
My Genes Evolve Infinitely

In a world where technology and transcendence coexist, Warcraft is raging, thousands of races are fighting, alienation is frequent, and crises are everywhere. Fortunately, the human race has the opportunity to activate the gene chain between the ages of sixteen and eighteen and become a gene warrior. The genetic warrior ventures into the magical place of origin, looking for treasures, burning extraordinary genes, gaining magical and powerful power, and becoming the main force against crises. Lu Yuan traveled to this world, carrying a strange cube capable of infinitely evolving genes. He suddenly woke up. Crossing, handsome, with golden fingers, good guy, all the elements! Could it be that I am the protagonist in the legend? ! Me, Lu Yuan! He is the man destined to be the pillar of the human race! ( NOTE: THIS IS NOT MY ORIGINAL, I JUST WANT TO PUBLISH THIS NOVEL Original title: 我的基因无限进化 link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/my-genes-evolve-infinitely/)

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Chapter 270 Breakthrough Battle Sovereign, Saint Level Gene

Lu Yuan thought of this, opened the mouth with a smile and said: "Since Adams Old Master intends to ask War Saint for help, then it shouldn't be too big Amy, don't worry, it's alright."

  Amy was a little worried because she heard Adams' previous words, and she felt a lot better when she heard Lu Yuan's comfort.

  She nodded happily, and quickly smiled again: "Big liar, I broke through to War King"

  Lu Yuan hearing this, silently nodded, with a kind smile: "Oh, yes, I'm planning to break through to Battle Sovereign."

  Amy: "???"

  The smile on her face froze.

  "Why are you so fast?"

  Amy couldn't believe it, and then Lu Yuan saw Wang Lingling's face sticking out behind Amy, with a surprised look on his face full of gentle smiles.

  She was no less shocked than Amy.

  Lu Yuan glanced at Wang Lingling, knowing that she might have been listening by the side.

  Lu Yuan opened the mouth with a smile and said: "Maybe I've been working hard recently. You know, after graduating the list, you can get a lot of cultivation resources and source stones for breakthrough, and cultivation will become easier."

  Hearing this, Amy pouted slightly: "hmph! I can also rush to the king list!"

  After absorbing the Spirit Fruit that improved fleshy body and spirit given by Lu Yuan before, and adding some powerful genetic weapons, Amy's strength is not weak now. After breaking through to the king level, you can also try to burn Sovereign level genes. The next, when the time comes as long as you work hard, it is not too difficult to rush to the king list.

  Lu Yuan said with a smile: "Then you have to work hard and cultivate well."

  "I know, if you want to come out and play, big liar, I just finished my cultivation."

  Amy looked at Lu Yuan expectantly.

  Lu Yuan heard this and called the head: "My cultivation time has not come yet, I have to do cultivation first."

  Amy showed a hint of disappointment, but she also understood that the daily cultivation time still needs to be well cultivated. She nodded: "Oh, then you should cultivate first."

  Lu Yuan said goodbye to Amy, cut off the communication, stopped staying at Auction House, left Auction House, and planned to rent a room for a breakthrough.

  On the way, Lu Yuan received news from Si Tingxue and Rebecca. It was also about the alienated beast that Amy had mentioned before. Only then did Lu Yuan know that it turned out that Siqi Old Master and Li Star Sea Old Master were also there. .

  This also made Lu Yuan more aware of the power of the alienated beast. He wanted to break through quickly and improve his battle strength after evolving super genes.

  Back at the rental house, Lu Yuan went directly to sit cross-legged in the bathtub with a radius of almost two meters, and then began to absorb the source stone.

  After absorbing the source stone, strong spiritual power surged, penetrated into the genetic lock, breaking the genetic lock one after another.

  There are more than 150 genetic chains, and it took a long time just to break the genetic locks.

  When all the gene chains were broken, the next gene chain that had been shrouded in the white mist was revealed.

  That was the seventh gene chain, the Battle Sovereign-level gene chain.

  At the same time, Lu Yuan felt the joy of life sublimation in his body, and his strength in all aspects has been greatly improved.

  So far, Lu Yuan's breakthrough has reached the Battle Sovereign level.

  Because he was worried about the alienated beast, Lu Yuan didn't rest too much and started to evolve his extraordinary genes.

  Lu Yuan had filled 80 million seventh rank Spirit Crystal into the evolution cube before, and now the evolution cube was flashing dim-blue rays of light, and under Lu Yuan's will, it shot into Lu Yuan's gene chain superior.

  The gene chain began to undergo a drastic change, and Lu Yuan's fleshy body also changed. One after another wound appeared in his body, and blood spurted out, dyeing the bathtub red.

  However, with the recovery abilities of Spirit Physique and Aria of Life, Lu Yuan's wounds were squirming and soon began to recover.

  Time passes, when the first gene chain change ends, the dim-blue rays of light of the evolutionary cube are no longer shining, and Lu Yuan's first extraordinary gene evolution is completed.

