identified Muller as the culprit of the car accident.

The police record her words, and after finishing the record, say, "The mouth is not justified, but also multiple evidence." If there are no fingerprints on the nails or no witnesses who saw him do it, suspicion alone will not convict him."

Qin Li has nothing to say, so the law is a double-edged sword, can be used to convict the murderer, but also can be used as a tool to escape the crime.

Probably could not bear to see her dejected look, the police, and comfort said, "The net of God is slow and smooth, if he did it, we will not let him escape."

Qin Li gave a sound, now can only hope so.

Knowing that Yan Sen was out of danger, Qin Li had a heart to put down, but the accident happened, and Pingbai had a lot of follow-up work to deal with.

The car is completely reimbursed, fortunately, Yan Sen bought the whole car insurance, can repair then repair, but can not repair to find the insurance company full compensation. On the other hand, Germany is good that all people have medical insurance, at least in hospital, do not have to pay for it, which also saves them a lot of expenses.

Qin Li took the car home because her body was covered with blood, so she was wearing a work uniform lent to her by the hospital. The bus was bumpy all the way, and Qin Li was upset in her stomach. Finally, she reached the village of Luo, and she fell and got off the bus.

At the station, I met old Muller, whose car was parked not far away, he was sitting in it and appeared to be smoking a cigarette. Saw Qin Li get out of the car, without saying a word to put out the cigarette, and then step on the accelerator, the car quickly ran out.

One day life and death speed, Qin Li has been exhausted, did not notice this scene. She now just wants to go home to rest, tomorrow morning, will go to the hospital to see Yan Sen.

Dragging the tired pace, step by step in the snow, and finally, the farmhouse arrived. Xiaohei smelled the familiar smell, flying to himself, to see if Qin Li's mood was better. The room was cold and dark, so she made an exception and put it into the room.

She helped herself to something to eat, took a shower, and then fell asleep.

After all, a dog is a spiritual animal. Little black seems to feel the master's frustration, not as naughty as usual, but a roar, obediently lying at her feet, guarding the master inch by inch.

This terrible day is finally over.

Maybe not yet? Who knows!

Qin Li soon fell asleep. He had experienced too much during the day and could not sleep at night. She had a nightmare that she was being chased by a group of evil spirits, and then she accidentally fell into a pit, and then, there was a loud bang, and it seemed like something exploded.

The sound was deafening, too real, Qin Li only felt his heart pounding and instantly opened his eyes.

Was it a dream?

It seems not.

Little black at the window a burst of bark, she unconsciously turned her eyes to the window, a faint red light behind the curtain flickering.

What's going on?

Qin Li quickly unscrewed the lamp, jumped out of bed, and opened the curtain. She was startled when she saw the flames outside, almost half the sky red.

Is it on fire?

But how? Now is winter, everywhere there is ice and snow, there is no dry wood fire, easily will not catch fire.

Qin Li was thinking so when he heard another loud noise, even the trash can was hit.

Now she could see clearly that someone had deliberately set a glass bottle of petrol on fire and thrown it into the garden as if it were a grenade, or even towards the farmhouse.

When the gasoline meets the spark, it burns at one point, and the glass bottle is half air, so it's huge.

These men wore leather jackets, covered their faces, and had baseball bats in their hands, and they were fierce like they were looking for revenge.

Qin Li shivered, immediately out of the phone alarm, although could not see the face, she guessed who could guess. It wasn't enough for them to roll over and almost die during the day, but they wouldn't let her go at night.

The men threw several gasoline bottles one after another, and the fire erupted inside and outside the garden. What's more frightening is that when they saw Qin Li turn on the light, they took a baseball bat and turned into the garden, smashing everything in sight.

From the looks of it, she can't wait for the police. She has to help herself. But she's the only one left here, this dumb husky.

Qin Li knows that today they will not just scare themselves so simply, even the kind of vicious car accident dare to make, to fall in their hands is estimated to be only a dead end.

I didn't expect these skinheads to be so extreme, I only saw them on TV before, and now I experienced them myself.

Qin Li is indeed a cowardly ordinary person, but being cowardly and ordinary does not mean that she has no blood and will not be angry. Think of Yan Sen lying in the hospital, and what he experienced during the day, the anger in his heart rubbed up a half-foot high.

The cornered hero, after experiencing extreme fear, suddenly feels less afraid. Her mind suddenly calmed down, searching for countermeasures in her brain, and even she was surprised by the peace of mind.

Since they do not let themselves feel better, then a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, then who ruthless, then who never!

Qin Li went to Yan Sen's room, took out the shotgun from his drawer, did not find bullets, but did not need bullets, she just wanted to scare them away and did not want to kill someone.

