
Academia (3) ( Edited with Grammar app )

-Eight months later-

Me and my gang sit in Yakiniku BBQ to celebrate finishing our first year. I and Hinata are enjoying our iskender while Shikamaru eating a veal steak fillet and Choji eating a lot of ''little little into middle''[ this saying used for say give us from everything in a few amount. Also have its joke made form Cem Yılmaz who is a famous comedian, funny guy] and everyone drinks ayran. It is good to see people like them. Oh I forget to say Shino also with us too. He is part of our gang but I still forget his existence sometimes. What kind of jutsu is that I don't know but I am pretty sure it isn't natural. I get him into our gang because unlike other brats he is more mature and quiet plus he teaches me about some insects I think they will be useful with my solid henge. By the way, I must say while solid henge is pretty useful it has its own limits.

-First: Mass, volume and density cannot alter above and under certain degrees.

-Second: I cannot transform gas or plasma state or I will scatter around the world and never be whole again. This is effective on the liquid to some extend.

-Third: If one wants to non-living things or life forms work/move they must be suitable to physic laws.

-Fourth: I cannot use it for masturbate without risking to become gay:( *sad hentai noises*

-Five: More my mass, volume and density change more chakra it needs.

-Six: I don't have a dragon example suitable to physic laws so I cannot turn a dragon (No!!!)

Apart from that, I learn lots of seals I can use from Uzumaki temple scrolls like hypnotize seal, barrier talisman seal (which used by Ao to protect his byakugan), finger carving, five seal barrier and some more... Sadly I am not learning enclosing seal yet. Also I am not starting to learn rasengan because it can hurt 13-14 years old naruto and I'm nearly 6 so it doesn't seem like a good thing to do for now. I mostly focus on taijutsu, shuriken and kunai handling and I got two wakizashi blades for train in Uzumaki kenjutsu. I placed them behind my belt horizontally. I also learn nature transformation of water, wind and lightning so I am pretty sure I can handle most of the genins without solid transformation. I also use solid transformation for nature transformation training like be a bird, fly high and go freefall or turning a fish, dive deep and try to reach the surface. For lightning training I ordered a Faraday cage from a smith and non-wheel bikes with dynamo for electric production( I promise ten meals in Yakiniku BBQ to convince the gang to use them for me).

By the way my toy shop starts to sell bikes and skateboards to and I write a new recipe book with new foods and usages of yogurt. So now it is time to meet Hokage because I have lots of money and I can truly start to restore the Uzumaki clan.

-Hokage office-

Me: Hey Jiji! What's with that face? You seem like a living corpse!

Hiruzen: You little!.. *sigh* It is because of the paperwork. Now another academic year has come to end and I must do more paperwork.

Me: Wow, this is sad. I understand your pain you know. With all this homework they give us... Whatever I want to talk to you about something.

Hiruzen: What is it?

Me: I found who is my mother. She is Kushina Uzumaki, right? And my father is Minato Namikaze the Yondaime Hokage.

Hiruzen: How did you...

Me: Ramen shop has photos of ramen eating contest winners[ I remember something like that but I am not sure so much] and one of them belongs to her so I just ask about it. First, they don't want to tell me you know! Then I threat them with never coming there again and I'm a really big customer. After I found who is my mother finding the father isn't a hard thing.

Hiruzen: Naruto thi

Me: Don't waste your breath old man. I am sure you have some SSS-rank shitty reason about that or something. I do care not! But I want all my legacy. Right now.

Hiruzen: I rea

Me: No! We both know you can and you will. This is my birthright! You already keep it long enough but I am pretty sure I show my skills are sufficient to lead my family belongings.

Hiruzen: *inhale* ... *sigh* Okay Naruto. I get your point. Come with me...

-Ten minutes later-

Hiruzen: Here we are. This is your parents' house and that is the key. Wait.. This scrolls also left behind for you. They know a shinobi can die at any moment so they write these scrolls for you. And Naruto, remember you can't say anyone who is your parents especially Yondaime must stay as a secret.

Me: Don't worry old man, I know. Great man's bond to have enemies. There is one more thing I want to speak with you. I hear from merchants, in Kusa no Kuni (land of grass) a mother and daughter duo living with Uzumaki surname so want to create a mission for search and bring them. I will go with the mission team too.

Hiruzen: Are they shinobi of kusa no kuni?

Me: Probably not.

Hiruzen: Okay then. It will be an A-rank mission are you sure you want to go with?

Me: Yeah, I am sure. Don't worry there will be no unnecessary fights. Just sneak in, take them and come back. Also if the ones you gave mission can teach me somethings about fuinjutsu and kenjutsu I am willing to pay more.

Hiruzen: Hımm. I think I have perfect shinobis for this mission. Tomorrow come to my office at 7 o'clock.

Me: I will old man. And later when I return the village... Prepare to founding Konoha brach of Uzumaki clan!...

This chapter is a little harder to write than others but I think it's not bad. First I think to save Karin in chunnin exams but thanks to Smurfclassic s comment I think why not save her mother too? Maybe I will be late for it by one or two years but her mother isn't even shown on manga and this is a fanfic so a little change doesn't cause too much problem I think!

I use the grammar app on this chapter to enchant it on suggest of Hassan_Hadi.

Your comments truly help me. Do some comments and let me know your ideas. Have a nice day/night!

DreamWanderercreators' thoughts