  The emperor-level extraordinary gene Dainichi Spirit Physique has completed the evolution, becoming the become Saint-level extraordinary gene.

  The information of the extraordinary gene seemed to enter Lu Yuan's mind directly, and Lu Yuan immediately understood the situation of the newly evolved extraordinary gene.

  Saint Level extraordinary gene, body of stars.

  Compared with the Great Sun Spirit Physique, the improvement in all aspects brought by the extraordinary gene itself of the body of the stars is naturally greatly enhanced, mainly in defense and strength, secondary in agility, and even in spirit strength to a considerable extent.

  In addition, unlike the Great Sun Spirit Physique, the Great Sun Spirit Physique needs to be in a place with sunlight to greatly improve its resilience and strength, and the body of the stars only needs to be in the space where the Star Power is located in the universe, not in a space rift It can improve the strength of all aspects, but also improve the fleshy body recovery ability and spiritual power recovery ability.

  The increase brought by the operation of the body of stars is naturally much stronger than that of the Great Sun Spirit Physique.

  At the same time, just like what Lu Yuan thought before, the power contained in the Saint Level extraordinary gene itself has a deeper control inheritance. For the controlling ability of the earth, rock, and metal, the body of the stars is much stronger than the Spirit Physique of the Great Sun. Even the mastery of gravity has been greatly improved, and the ability to derive out gravitational and repulsive forces is also derived.

  The movement between stars, in the final analysis, is the mutual attraction of large objects with mass, and it is relatively not difficult to reverse it into repulsion.

  In general, the body of the stars is much stronger than the Spirit Physique of the Great Sun, and the gap is larger than the gap between the emperor level and the Sovereign level.

  It has to be said that the more powerful the extraordinary gene, the more exaggerated the improvement brought to the genetic warrior after burning.

  Lu Yuan felt that after he evolved all the extraordinary genes to Saint Level, his strength might be stronger than he expected.

  This is naturally a good thing.

  When Lu Yuan checked the information of the body of stars, the hideous wound on his body recovered one after another. Lu Yuan stood up, rinsed the blood from his body, and also rinsed the blood in the bathtub. Then he took a short rest and recovered. After the spirit, it begins to evolve again.

  The second evolution, the emperor-level extraordinary gene life chant.

  Compared with the first evolution, Lu Yuan's fleshy body is much stronger, relatively speaking, the pain is much less, and the wounds on his body are much less than before.

  Lu Yuan quickly completed the evolution.

  Saint Level extraordinary gene, gift of life.

  It is also a healing supergene. Compared with Aria of Life, the gift of life is almost the same as the name of the battle skill. As long as it is not completely dead, and even the spirit is annihilated, this battle skill can be used to save it.

  Seeing this information, Lu Yuan's eyes widened slightly and he was a little surprised. Is this equivalent to countless lives?

  As long as there is enough spiritual power, no matter how serious the injury, can it recover at the fastest speed? Rebirth from a severed limb or something is completely a routine operation.

  Even if the spirit is still there, even Rebirth from a drop of Blood might not be impossible, right?

  It's a bit terrifying.

  Lu Yuan found that this battle skill was stronger than Lu Yuan thought.

  Of course, after the evolution to Saint Level. The boosting effect brought by the blessing of the extraordinary gene is also much stronger than that of the emperor, and the inheritance knowledge contained in the extraordinary gene is also more esoteric.

  For Life Power, the force of nature has a deeper understanding and application.

  Even if Lu Yuan doesn't use the battle skill, he can easily use Life Power to heal others, use the power of nature to make flowers and trees grow, and even use it to deal with his own enemies.

  Lu Yuan found that with the continuous improvement of the quality of the extraordinary gene, the knowledge contained in the extraordinary gene became more and more similar to the law and authority of the direction represented by this gene.

  Saint Level is so powerful. When it is upgraded to Divine Grade, it is really similar to Spiritual God who can use laws, right?

  That battle skill can't even be said to be a battle skill, but a dive technique.

  This is naturally a good thing for Lu Yuan, after all, he can have the authority of the law in several directions, and has a lot of diving techniques.

  Continue to evolve, surpassing Divine Grade and even stronger than Divine Technique.

  Lu Yuan used a gift of life for himself, and the slowly healing wounds left by the previous evolution were completely healed almost instantly, and Lu Yuan was almost unresponsive.

  After recovering, Lu Yuan rinsed off the blood again, recovered his spirits, and started the third evolution.

  The third emperor-level extraordinary gene, the mechanical Great Emperor.

  The evolutionary cube rays of light of dim-blue enveloped the gene chain again, and the gene chain began to change.

  Having evolved two Saint Level genes in a row, Lu Yuan's body has become extremely strong. Although Lu Yuan can still feel the pain, it is already milder than the second time before. The wounds on his body are reduced again, and there is almost only a little trauma. .

  The evolution soon ended, dim-blue rays of light dissipated, and Lu Yuan gained information on a new transcendent gene.

  Saint Level extraordinary gene, mechanical saint.

