
My Gangster System: Rise Of The Greatest Mafia King

[Congratulations on your awakening] [You have gained the title 'Little Heir'] Vincent was a weak boy with no parents, a loner that wanted nothing but to become a lawyer that would reform the broken system of the world. But life was not a bed of roses. First day into high school, Vincent's life is made a living hell. Everyday... everytime...without ceasing, he was bullied... until one day–he decided to turn to freedom in his own definition. Death. While trying to run to his death, he tripped and came in contact with a strange lightning... he thought he died. But the next day, he finds himself in his room—with a system that wants him to walk the path of wickedness and tyranny. Follow how, a weak boy Vincent would become the greatest and most feared Mafia to ever exist – DaVince. _ _ _ Support this lame author! thanks!

FaLlen_smith · Urban
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34 Chs

The Real Bully

After defeating Roger and his lackeys when they appeared early this morning to bully him, Vincent received some rewards.

Because of how packed and eventful the entire day was, he was swept away by people and the attention he received. He had even almost forgotten he received some rewards.

Eventually, after finishing with his homeroom teacher, as he walked down the stairs and out of the building, he remembered and immediately began to check them out. And like he had expected, they were very cool cards.

They were the reason why Vincent had the guts to smile foolishly like this… even though Ferdinard was a second away from planting his stone fist into his jaw.

[You are using spinning serpent strike…]

Vincent sprang into motion, his body twisting with amazing speed. He swung his right leg around in a wide arc, his heel slicing through the air as it connected solidly with Ferdinand's neck.

Ferdinand never saw the kick coming. He staggered back, stunned, before collapsing to the ground in a heap.

Everyone was shocked… even Vincent himself.

Ferdinand was defeated in one hit? The afforeclaimed gangster was laying face flat on the ground, not getting up.

'I guess he wasn't all that much to begin with.'

Roger's head rose in disarray, overwhelmed by fear.

"Y-y–you, you dare touch Ferdinand! Do you even know who you'll be messing with? Do you know his gang members?!" His voice shook as he accused Vincent.

Who paid no attention to him and stared silently at the defeated hooligan… defeated by him. The more it happened the more like a dream it resembled.

'But seriously, I didn't expect that he would go down in one hit… I guess that's the different between a rare grade card and a normal grade card.'

While using a normal grade skill card while he battled Roger earlier in the morning, he had to do some repetitive strikes. If all he had was that normal grade card when he met Roger would he have been able to defeat him?

Vincent doubted that… he shook his head and looked around one last time, the ladies casted a pitiful gaze at Ferdinand on the ground and walked away, hips swaying left and right.

All that was remaining was fear struck Roger who was sitting butt on the floor, staring at Vincent with widened, disbelieving eyes.

How? How is it possible? How could this weak guy defeat Ferdinand?

If he truly ever thought that Vincent overpowering him earlier was pure luck, by now he knew better. Something about this guy had changed!

Vincent shifted his gaze to him, making him falter a little bit attempting to skeddaddle backwards. The other two guys had crawled out while the ladies walked away.

Now he was the only one left with Vincent. And he feared greatly for what this young man was going to do to him.

Vincent started walking forward slowly, Roger on the other hand, tried to crawl backward, he couldn't… the wall was right behind him.

Vincent lowered himself and faced the poor guy eye to eye.

"I have a very strict warning for you." He said.

Roger silently nodded, his face paled and lips trembling.

Ferdinand, he respected… he didn't know that Vincent was so fearful, what had happened to him? Had he been pretending to be weak all the while?

Even as Vincent spoke his words, Roger's head was filled with too many questions.

"If I ever… I repeat ever, see you in this school. Pick on another person. Trust me, I'll make you wish you transferred away from this place." Vincent growled, his expression growing really dark.

Roger nodded his head rigorously not missing a word the young lad had said.

Vincent's eyes slowly traced down to Roger's shoe. His leg had been hurting like crazy, especially after that wonderful kick.

"Put off those shoes?"

"Huh?" Roger gasped, raising his head. He looked reluctant for a moment.

"What, you don't want to pull it off?"

"No no! It just expensi–

His mouth didn't need to be told before it took an abrupt pause as he saw how Vincent's face changed.

One could almost say he had the makings of a gangster hiding somewhere in his blood.

Vincent watched as he put off his shoes shakily. He handed them over with a ninety degree bow.

After wearing it, Vincent wore a very satisfied smile, stomping the white canvas on the ground a few times.

"Wow… this is nice"

It really felt different, like his legs were encased in a world of softness, even as he stomped, they almost felt like they were bouncing within.

"Wow… it's really nice. How much did you get it for?"

Vincent asked, averting his gaze from the shoe for a moment and looking at Roger.

"3,599, it's an original product and limited edition of Narkas high dunk." He spoke, his voice was soft but hinted with malice as he glared at Vincent who didn't even care.

"Well whatever that is, I'm sure it's impressive. Three thousand five hundred dollars is a lot. I am so lucky you are gifting me something like this."

Vincent uttered, admiring the shoes on his legs.

'Is he insane?!'

As Vincent averted his gaze again from the shoe, Roger quickly fixed his expression and became as submissive as he could.

Vincent was silent for like two, three seconds. Then he spoke.

"Oh, well… I think I'll leave you now."

He turned and quickly caught a glimpse of fainted Ferdinand's foot.

"Oh, he has nice ones too!" He exclaimed.

His were even black and red, and seemed way cooler than appearance than Roger's, they were like something basketball players wore.

Vincent wasn't too good with sports but he had watched from the TV a few times in the village, he reads magazines a lot and saw fashion exhibitions of all sorts.

Instantly, he could kind of tell that Ferdinand's shoes were going to be mad expensive.

He didn't ask Roger to help, instead he bent down on his own and forced the shoes out of the hooligan's legs. He turned to Roger after he was done.

"With all you guys have done to me… is it unfair that I take one or two shoes?"

Roger shook his head rigorously.

"At all! At all! It's totally okay! We deserved it."

Vincent smiled devilishly.

"Of course… you did." He turned around and pocketed his hands, walking loudly with each leg flinging to the front to display his shoes.

"See ya later dimwit." He uttered as he exited the side of the building.

I'm sorry I didn't make this announcement earlier. Until this book gets contracted, there will only be updates during weekdays. Of course, in special cases were readers bribe me... wink!

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