
My Gangster System: Rise Of The Greatest Mafia King

[Congratulations on your awakening] [You have gained the title 'Little Heir'] Vincent was a weak boy with no parents, a loner that wanted nothing but to become a lawyer that would reform the broken system of the world. But life was not a bed of roses. First day into high school, Vincent's life is made a living hell. Everyday... everytime...without ceasing, he was bullied... until one day–he decided to turn to freedom in his own definition. Death. While trying to run to his death, he tripped and came in contact with a strange lightning... he thought he died. But the next day, he finds himself in his room—with a system that wants him to walk the path of wickedness and tyranny. Follow how, a weak boy Vincent would become the greatest and most feared Mafia to ever exist – DaVince. _ _ _ Support this lame author! thanks!

FaLlen_smith · Urban
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34 Chs

What To Do...

Vincent lazily dropped his bag and slumped to the bed. He didn't bother pulling off his "shoes" or anything on him and just laid with his eyes closed.

The day was quite eventful and slowly in such peaceful position, he tried to replay all that had happened.

Ever since Vincent started schooling in Mereung, there had never been a day like this one. Yes, he took into careful consideration before making such fact.

Since his first day, it had always been bullying upon bullying upon bullying. Not only did he manage not to get bullied today but he also won two free shoes.

Vincent took out the second pair of shoes from his leather bag and stared at it with admiration. He moved his eyes to the ones on his leg.

Was this how it felt to be a bully?

Collecting things that didn't belong to him and taking them for himself… no. This was different. Those guys probably had all they could ask for, yet they would collect his money, pour away his food or ask him on absurd errands. They just wanted him to suffer.

In honest attempt, his act was one of payback. But thinking of how expensive the second pair of shoe was going to be elated him. Needless to say, he would be able to patch up the holes in his budgets and survive for the year.

'Seriously what the hell am I doing… planning on someone's money?'

He felt very disgusted at himself. He was poor and all of that but one thing Vincent never let go of was pride. He had a reasonable self pride and there are some things he just should not do.

He also wouldn't wear this shoes to school tomorrow, so what he was going to do is this…

'I'll sell both shoes, I'll use part of the money to buy shoe for myself then take the rest to school and distribute it to guys who have been bullied.'

It was more reasonable of a solution to Vincent. They had taken quite a lot of money from him and other people, it'd probably be enough for him to buy some cheap shoes, he'd remove around that range and share the rest of the money equally among other bullied guys like him.

Then he should do that immediately before resting. Not to say this annoying stomach that was already grumbling.

Even before he left school, Vincent was already starving.

'Is it because of this Gluttony attribute that my appetite grew wider.'

Vincent shook his head, it was a real bother. He easily digested food and gets hungry, at this rate a lot of money would be going into just feeding.

Then he thought:

'I could also take out some money to eat after selling these shoes. Yea. I guess that some nice idea… they also poured away my lunch several times'

He stood up and removed the top of the track suit, changing to a casual baggy round-necked shirt. Since, he was so skinny, there was not much difference to the top, his trousers on the other hand… none of them could fit.

Vincent packaged the shoes into his red bag, taking the leather bag would be a hassle, the shoes could easily fit into it and the bag would still not look like it had shoes in it. But wouldn't it be weird when people see him bringing out shoes from a bag like that?

Which was why he decided to stick with the red bag this time around. After packing the shoes in the bag, Vincent pulled out the chair from the table and sat down. There was something he needed to do before heading out.

He grinned.

'Reward time!'

After defeating Ferdinand, Vincent was sure he had received another awesome set of cards. He was expectant and should have revealed them all while on the road but he just wanted to savor the experience.

It was just like when you download a latest game and want to make sure you've done all the house chores before trying it out.

[You have completed main quest -2]

[You have received +3 normal cards]

[You have received +1 rare cards]

"Reveal cards"

His eyes gleamed as the holographic letters in front of him changed.

[Revealing normal cards]

[Card Name: I hate Bugs!]

[Card type: Item]

[Description: A black abs purple hoodie that chases away bugs and spiders]

[Card name: Heavenly Quill]

[Card type: Item]

[Description: This quill never needs to be dipped in ink to write. Rumors even say it was once used by the king of humanity who resided in heaven and loved sending nasty letters to his hoes]

While the items Card turned white and shattered into real items, Vincent turned his head away in disappointment.

'These are really useless items… useless'

[Card name: The Genius Translator]

[Card type: utility]

[Description: This Card can automatically translate any language for you to understand. When the Card is being used, you'll be able to understand any language. It can only be used for seventy-two hours, after that it will need a rest period of twelve hours]

[Revealing rare card]

[Card Name: Roundhouse Rookie!!!]

[Card type: Skill]

[Skill rank: C]

[Description: An introductory roundhouse kick technique for beginners.]

Vincent curled the corner of his lips, at least he got something good out of this one too. If he added the other two normal cards, he didn't get to use… he could say he was getting quite bumped with some basic fighting skills.

[Card Name: Uppercut]

[Card type: Skill]

[Skill rank: D]

[Description: A rising punch directed underneath the opponent's guard. This skill is very useful in close quarters, especially against a bent-over or crouching opponent.]

[Card Name: Slip and Counter]

[Card type: Skill]

[Skill rank: D]

[Description: A defensive technique involving a quick head movement (slip) followed by a counter-punch, exploiting the opponent's openings.]

With a satisfied nod, he went on to check his profile, making another panel appear by his side.


Name: Vincent Fallen

Title: Little Heir

Attribute: GLUTTONY

Attribute abilities: [Malleable], [Eat and Be]

Utilities [2]: [Oh! Here's my coffee!(normal)], [Genius Translator(normal)]

Skills[5]: [Swift Serpent Strike(E+)], [Spinning Serpent Strike(C)], [Uppercut(D)], [Roundhouse Rookie!!!(C)], [Slip and Counter(D)]

Items[3]: [Bottomless Grocery Bag], [I hate bugs], [Heavenly Quill].


Strength: F, Stamina: D, Potential: E+

Agility: F+, Intelligence: B.

As Vincent looked down and studied the letters of his profile, he could almost say that he was very impressed on how the information on it had increased in just one day.

But there was still something leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.

…it was his stats. How in the world was he supposed to make them increase.

Vincent stayed aloof for a couple of seconds, thinking. Only to be interrupted by the grumbling of his stomach.


'Oh, I really should head out'

He said and put on a random flip flop then dashed out.