
My Genes Evolve Infinitely

In a world where technology and transcendence coexist, Warcraft is raging, thousands of races are fighting, alienation is frequent, and crises are everywhere. Fortunately, the human race has the opportunity to activate the gene chain between the ages of sixteen and eighteen and become a gene warrior. The genetic warrior ventures into the magical place of origin, looking for treasures, burning extraordinary genes, gaining magical and powerful power, and becoming the main force against crises. Lu Yuan traveled to this world, carrying a strange cube capable of infinitely evolving genes. He suddenly woke up. Crossing, handsome, with golden fingers, good guy, all the elements! Could it be that I am the protagonist in the legend? ! Me, Lu Yuan! He is the man destined to be the pillar of the human race! ( NOTE: THIS IS NOT MY ORIGINAL, I JUST WANT TO PUBLISH THIS NOVEL Original title: 我的基因无限进化 link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/my-genes-evolve-infinitely/)

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Chapter 269 Lurking

After reaching a consensus, one of the middle-aged Battle Emperors with azure short hair took out a white spell with a serious face. After the spiritual power penetrated, the spell flashed, and the green dog in the air suddenly stopped in place. Around it, The space distortion froze.

  The green dog screamed, the green rays of light surged, the space ka ka rattled, and a crack appeared one after another as if the glass was shattered.

  "Hurry up!"

  The middle-aged Battle Emperor saw this, the complexion changed, and he quickly roared.

  Six of the other Battle Emperors took out a spell or a one-time special treasure one after another, among which is included Li Star Sea, two Siqi, after the spiritual power penetrated, these treasures released extremely terrifying and powerful treasures. breath.

  These all are Saint Level treasures.

  Others have also taken out their most powerful hole cards, or used the most powerful attacks. After all, the offensive treasure of Saint Level is not available to all Battle Emperors. Some Battle Emperors may only have escaped Saints. Level treasure , it is also possible that it has existed before, but it has been used.

  As spiritual power surged, all attacks were directed towards the green dog imprisoned in the air.

  The green dog's green pupils shrunk slightly, growling sharply, green mist flowing around, forming a green mask, and one after another green flame burns outside the mask, resisting the attack.

  Soon, all the attacks landed on the green mask, the rumbling sound sounded, the aftermath of the terrifying matchless raged, and under so many powerful attacks, one after another space crack appeared directly in the sky, and the space storm continued. raging.

  A group of Battle Emperor-level powerhouses had difficulty standing still under such aftermath, and they stepped back one after another, watching the green dog in the rays of light with some vigilance.

  The one after another attack landed on the green mask, and a one after another crack appeared in the mask. In the face of so many simultaneous attacks from Saint Level battle skills, it finally cracked open, and the remaining attacks all fell on the green dog. body.

  The green dog's fleshy body is extremely powerful, but it is also difficult to completely resist the attack of Saint Level. One after another ferocious wound emerged, and green blood with a corrosive smell spurted out.

  The huge pain caused the green dog to roar angrily, and at the same time, Li Star Sea's Spirit Sword charm also slashed on the green dog's body.

  The green dog trembled violently and let out a sharp growl.

  That terrifying roar made all the surrounding Battle Emperors feel a momentary blank in their brains.

  In some cities far away, the ordinary person fainted when he heard the roar, causing a lot of confusion.

  The Spirit Attack is obviously very harmful to the green dog. Its breath suddenly becomes much weaker, and the will that was still resisting the attack has dissipated a little, and the wounds on the body have become more and more, and even the body is broken. After two cuts, green blood floated in the air.

  Seeing that the green dog's body was broken and his breath was extremely weak, Li Star Sea and the others were all overjoyed and smiled.

  "It works! I'm dying!"

  Ge Hong's eyes shined and exclaimed in surprise.

  At this moment, the green dog glanced at the surrounding Battle Emperor resentfully, and then it roared, space distortion all over its body, its body turned into a green mist, and disappeared in place.

  Others see this, complexion changed.

  "Space Imprisonment is broken! This green dog has space ability, it's going to run!"

  Wells had fought against the green dog before, and he reacted immediately. The other attacks in the Saint Level battle were extremely powerful, but too powerful force would break the space tearing and the previous Space Imprisonment, which gave the green dog chance to escape.

  Adams opened the mouth and said: "It still has a life force. If it runs away, it will be troublesome. Can you determine the direction of its spatial movement?!"

  The expressions of the others also changed slightly. One of them, Battle Emperor, a handsome young man with white hair, took out a spell with eyes. After his spiritual power penetrated, he closed his eyes and felt it, and then his face looked ugly. the head :

  "No, the space ability of the alienated beast is a bit strange. Unless it has a powerful Power of Space, it can't be found at all. I'm afraid even the emperor-level space gene can't find its whereabouts ."

  Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed.

  "What?! What should I do then?? Finally, there is hope to kill this monster. If it runs away and it recovers, when the time comes, it must be a disaster for our Dakaixing!"

  Wells' face was extremely cold: "This time it has suffered such a loss, next time it will probably not appear in front of many Battle Emperors again, this monster is extremely cunning, and may secretly seek for our people to assassinate, you can Can it stop the assassination of a War Saint who is good at space?"

  Others are also brows tightly knit, and their faces are very ugly.

  Adams took a deep breath and added in a low voice: "This is not the most troublesome thing, the most troublesome thing is that this monster can devour other people to improve itself. After Bieyuan was devoured by it before, its breath has not improved . Little, if it keeps devouring life to improve itself in secret, maybe it may be much stronger than it is now, when the time comes, even if we have any more Saint Level cards to use, it may not be able to threaten it . Even more how… "

  His eyes swept across the crowd, opened the mouth and said: "Do you have any other Saint Level attack spells or something?"

  When everyone heard this, their faces became even more ugly.

  After the atmosphere was silent, Si Qi slowly exhaled, opened the mouth and said:

  "According to Adams' words, if this monster wants to regain its own strength, it will devour a lot of life. Everyone sends people to watch around Daqixing. If there is a large number of lives missing in any area, it should be the handwriting of this monster. ."

  Wells glanced at Si Qi, slowly opened the mouth and said: "Even if we can find the trace of this monster, it has a powerful space ability, can we catch it?"

  Hearing this, the atmosphere fell silent again.

  After being silent for a while, Li Star Sea sighed, opened the mouth and said: "please ask for help, the alienated beasts of Saint Level are not something we can deal with. Go to Tian City and find other Saint Level powerhouses. This is not us. The matter of Daqixing, if that monster devours the entire Daqixing, when the time comes, the entire Baiyun Star Domain will be in great danger. I hope a War Saint can arrive as soon as possible."

  Hearing this, everyone slowly nods.

  After that, everyone discussed the follow-up matters before leaving separately.


  Daqixing, in a huge forest, the space fluctuated, green mist emerged, and finally condensed into the appearance of a green dog.

  At this moment, only the head and a small part of the body are left in the green dog. Even the head and a small part of the body are covered with a lot of cuffs, and the corrosive green blood keeps dripping from the wound, dripping on the ground and corroding a piece. a small pit.

  The green dog panted slightly, and there was a look of hatred in the green eyes. As an alienated beast with a lot of wisdom, it understood that it was too careless before, thinking that the breath of those creatures was far inferior to it, and it was difficult to cause damage to it. , didn't expect it would almost kill it in the end. As an alienated beast with a strong desire for revenge, it will naturally not give up, but before that, it needs to restore its own strength.

  Just when the green dog was almost filled with hatred, a low roar sounded, two breaths quickly approached the green dog, and the surrounding forest shook.

  The green dog looked up, and soon saw two iron armored Tyrant Dragon with a shoulder height of more than five meters and covered with gray and white scale armor slowly walking out, looking at the green dog with tyrannical eyes, as if with a trace of doubt, I don't know. What is this.

  The Iron Armored Tyrant Dragon, as the beast of the fourth rank, is not weak, looked at the green dog curiously, but seemed to sense some kind of danger and did not approach it directly.

  Seeing this, the green dog split the corner of its mouth, and there were drops of green mucus dripping from the corner of the mouth, it opened its mouth, next moment, a huge suction appeared, pulling the two huge iron armored Tyrant Dragon towards the green dog. past.

  Feeling the irresistible huge suction, the iron armored Tyrant Dragon let out an angry roar, and the whole body surged with strength, but they couldn't break free no matter what.

  When approaching the green dog's mouth, the corpses of the two huge ironed Tyrant Dragons began to melt, turning into clumps of green mucus, which were swallowed by the green dog.

  Clouds of green mist appeared on the wound of the green dog that devoured the two iron armored Tyrant Dragons, and the wound gradually began to stop bleeding and even began to recover.

  The green dog floated up, with a cold and tyrannical look in its green eyes, it restrained its own breath, and flew towards the position of the breath of other beasts.


  The place of origin, inside the Auction House.

  Lu Yuan saw that the treasures he had sent for auction were sold and replaced with Spirit Crystals. A smile appeared on his face. This was the joy of harvesting.

  During this time, the sales of all kinds of treasures sent by Lu Yuan are still good. After all, they are all precious and priceless treasures. As long as there is a Spirit Crystal, no matter what type of genetic warrior they are, they will need it.

  After more than two weeks, Lu Yuan is still two million seventh rank Spirit Crystal, and he has reached 100 million seventh rank Spirit Crystal.