  Needless to say, the improvement of all aspects of the genetic warrior brought by the extraordinary gene.

  The ability to control mechanical life has become stronger, and even as long as Lu Yuan's spirit strength is strong enough, even a saint-level mechanical life may not be uncontrollable.

  This makes Lu Yuan a little unbelievable, this is a saint.

  In the entire universe, it can be regarded as an absolute powerhouse. Except for War God, the saint is the ceiling of battle strength.

  didn't expect even the saints can control it.

  Lu Yuan wanted to go to the leader of Machine Race to find a few mechanical saints to try.

  However, Lu Yuan felt that if he tried, he might be slapped to death by the mechanical War God.

  The abnormality of the saint is no longer a trivial matter, and it will definitely attract the attention of the mechanical War God.

  In addition to the control ability, the inheritance in the field of mechanical technology is also quite proven. As long as the materials are sufficient, Lu Yuan can even conjure up a cosmic battleship that can perform Space Jump.

  Thinking about it this way, Lu Yuan suddenly thought that if the alienated beast of Saint Level can't be dealt with when the time comes, it may not be a way to escape by building a few more battleships.

  Of course, if possible, Lu Yuan definitely does not want to give up Daqixing.

  In addition, the mechanical sage's increase in mechanical genetic weapons and mechanical weapons has also been greatly enhanced compared to the mechanical Great Emperor.

  After thinking about it, Lu Yuan plans to create a batch of floating gun type genetic weapons when the time comes, and when the time comes to evolve to the Saint Level, and then use the mechanical boost to improve it, it will also greatly improve his battle strength.

  If evolving to Saint Level is a heavier burden on him, perhaps he can consider only evolving to Emperor Level. If Emperor Level uses mechanical amplification to increase, the destructive power is not much worse than Saint Level.

  this can be considered a nice trick.

  Lu Yuan kept it in mind and planned to try it later.

  If the alienated beast really comes out, it can be improved a little bit.

  Lu Yuan came back to his senses and found that the wounds caused by previous evolution on his body had healed automatically. He cleaned it up, regained his spirits, and began to evolve the next extraordinary genes.

  The fourth extraordinary gene, the emperor-level extraordinary gene, roams the stars.

  Compared with other extraordinary genes, the improvement of the extraordinary genes of the space system is the greatest. Of course, the evolution needs to consume the most resources. It has consumed about 8 million seventh rank Spirit Crystal. Gene evolved to Saint Level.

  During this process, Lu Yuan could hardly feel much pain, just felt a little tingling, and no more wounds appeared on his body.

  Lu Yuan began to check the information of the extraordinary gene.

  Saint Level Extraordinary Gene, Space Walker.

  Compared with the emperor-level star roaming, the improvement of spacewalker needless to say, the magnitude is huge.

  The ability of the battle skill is the same as the star roaming, and it is also a space shuttle.

  However, unlike Star Wandering, space walkers have a stronger affinity for space. Just like the name of this extraordinary gene, it seems that people walking in space can use this battle skill to integrate into space by themselves, generally a little lower-level. The owner of the extraordinary gene of the space system is even imperceptible to space fluctuation.

  This makes Lu Yuan feel somewhat similar to the previous dark abyss Demon Sect.

  But it's definitely different from aliens.

  There is no difference between a spacewalker traveling through space and running in a normal space, so there will be no delay problem. With the spacewalker's extraordinary gene, Lu Yuan can be as flexible as in normal space.

  Not even Space Imprisonment had any effect on him, because even an imprisoned space was the same to him as a normal space.

  With this extraordinary gene, Lu Yuan can say that there is no place he can't go.

  Lu Yuan looked at the introduction, and the more he read, the more horrified he felt. No wonder there were so few powerhouses with extraordinary genes of the space system.

  If anyone has the extraordinary gene of spacewalker, even if it's just a Battle Venerable, Lu Yuan can't do anything about him.

  Maybe he couldn't hurt Lu Yuan, but Lu Yuan couldn't hurt him either.

  I don't know if spacewalkers can pass through the barrier of that kind of law. If they can, even War God can't do anything about Lu Yuan.

  Lu Yuan wants to try it out, but if it doesn't work, then it shouldn't be cool?

  Hmm... it's better not to have a chance to try it.

  Lu Yuan sighed slightly.

  In the other room, the inheritance knowledge contained in the Extraordinary Gene of Space Walker is also quite esoteric, and the use and control of Power of Space has reached a new level.

  Lu Yuan can use Power of Space to create quite a few pretty good battle skills, whether it's planting space bombs in some places, and detonating them when the others pass by, or using space to fold to stealth and so on are all good ideas.

  And because of the particularity of the extraordinary genes of the space system, although the quality of the battle skills created by Lu Yuan may only be at the Sovereign level, it is of great use even in the face of War Saint, which is what Lu Yuan is most satisfied with. .

  After Lu Yuan checked the information about the extraordinary genes of the spacewalker, he exhaled slightly, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and then rested for a while before starting the next evolution.