
My Gangster System: Rise Of The Greatest Mafia King

[Congratulations on your awakening] [You have gained the title 'Little Heir'] Vincent was a weak boy with no parents, a loner that wanted nothing but to become a lawyer that would reform the broken system of the world. But life was not a bed of roses. First day into high school, Vincent's life is made a living hell. Everyday... everytime...without ceasing, he was bullied... until one day–he decided to turn to freedom in his own definition. Death. While trying to run to his death, he tripped and came in contact with a strange lightning... he thought he died. But the next day, he finds himself in his room—with a system that wants him to walk the path of wickedness and tyranny. Follow how, a weak boy Vincent would become the greatest and most feared Mafia to ever exist – DaVince. _ _ _ Support this lame author! thanks!

FaLlen_smith · Urban
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

WTF is Daniel?!

The entire class watched as the brawny boy walked out of the class, their eyes diverting between Kasem and the known trouble maker. 

He paused at the entrance of the door, took a quick look at Vincent and marched out. 

Ol'boy didn't really care if anyone was looking at him. It was Daniel he could not beat, he was damn sure he could stand his own with every other member of the Mereung alliance. 

He sneered smugly as the bully trudged away. 

Then he looked at Kasem with a satisfied smile on his face. Everyone was gathering around the slender boy, commending him for holding on well. 

"What the hell bro? You actually punched him?!"

"Yo! Nice one, he totally couldn't do anything against you!" 

"Well done Kasem, man I don't know if I would have been able to pull one like that." 

All of them said all sorts, Kasem's response drowning in the murmurs of the crowd. 

Vincent looked longer than a couple of seconds, then turned his face down to see the good news that was brought to his eyes. 


[Trial one has been successfully completed] 

[You have gained +1 normal card]

[Stay tuned for Trial two] 

As much as he was itching to check out the cards, he had received Vincent dismissed the tab, cast one last glance at Kasem's radiant face and walked away. 

Kasem caught a glimpse as he went. He had intended to come to him immediately the guy walked away but the crowds swarmed him faster than he could move his legs.

He didn't do well with people, he was shy, he stuttered in fact, it was hard for him to excuse himself from the throng that was surrounding him, and that was how he was not able to meet Vincent.

But he vowed within his heart. 

'I owe you this one… I know you came here to look out for me.' He internalized, staring at entrance of the door where Vincent just left. 

The rest of the day passed peacefully, Vincent was quite expectant and anticipated the next Trial that will pop up his view. 

Till the end of school, till he walked home… nothing happened. 

It was quite disappointing but it was probably for the better. 

He entered his room, seeping in the soft vanilla smell that greeted him. Dropping his bag, he lazily fell on his bed, sinking into its embrace for a few minutes. 

Then he stood up and pulled his uniform. 


Just as he did that, his phone rang. Vincent picked it from the table where he had left it this morning but before he could answer the call, it went off and a message popped up. 

With a slight frown on his face, Vincent tapped the message and saw:

–Hello, Sensei Daniel here. Lessons will be starting tomorrow. Meet me at Mereung central Park.

The frown on Vincent's face sharply transformed into a deep scowl. 

"How did he even get my number?" Vincent scoffed annoyingly and threw his phone on the bed. 

Then he went to the kitchen to fix two packs of ramyeon noodles for himself. 

Since he was short on money and had to really think hard before spending. He had no choice but to be economical. 

The day passed without him doing much, after eating Vincent went on Wentube–an app where videos about random things are uploaded.

One could literally find anything about everything on video apps like this.

It wasn't just Wentube, there was Vistagram, Book-a-face and several other social media platforms that was filled with everything about anything. 

Vincent was currently streaming a boxer who retired and started doing Wentube videos. 

He usually does not do this but after his fight with Daniel, his weaknesses became bare to him.

It was very cool that he could think the skill and used it but really it wasn't like his opponent would wait around while he 'thinks'

He doubted if he was ever going to meet anyone as fast as Daniel… (Daniel was just really on a different lane when it came to speed) but that didn't mean he wouldn't meet people that would pose more danger than Daniel did. 

People that would be equipped with more experience. 

Not like he was planning to go around fighting hooligans but as far as Blu was in this matter, Vincent guessed that quest would never stop coming. 

If that was the case he needed to prepare and get stronger. In as much as the system is offering a better chance at growth than he had ever seen. 

That did not mean that he too have to totally depend on the system. 

He also wanted to grow stronger. 

That was why he began to look into the way boxing was done, see what he had done wrong. 

Vincent exhaled after watching the video for like the tenth time. 

He turned over, face to the ceiling. 

"Man, I don't know if I'm the dull one or this thing is just so hard to get." 

He closed his eyes for a while, trying to ward in sleep but it was to no avail. 

So he decided to step out. 

Quickly jumping into a track pants and a hoodie, Vincent went outside with his earpiece and his phone. 

'People would probably think… who jogs in the evening, but I don't care. I have my earpiece on'

Vincent plugged it into his phone and fixed both on his ears as he walked out of the building. 

Lights were beginning to come to live in different buildings, although slightly. 

Men in suits with briefcase and expensive cars bathed the street in a to and fro beauty. 

Since it was evening, many were coming back from work but the area still carried its essence of silence. 

Each person regardless of the direction they walked, walked with focus, minding their business.

In contrast to what Vincent thought, no one paid attention to him. 

His jog was peaceful. 

As he reached a familiar restaurant he made a sharp break and turned, squinting his eyes. 

'This is where she works, right?' 

He had to confirm something real quick before continuing his jog, so Vincent without remorse walked into the restaurant. 

This time, the owner of the restaurant himself was around. 

It was a middle aged man with lazy eyes. Immediately Vincent entered, he greeted with a grating voice: 

"Welcome customer, what can I get you…" 

He paused and looked at Vincent longer than he should be. 

There were other two customers who were silently eating, minding their business. 

Vincent bowed his head, pulling the hoodie down to cover his face. 

"Hey? Are you a delinquent?" 

"Sir? N-no, I just wanted to check something." 

He arched a brow and folded his arm.. 

"Really… what?" 

Vincent looked around before responding:

"Ah…hem, I'm sorry, there's a girl here…" 

"Oh, Anna. You came around for Anna…? Well that's no news, often times every guy that lays their eyes on her can't take it off." 

Immediately his eyes became sharp like that of an eagle, almost sweeping Vincent off his feet (definitely not in a romantic way). 

"Stay away from my niece…" 

Vincent looked at the man, his tinted blond hair, slick back and packed with a rubber band, his thick brows and square jaw… 

"Your niece…?" 

'They have nothing in common!' 

The man scowled, "you just thought it in your mind that we have nothing in common didn't you?" 

Vincent nodded quickly, "I swear, I didn't" he gestured his hand too. 

The man stared intensely at him and then breathe, all the sharpness suddenly appearing as if they were never there. 

He uttered, a smug grin smacked onto his face. 

"You'd need to be very skillful at capturing a girl's heart. Even Daniel couldn't after trying for five years." 

Vincent raised his brows… 


'Just how did Daniel enter this conversation again!' 

I'm sorry for this weak ass updates, was hospitalized but I'm becoming better. I'm not that strong health-wise, iykyk

FaLlen_smithcreators' thoughts