He walked back into the hall, found his thickest coat, and put it on, then put on gloves and knee pads to make sure he had no skin to show except his face. She reached out and grabbed a string of firecrackers, which had been prepared to be put in the New Year, but had not expected to be used in advance. She hung the firecracker from her waist, extended the fuse, then took a deep breath and pushed open the farmhouse door.

Those people thought she was scared shitless, hiding in the corner of the room crying, planning to break into the house to insult her, but never expected Qin Li to carry a gun like this, and walked out.

"Want to play?" Qin Li squinted his eyes, slapped his chest, and said, "OK, come on! My aunt will lay down her life today to accompany the gentleman and play with you to the end."

When she said this, her heart was blank, neither fear nor acid feeling.

At this moment, the fire illumined her face, giving her a kind of momentum coming from the fire, and the vandalism of the skinheads was completely intimidated, holding a baseball bat and forgetting what to do.

She glanced over the heads of the group and said, "Revenge and revenge, Toby Muller, let's settle our accounts."

Muller's face was blank, but Toby's heart was pounding next to him, saying, "Oh, my God, how can she recognize me when I'm dressed like this?" Does this lady have X-ray vision?

Mueller was not easily deterred by her, coldly said, "If you have the nerve to shoot."

Qin Li didn't say anything, just put the gun on his shoulder and aimed at them. This position is when she grazed in the mountains, Yan Sen taught her, did not expect to be put out in this case, but also put a pattern.

Seeing himself being pointed at in the dark hole, Toby could not get up immediately and said, "No, no. Have something to say."

Qin Li sneered, "It's too late."

Muller saw Toby so no balls and was also angry, the leg kicked him, and said, "You shrink your head? The bitch wouldn't dare shoot."

Qin Li pulled the trigger, closed one eye, aimed at his heart, and said, "Then try." Let's see if my bullets are faster or if your baseball bats are faster."

The others saw that she looked like she had met God and killed God and ghosts, and they were a little afraid, and they could not help but back away, only Mueller stood there and did not move, dead or alive.

The eyes that looked at her were like a Wolf, eager to tear her apart and swallow her belly.

See the two stalemates, Toby afraid of the central and fish pond, could not help but reach out and push Mueller, crying, "Oh, almost point, don't make an accident!" She had a real gun and Yan Sen was licensed to carry it."

Mueller hated Toby for this, and angrily said, "Afraid of what, there are so many of us, she is only one." I bet you there's no bullet in the chamber."

Toby, "What if there is?"

Mueller, "Absolutely not!"

Everyone was skeptical, although they did not immediately retreat, but they did not dare to start rashly. You know, these guns have bullets the size of half a finger! If they are shot, they will not be dead or disabled, they will just follow them to show off their strength and do something bad, but they do not want to go back as disabled.

Muller saw a few friends so no kind, timid, simply did not say more to them, blocked a breath on their own.

Qin Li said, "You brought this on yourself. Don't blame my men for being heartless."

The fire ignited by the explosion was gradually engulfed by snow and ice, and even the moon in the sky hid in the clouds, and all around it was suddenly dark.

Muller raised his baseball bat, tilted his neck, and moved his hand joints, ready to give Qin Li a hard lesson. But just then, there were explosions all around, one after another, and they were deafening.

Toby, who was nearby, suddenly went wild, clutched his chest, and let out a scream. 'Ah!'

And then, in full view of everyone, he just fell backward.

At this, all the people were confused, and someone shouted, "She shot! She's shooting! She beat Toby to death. '

Muller was convinced that there were no bullets in the tube of her gun, and even if there were, she was an unarmed woman who wouldn't dare to fire but she dared to panic.

The sound of the explosion was repeated, and when everyone saw Toby fall, they were convinced that he had been shot, and in their panic, they had no time to think.

Qin Li kicked off his feet and shouted at the top of his voice, "Get out!"

She didn't need to tell her again, but all of them, except big Toby, who was lying on the floor, rolled away.

Skinheads! Fuck you!

Qin Li tore off the string of firecrackers hanging behind him, touched it, and threw it into the snow.

Just now, she lit the firecracker in the dark, the sound of crackling, although it looks like gunfire, it is not the same as the sound of real ammunition blasting. Besides, this shotgun is fired once and the chamber is pulled, and if you meet someone who knows what they're doing, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to fool them. Therefore, she is also forced to Liangshan, where the soldiers play dangerous chess.

Qin Li walked over to take a look at Toby and saw that he still fell in the snow, the silly bastard in the outer strength, it is estimated that just a series of firecrackers to scare faint.

She went to the tool room to find a bundle of nylon rope, tied Toby up like a zongzi, and when she was done, she kicked him hard.

Qin Li carried the gun back to the house, leaving the idiot alone in the ice and snow, waiting for the police to pick it up.