
A very "creative" scammer.

I can imagine the scene of this man carrying a thousand yuan and heading south alone to explore the world twenty years ago! What kind of heroic spirit and courage that was! I am very clear that everything Mr.Huan has today is earned through hard work!

I know that when Mr.Huan saw potential in me, he could have promoted me immediately if he wanted to. But instead, he let me hone my skills for two full years. In his words, young people need some training before they can mature. He intentionally cultivated me.

Since it's a day off today, I decided to sleep in until the afternoon at home. In the afternoon, my phone rang again and it was from a real estate agency I registered with.

I'm planning on moving out of here and finding a better place to live since where I currently reside is not safe due to its mixed population. Before, I chose this place because rent was cheap but now that I earn enough money every month, it's time for an upgrade in living environment after my lease expires next month.

Actually, half a year ago I already had thoughts about moving out but unfortunately, I had already paid one year's rent upfront for this house. The landlord refused to refund so I had no choice but stay here.

Although wasting thousands of dollars on rent doesn't matter much with my current income level; however Mr.Huan told me before that we can be extravagant as humans but cannot waste resources unnecessarily.

Mr.Huan practices what he preaches too. We've eaten together several times and despite his wealth status where he could easily afford delicacies like shark fin or abalone soup etc., what caught my attention was how Huan ge always finishes all his food regardless of what it is served in front him even if there are only rice grains left over in his golden bowl! He never wastes anything!

I don't know why but somehow Mr.Huan has influenced me deeply.

The real estate agent told me that there is a house that meets all my requirements and I should go check it out.

My housing requirements are simple: first, the location must be in the city center; second, living environment must be clean and quiet; third, convenient transportation; fourth, furniture and appliances etc. should be complete so I can move in with just a backpack.

So many requirements but still simple?

Damn it! I forgot one last thing: I don't care about rent! Not afraid of expensive as long as it's worth it!!

What? Money makes the world go round?

Wrong! Let me tell you this: money can make ghosts push mills!

The real estate agent told me that there is a house with complete furniture and home appliances. The location is only four streets away from where I work at . The environment is also very good. The only problem is that the rent is slightly more expensive.

I immediately told him that rent shouldn't be an issue but after seeing the place for myself then deciding if it's worth it or not.

So, the real estate agent on the phone gave me an address and asked me to go see the house myself this afternoon. For this kind of rental business, usually the real estate agent won't show up in person. I'll know once I go there myself. He has already arranged for the landlord to be at home waiting.

After hanging up the phone, I put on another suit to wear to work before heading out.

However, at this moment, little did I know that this rental would change my life forever.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, with a bandage on my head and a determined attitude, I appeared on a street not far from the city's commercial district amidst curious stares from passersby. The purpose of my trip was to visit a newly constructed building complex.

The building was erected on a narrow street, with its ground floor built like a shopping mall and the floors above designated as office spaces.

Looking at the address in my hand, I felt puzzled. Why did it say "office space" when I wanted to rent an apartment? The address read 36 XX Street - that was correct!

As the complex had just been completed and delivered recently, it still looked quite empty inside. There were large investment advertisements downstairs so I decided to walk in anyway. However, there wasn't even one person or sound in the lobby of the first floor.

I sighed and thought since I had already come all this way, might as well go up to see what's going on. Stepping into the elevator, I pressed number 22 which happened to be its topmost level.

As I ascended higher and higher though, an uneasy feeling crept over me; something didn't feel right about this situation. Watching as numbers flickered across the electronic screen of the elevator panel non-stop made me wonder if this was some kind of scam by real estate agents trying to swindle commission fees.

Finally arriving at level 22 after what seemed like forever but only took ten seconds according to display time on screen; however strange things started happening then: despite standing inside for another ten seconds waiting for doors to open they remained shut while giving off an eerie sensation that we were still ascending upwards somehow...

My scalp began tingling with fear because stories abound regarding supernatural events occurring within new buildings such as these - tales of elevators leading straight into ghostly realms etcetera... After another minute passed without any change whatsoever except hearing faint sounds of the elevator doors opening, I stepped out and was even more confused.

This elevator must have some serious quality issues! My impression of this place plummeted to rock bottom.

Looking at the label on the lift, it turned out to be a piece of junk made by those little Japanese devils!

Walking out of the elevator, I found myself in a small space that didn't resemble anything like what one would expect from an office or apartment building. It was only about ten square meters with walls surrounding me except for a staircase leading up four or five meters where there stood an iron door.

The scene felt eerie and strange; hesitating for a moment before walking up to stand in front of the iron door which had "22nd floor" written on it. Feeling frustrated as this place didn't look normal at all - not even like an office space let alone residential apartments - I pushed open the door and then things got even weirder...

