
My Geeky Boyfriend Is Brutal

Sandra is a beautiful girl who reigns as the queen of her school. Her life always seems perfect, but deep down, she feels lonely and longs for true love. When Samuel, a new transfer student from another school, enters her life, she becomes intrigued by the mysterious boy. Samuel was initially a victim of bullying by his schoolmates because they thought he was poor and weak. However, Sandra and her friends are unaware that Samuel is actually the sole heir to his wealthy father and also the most feared gangster leader in town. He keeps this truth hidden because he doesn't want to come across as arrogant and doesn't want his school friends to be in danger. Through struggles and hard work, Samuel eventually gains Sandra's trust, and they start to develop a close relationship. However, their love becomes complicated as various intrigues unfold in their love story. Sandra fights hard to help Samuel break free from the cycle of violence. However, they face numerous obstacles from their parents and friends. Their lives become even more complicated when Samuel becomes entangled in conflicts with rival gangsters, putting their lives at risk. In the midst of conflicts and imminent danger, Sandra and Samuel must consider their values and life goals. They must choose between fulfilling love or facing the consequences that could potentially ruin their lives. Will Sandra and Samuel overcome the obstacles and stay together? Or will their separate lives lead them to lose this heartfelt love?

Ariefwiguna · Teen
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14 Chs

Crazy Incident

In front of Alex's school, Evan was hanging out with his classmates. Suddenly, a group of young bikers arrived, making a lot of noise with their loud exhausts. There were about 10 motorcycles, each carrying three people. At first, they gave Evan and his friends a disdainful look. Then, the biker at the front approached Evan, without saying much, and stabbed him with a knife he had in his hand.

A crazy incident occurred at the school, with the sound of children screaming echoing in everyone's ears. Sarah's friends hurriedly left the school to check the situation. Sarah didn't want to be left behind, and when she arrived at the scene, she was shocked. Evan was lying there, weak and in pain, holding his stomach, which was bleeding profusely.

Sarah screamed and shouted hysterically, and Sandra, who arrived late, immediately hugged her.

Sandra: "What happened, Sarah?"

Sarah: "Look at Evan, Sandra, he was stabbed in the stomach."

Sandra: "Who stabbed him, Sarah?"

While they were talking, the school security guard suddenly appeared and explained the sequence of events to Sandra and the others. All the students from Evan and Sandra's school listened attentively to his account.

"So, Miss, Evan was hanging out right in front of my post, next to the school. Suddenly, a gang of bikers, around 10 motorcycles, each carrying three people, stopped in front of Evan. Then, one of them jumped off and stabbed Evan in the stomach with a knife," the security guard said seriously.

When the students heard the words 'biker gang,' they all looked at Sandra, their gaze sharp. Sandra was confused, not understanding why they were looking at her like that. She scratched her head and asked,

"Hey, why are you all looking at me like that? What's going on?"

"Sandra, where is Samuel?" Adi asked.

Then all the students started asking Sandra the same question, "Yeah, Sandra, where is Samuel? Why isn't he here?" The atmosphere became noisy as everyone asked Sandra the same thing.

But on the other side, Sandra herself was also confused because she hadn't seen her boyfriend since the morning.

In the distance, Samuel was seen running towards them, shouting, "Watch out!" Everyone moved back, clearing a path for Samuel.

Samuel: "What's wrong with all of you? When you see someone in danger, you just stand there, talking, taking videos, uploading to social media, making statuses. Aren't you all human?" Samuel asked angrily. Everyone remained silent; no one dared to answer.

Samuel: "Sandra, can you help me?" Samuel asked.

Sandra: "Yes, what do you need help with?"

Samuel: "Call the police and report this incident."

Suddenly, one by one, the students started speaking, "Weren't they your friends, Sam?"

Others added, "Yeah, Sam, weren't they your biker gang?"

Hearing that, Samuel fell silent and looked at the people accusing him.

Samuel: "Yes, maybe everyone thinks this is all my fault and my friends', but remember, I'm not a member of a biker gang."