  With so many resources, it is only a lot more than the Battle Emperor powerhouse. If it is the kind of powerhouse that just broke through to the Saint Level, it may not have as many Spirit Crystals as Lu Yuan.

  And the treasure in the Auction House can almost sell more than ten million seventh rank Spirit Crystal.

  For Lu Yuan, it was enough for his short-term cultivation.

  At this moment, Lu Yuan's communication crystal lit up, he was stunned, opened the communication crystal, and found that it was Amy.

  Lu Yuan noticed a worried look on Amy's face, and he asked suspiciously:

  "Amy, what happened? You don't seem very happy?"

  Amy appeared lightly: "Well, my grandfather said, just before a Saint Level alienated beast suddenly appeared in our Daqixing, and the Battle Emperor of Dax went over together, but failed to kill it. It ran away, the alienated beast is very cunning, and when it recovers, I am afraid that Daqixing will be very dangerous, too grandfather, let me remind you."

  When Amy said this, thinking of the terrifying aura she had sensed before, a hint of fear appeared in purple's big eyes.

  Hearing Amy's words, Lu Yuan's eyes widened slightly and he was a little surprised: "Saint Level's alienated beast?! In our Daqixing?"

  Although there are quite a few alienation phenomena in the entire universe, Daqixing has never had an alienation phenomenon of emperor-level alienation or alienation beasts, didn't expect that Saint-level alienation beasts appeared.

  Lu Yuan's first reaction was whether it had something to do with the elf man before. After all, not long after the elf man died, the alienated beast of Saint Level appeared, which was too coincidental.

  It's just that Lu Yuan has no evidence, and it's just speculation.

  Still, Adams Old Master Are they that strong?

  It's just Battle Emperor, how can he deal with the alienated beasts of Saint Level?

  When Lu Yuan was thinking, Amy nod lightly, opened the mouth and said with some fear: "Well, from Saint Level, I heard from my grandfather that the situation was very dangerous at that time, that alienated beast was in the territory of our lion empire, Even two Battle Emperors died... If the support didn't arrive in time, I' m too grandfather to say that he is also in danger."

  Lu Yuan slightly frowned, opened the mouth and said: "That alienated beast ran away, can't you find it? Since Old Master Adams and those Battle Emperor powerhouses have a way to defeat the alienated beast, why not pursue it?"

  Amy shook the head and said, "The grandfather said that the alienated beast has a very powerful space ability. It used its space ability to escape, and they couldn't find it."

  Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment, a little surprised.

  space capability?

  Hmm... If that's the case, maybe he can find it?

  It's a pity that he wasn't there at the time, otherwise there should be hope to completely kill the alienated beast, right?

  Lu Yuan frowned slightly, he was in the place of origin, he didn't know about it.

  Even if he goes out now, Daqixing is so big, it is difficult for him to find it.

  Saint Level?

  Lu Yuan is a little worried. If he breaks through to the Battle Sovereign level, burns an extraordinary gene again, and then evolves all of them again, then he will have seven extraordinary genes of the Saint Level. I am afraid that ordinary Battle Emperor is not his opponent. War Saint If so... If he can temper a few extraordinary genes into Perfection, maybe there is hope for a fight?

  After all, the average War Saint must have the Saint Level gene at most, and there must be very few War Saints with the Divine Grade gene.

  If Lu Yuan has several Saint Level genes, then facing the general War Saint, even if it is two great realm lower, it is not without the ability to fight.

  It's just that he doesn't know when the alienated beast will appear again?

  If you are seriously injured, it will take some time to recover, right?

  Thinking of this, Lu Yuan was slightly frowned, and decided not to wait for the treasure in the Auction House to go out.

  Although there will be some loss of intermediary fees, relatively speaking, Lu Yuan hopes to improve his strength as soon as possible, and when the time comes, if something really happens, he will not be unable to resist.

  At this time, Lu Yuan heard Amy's voice: "By the way, the grandfather went to Baiyun City. It seems that he planned to invite War Saint of Baiyun Star Domain to take action. I hope War Saint can come over soon."

  Hearing this, Lu Yuan suddenly thought of the elf old man he had met in Bingmao Xing before.

  He said he could go to Tian City in the upper level of the Land of Origin to contact him?

  With the strength of the War Saint with the space gene, it should be no problem to deal with a Saint Level alienated beast, right?

  If it is really dangerous, when the time comes, you can also go to the elf old man, this can be considered as a way out.

  Of course, Lu Yuan was not the kind of person who would entrust his fate to others, especially that the elf old man was a restorer, and he must be busy repairing the space rift. If he was not in the place of origin at that time, it would be cold. ?

  Let's break through and improve first, Adams Old Master and the others have gone to War Saint, maybe things can be resolved quickly, when the time comes he doesn't need to worry about anything.