It turned out that level 22 was actually just a rooftop terrace!

The air was fresh and sunlight abundant but where were any buildings? All around me were heat-insulating panels laid across rooftops while compressors hummed nearby...I couldn't help cursing: "What kind of ghostly place is this?! This is clearly just another rooftop!"

Just as I was about to turn back and go beat up that damn real estate agent, I finally saw a figure here!

It's really strange to see this in broad daylight. Just around the corner of the rooftop exit, there is a delicate reception desk! Behind the reception desk, there is also a tall screen with several signs hanging on it, shining brightly under the sunlight.

There was a young, tall and thin guy standing at the front desk. He was wearing an extremely old-fashioned suit with a very outdated dark blue color. He had a pair of ultra-deep nearsighted glasses on his face that were thicker than the bottom of a wine bottle. What's going on? Who still wears such thick lenses these days? Nowadays people use resin lenses.

That person looked up and immediately saw me walking towards him. Obviously, he was a bit surprised at first, but then he quickly adjusted himself and spoke in very standard 'white-collar Mandarin', saying: 'Welcome, may I help you?'

What is 'white-collar Mandarin'? It's simple - many white-collar workers nowadays don't speak proper Chinese and instead like to use jargon. Even though they are pure mainlanders, they deliberately add one or two English words into their sentences.

There is also another type that is even more annoying - they always like to intentionally speak with a thick tongue, imitating the accents of Hong Kong or Taiwan. Actually, if you check their resume, maybe they come from Northeast China.

I looked around for a few laps and didn't understand why there was a company reception desk on this spacious rooftop. Including me and him, there were only two people on the rooftop.

I've never heard of any company putting their reception desk on the top floor of a building.

However, his expression was polite with a seemingly sincere smile, which left me feeling confused. Without thinking, I blurted out something even more absurd: 'Um...I'm here to rent an apartment. Is there one available on the 22nd floor?'

As soon as those words came out of my mouth, I almost wanted to slap myself in the face.

The 22nd floor? This is just a rooftop! There are no apartments for rent here!

My face immediately turned red as I stuttered: 'Uh...I think I got the wrong place. Goodbye!'

Just as I was about to turn around and leave, that tall skinny man stopped me and said: 'Please wait a moment since you're already here; we do have rental services available.' He then pointed towards my left side while saying this.

As I followed his finger's direction with my eyes, what appeared before me made me jump in shock!

What the hell?! It was empty just now but how did it suddenly become furnished with a circular small craft table and two single sofas? The style seemed like it was from IKEA's new collection last month!

But what the hell?! It was completely empty just now! Did I see things wrongly? But ever since childhood when practicing martial arts, my vision has always been extremely sharp - even able to hit flying birds using slingshots from twenty meters away!

With infinite shock still lingering within me, almost uncontrollably so; I walked over to sit down at that round table in front of those two single sofas.

Then that tall skinny man picked up a small folder before walking towards me while sitting down in front of me with a polite smile, introducing himself: 'Hello, I'm the company's business representative.' Once again, I stared at him in surprise and asked: 'Aren't you just the receptionist? Are you also doubling as a business representative?'

He smiled amiably and replied: 'Can't a receptionist double up as a business worker?' It was then that I finally realized - I must have encountered the legendary Skin Bag Company!

'Um...I think I'll leave now,' I said before standing up.

He still sat there calmly and said, 'Your name is umm, Mr. Chen Mu, right?'

What the hell?! Could he be fortune-telling or something? My mind went blank for an instant but immediately became alert! As someone who works in this industry, it's inevitable to not have enemies. Could they be setting me up?

However, he continued looking at my chest area with his smile never fading away; which made me realize what was going on. After all, I came here wearing my work uniform with my work badge still hanging from my chest clearly stating:

Golden Wall KTV

Customer Manager: Chen Mu

Oh my god, I must be too stressed out or have read too many fantasy novels. I'm always suspicious and paranoid. Or maybe it's because that bastard hit me last night and left some after-effects?

I breathed a sigh of relief: "Well, you're not wrong, but I'm here to rent a room. Do you have any available?"

"Don't worry, our company has rooms for rent right here." The tall skinny man smiled confidently and reached out his hand to me: "Mr. Chen Mu, please sit down."

I thought about it for a moment. Since I was already here, I was curious about this company that had its front desk on the rooftop.

To be honest, after years of experience in society, I've seen my fair share of scammers - those who run fake companies or play tricks with empty promises - and even know some friends like that.

But this is the first time I've ever seen such a "creative" scammer who sets up their company on the top floor of a skyscraper!!

Well... at least it's an opportunity to broaden my horizons!

I sat down slowly.

As soon as I sat down, I heard that guy muttering something under his breath. It was unclear but sounded like:

"F*ck yeah! Finally caught one!