Yandi chimed in, "Yes, not a member, but you're the leader, Sam."

Samuel: "My friends and I call ourselves a motorcycle club, not a biker gang, remember that."

Hilman: "There's no difference."

"Slap!" The sound of a hard slap suddenly echoed.

Sandra had slapped Hilman hard,

"Please be smarter and distinguish between a gang and a club."

Everyone fell silent, and shortly afterward, a police patrol car arrived.

The police quickly arrived at the school and examined the crime scene. They also interviewed Rahmat, the school security guard who witnessed the incident firsthand.

Mr. Rahmat provided a detailed account of the attack on Evan and described the characteristics of the assailants he observed. He also shared information about his actions after the incident, including providing first aid to Evan.

In addition, the police interviewed several students and teachers who were present at the scene to gather information. They collected statements from eyewitnesses who saw what the perpetrators did before and after the stabbing, as well as the characteristics they noticed.

During the investigation process, the police conducted surveillance and intensive investigation to identify the stabber. They reviewed the school's CCTV footage and collected evidence from the crime scene.

The police also coordinated with the school and Evan's parents to ensure the continuation of necessary medical treatment for Evan.

After several days of investigation, the police finally managed to arrest the stabber. It turned out to be a former student who had been expelled from the school due to his aggressive behavior and personal conflicts with Evan. The perpetrator was apprehended and faced legal proceedings.

Once the truth was revealed, all those who had accused Samuel immediately approached him and apologized.

Samuel, being wise, just smiled and said, "It's alright, everyone makes mistakes at some point."

Elsewhere, Sarah continued to cry, extremely worried about Evan, who had not yet fully recovered from the stabbing. Every day, Sarah visited the hospital regularly to accompany Evan, hoping for his recovery. She couldn't sleep peacefully and felt deeply saddened by what happened to Evan.

She felt incredibly guilty and wished she could help Evan recover faster. Sarah spent hours searching for information on the latest medical treatments for stab wounds, similar to what Evan had experienced. She contacted doctors and medical teams for consultations on Evan's condition and sought advice on how to care for his wounds.

Sarah also sought support from her family and friends. They visited the hospital to provide moral support to Sarah. They listened to her concerns and offered words of encouragement, hoping for Evan's speedy recovery.

Additionally, Sarah actively engaged in prayer and religious activities every day for Evan's healing. She sought support from her religious community and participated in joint prayer events for Evan's recovery. Sarah firmly believed that spiritual support could provide strength and hope to face this difficult situation.

Finally, Evan started to improve. Sarah was overjoyed and felt relieved. She continued to provide support and took good care of Evan, following all the doctor's instructions and ensuring he received the best possible treatment.

After weeks of intensive care, the doctors finally gave a thumbs-up and announced that Evan had fully recovered. Sarah was ecstatic, tears of happiness streaming down her face. She felt relieved and deeply grateful for Evan's recovery.

In the hospital, while Sarah faithfully accompanied Evan, Sandra arrived with her boyfriend Samuel, who looked completely different. He appeared cool and confident.

Sandra: "How is Evan, Sarah?"

Sarah: "Alhamdulillah, he has recovered and can go home, Sandra," Sarah replied happily.

Sandra: "Unfortunately, the attacker was released by the police. He is the son of the local police chief, according to rumors," Sandra said.

Samuel, who overheard Sandra's statement, suddenly froze and asked, "What do you mean, Sandra?"

Sandra: "Yes, he is the police chief's son in this city, so he was just released like that."

Samuel: "What's the name of the police chief? Do you know?" Samuel asked, curious.

Sandra: "If I'm not mistaken, his name is Mr. Hanif."

Samuel: "Oh, okay."

Sarah saw Sandra, and they exchanged glances, both confused about Samuel's reaction.

Shortly after, Samuel approached Evan and whispered, "Do you want me to take revenge?"

Evan: "No, I'm afraid."

Upon hearing that, Samuel winked one eye, indicating that he had a plan in mind, while Sandra and Sarah remained silent and bewildered.