
My Gangster System: Rise Of The Greatest Mafia King

[Congratulations on your awakening] [You have gained the title 'Little Heir'] Vincent was a weak boy with no parents, a loner that wanted nothing but to become a lawyer that would reform the broken system of the world. But life was not a bed of roses. First day into high school, Vincent's life is made a living hell. Everyday... everytime...without ceasing, he was bullied... until one day–he decided to turn to freedom in his own definition. Death. While trying to run to his death, he tripped and came in contact with a strange lightning... he thought he died. But the next day, he finds himself in his room—with a system that wants him to walk the path of wickedness and tyranny. Follow how, a weak boy Vincent would become the greatest and most feared Mafia to ever exist – DaVince. _ _ _ Support this lame author! thanks!

FaLlen_smith · Urban
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

First Trial

[You have accepted quest: Let's Get Stronger]

[A new linked quest will appear]

Vincent leaned on his palm as he sat in class, he wasn't sure if he had made the right call.

'Maybe losing two cards wouldn't have been so much to swallow' He frowned. 'On the contrary, that guy really looks like a lot to deal with'

He sighed, removed his hand then laid his face on the table.

The entire class—most especially the girls were looking at him, the boys… their bloodlust was pretty obvious.

It was an uncomfortable place to be. Northern wanted nothing more than for the bell to ring so they can all go home.

It was the last period of today's class and he had been enduring these unwelcoming glares since he came back from lunch break.

He sighed again and tried his best to sleep, so he would just someway forget that people are staring.

However, the sound of the system interrupted him. His head flew up and eyes widened as a tab appeared before him.

[First Trial Quest has been activated]

'What? What could be going on? Why did the trial quest suddenly activate?'

Vincent looked to his left, Levi's seat was empty. He shot up and sprinted out of class.

'Class D class D class D class D'

Thanks to the information that Levi shared with him earlier this morning, he knew the classes of everyone of them–he just had to worry about not mixing them up.

As Vincent got to class D, he made a frightening corner turn and entered into the class.

There was a buzz cut boy with freckles on his cheek, timid in all senses, legs shaking and eyes daring to look into the that of the giant that stood before him.

[Trial information has been updated]

[Side Quest]

1st Trial: Confronting courage.

Description: Kasem Punchit has always been a weakling with no balls. He has an amazing potential to do great things but has no courage, however after seeing you show an amazing level of bravery yesterday despite knowing you will lose. Kasem Punchit wants to change his story, even if he will end up losing, he wants to try at least once. Things are easier said than done. Would he actually be able to do it?

This trial will be completed if he manages to hit his opponent at least once.

Vincent sighed,

'Just as I thought, I can't interfere'

Vincent stood at the door entrance as he watched what was going on.

A tall bald boy was holding Kasem's shirt, almost lifting him up his feet, glaring at him and gritting his teeth.

"Huh? What did you say? You twat!"

Kasem stared him in the eyes, his mouth quaking as he responded.

"I—I—I s‐s—said I w—on't listen anymore. I won't do it!" He stammered.

The tall guy looked at him intensely.

"You must have put together some guts to tell that to me, but I know you" he raised his head with a scoff, "you are a scary cat who can't do anything. Maybe you are just going to run home and report to your mom. Fool, you know we have Daniel backing us right now… even if your m–

"Don't listen to him!"

A loud voice cut in from outside. The whole class standing around and both main subjects turned their head to the person standing in the entrance.

Kasem's eyed widened.

'What is he doing here?' He frowned with regret, biting down on his lower lips.

It hurt him that Vincent would see him like this, compared to the bravery Vincent showed yesterday, he is unable to do anything about his own foe.

He lowered his eyes.

Vincent immediately could tell what that look was.

"No!" He shouted.

The class looked towards him again, Kasem raised his head.

Vincent started walking into the class, speaking:

"Remember, all it takes is one punch. Because I believe in you, just like I broke free, I think you can break free with your own strength I have come to cheer for you. Kasem. You can take that one step to freedom too."

A flame of resolve suddenly ignites in his chest, looking at Vincent's unwavering eyes as he spoke seemed to resonate something to him too.

Kasem's eyes creased down a frown. In a swift motion, he grabbed his opponent's hand, looking into his face with a new and fearsome flames determination burning in his eyes.

The guy hesitated for a minute, it was a look he had never seen.

'Shit, I can't believe I got scared for a minute!'

He grimaced a second later, clenched his hand then swung them at Kasem.

The punch sent Kasem's head reeling back. But he stopped midway–with a ferocious spark burning in his brown eyes, he clenched his fist too and threw it immediately, punching thr guy right in the face.

The guy's head swung sideways from the impact of the punch.

He spat out with a deep frown.

'Damn, this bastard packs a lot of punch despite his stature.'

Kasem unbelievably looked at his shaking hands.

'I did it! I landed a punch'

Even though the guy did not go down under his one punch but he managed to land the first punch and just like how Vincent had described it.

It felt different, it wasn't victory but it was a taste of freedom. Fighting for himself, for his freedom—

Kasem raised his head and allowed a wide grin.

"Sure feels nice…"

The guy's face became dark and grim.

"Look at this bastard, you manage one hit and now you are on top of the world?"

Kasem looked at him.

"I don't know why, I feel like I can take on anything." He uttered, smiling villainously.

In just two seconds of landing in his first punch, Kasem now felt like an entirely different person.

As a matter of fact, his opponent was stylishly hesitating but didn't want it to be obvious. The look in Kasem's eyes gave him the chills that he really didn't want to dig further and disgrace himself in the class that he has claimed to be king of.

He glanced to his left.

Vincent was there… this was his guaranteed defeat.

'There are rumors that he defeated Roger's and Ferd… I probably should save my face'

He relaxed his posture and shot a death glare at Kasem.

"This is not the end, remember we are in the same class." He intoned and walked out of the class, giving Vincent one intense glare as he walked away.