
My friend is my mate??? (BL)

Ever since childhood Dou Zi has hated the idea of having a mate, even though most people don't get to meet their soulmate. But for a beta who has no hormones Dou zi disagrees with the idea of fated mate, he believes that love should happen naturally and shouldn't be forced. the idea of fated pair to Dou zi sounds like a fairy tail with no happy ending. being in a relationship with a totally stranger just because it’s their destiny, and what if the destiny or prophesy is wrong???? What if your soulmate has a personality you don’t like????? the idea of a soulmate is that person will be attracted to you regardless of who you are, the moment you meet, the feeling is like you are made for each other but our little Dou zi just doesn't agree with such principle Dou zi, is not an average looking man, despite being a beta, he has feminine looks with green eyes, golden coily hair and a cute baby face, unlike his best friend whom he always has this argument with, his super quiet childhood friend Fu Lanziz (Lanz), though the alpha may look like he is little Dou's best friend but he is hiding alot of secrets. Lanzi wants to meet his soulmate some day, he believed that, having a soulmate is the only way a couple can stay without betrayal, his father left them when he was little when he met his soulmate, leaving Lanzi and his mother behind, despite the love his father shows towards his family, he form another because of a bond that can't be broken, so in order for him not to feel betrayed again he wants to marry his fated pair so they will never be apart. But then what happens when the two are asked to be married to save Dou Zi's family company......, or what will Lanz do when he found out that Dou is not a beta but an omega and not just any but his, just a night before their wedding???? Fine out in the story of two childhood friends who got torn apart by something that was supposed to bond them together.. And when Dou zi’s family turned against him for being an omega??? Will the omega survive the hardship of being rejected without even knowing why, and losing trust in his family all in one day?

Jacob_Bathsheba · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
92 Chs

Chapter 3: Mr Lanz it’s just business nothing personal

### Morning Shock and Office Drama

Lanz had spent a restless night, haunted by thoughts of Dou and the impending reckoning that seemed inevitable. The weight of unresolved guilt and fear bore down on him, making sleep elusive until he resorted to a double dose of sleeping pills. As the morning light filtered through the curtains, Lanz finally managed to drag himself out of bed, bleary-eyed and anxious. He was determined to face the day and whatever it might bring, but as he turned towards the door, a voice stopped him in his tracks.

"D...A...M...MIT... What now?" Lanz blurted out, his eyes widening in disbelief.

Perched on the edge of his bed, grinning with a mischievous glint, was none other than Fanzi. Fanzi was an omega and Lanz's cousin, known for being a popular internet idol with the biggest fandom in the entertainment industry. Despite his playful and funny demeanor, Lanz found his presence incredibly annoying, especially when Fanzi delighted in pushing his buttons.

"Come on, look at you," Fanzi teased, his grin widening. "You've totally lost your touch. How could you not notice me since last night?"

Lanz groaned inwardly. Fanzi's knack for sneaking around and catching him off guard was unparalleled. "What are you doing here, Fanzi? Don't you have some fans to entertain or a video to shoot?" Lanz snapped, his patience wearing thin.

Fanzi, unfazed by his cousin's irritation, swung his legs playfully. "Oh, I have plenty of time for that later. Right now, I'm here to see how my dear cousin is handling the return of his old flame," he said, winking. "And from the looks of it, not very well."

Lanz rolled his eyes and decided to ignore his cousin's jibes, though it did little to ease his frayed nerves. He had a long day ahead, and the last thing he needed was Fanzi's teasing making it worse.

### The Office: Ice-Cold Atmosphere

At the office, the tension was palpable. Lanz's mood had cast a cold shadow over the entire building, leaving employees scurrying around, mindful of every step they took. The air was thick with the unspoken rule that today was not the day to cross the boss.

Lanz sat at his desk, reviewing the proposal he had approved before Dou's arrival. To his dismay, he realized that the contract offered fewer benefits to his company than he had initially believed. It seemed twisted in a way that had somehow slipped past his usually sharp business acumen. Lanz couldn't help but wonder if Dou, with his past interest in becoming an attorney, had crafted the contract himself. What kind of life had Dou lived since their separation?

Just then, his secretary's voice crackled through the intercom. "Sir, Mr. Dou is here. Should I send him in?"

Lanz took a deep breath, steeling himself for the encounter. He pressed the answer button, his voice betraying none of his inner turmoil. "Yes, send him in."

Within moments, Dou walked into the office, accompanied by his assistant and bodyguard. The omega's entrance was marked by long, smooth strides that radiated confidence. Dou had cut his hair since the last time Lanz had seen him, five years ago, and now wore a crisp white suit paired with a long white coat. Lanz couldn't help but notice that Dou seemed to favor white these days, a stark contrast to his previous style.

Lanz stood up to greet him, trying to maintain a semblance of composure. The two exchanged formal bows, and Dou handed his coat to his assistant with a grace that seemed almost regal. Despite the underlying tension, they quickly dove into business matters.

"I like the idea of the casino and bar and fast food restaurants," Lanz began, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible. "But the effort my team will put in is significant, and the outcome isn't as favorable as I'd hoped. Still, I've already signed, so a deal is a deal."

He hesitated, glancing at Dou, who remained impassive. "However, I hope we can forget about our past and work together. If I didn't know better, I'd say—"

Dou cut him off with a dismissive wave of his hand. "I'm sorry. Sometimes I show too much of my greed as a businessman. Don't worry, it's nothing personal, just business."

Lanz felt a pang of frustration but managed to keep his voice steady. "In that case, my apologies. I look forward to our partnership. Would you like a drink? Perhaps some hot chocolate—"

Dou's response was immediate and surprising. "No, please. I'll have black coffee, no sugar."

Lanz blinked in shock. The Dou he knew had hated coffee, preferring sweets and detesting anything bitter. Clearly, much had changed in the years since their last encounter. Still trying to process this transformation, Lanz ordered the coffee.

As Dou sipped his coffee and they went over the final details of their agreement, Lanz couldn't shake the feeling that he was dealing with a stranger, not the Dou he had once known so well. After they signed the agreement, Dou stood up, ready to leave. He gave Lanz a polite nod before exiting, leaving the alpha staring after him in a daze.

### The Aftermath: Cold Water in Winter

Lanz, now alone in his office, felt a wave of anxiety wash over him. Dou's visit had been more unsettling than he'd anticipated. The omega's icy demeanor and drastic changes left Lanz grappling with a sense of loss and confusion. He reached for a glass of cold water, hoping it would cool his racing thoughts. As the cold liquid slid down his throat, he shivered, a stark reminder of the harsh winter outside.

Despite the chill, Lanz found himself sweating, his mind replaying the encounter with Dou. He was certain that the omega was back for revenge, and the thought of what lay ahead filled him with a dread he could scarcely conceal. As he tried to steady his breathing, a familiar voice broke through the haze of his thoughts.

"Well, that was something," Fanzi said, leaning casually against the doorframe, a smirk playing on his lips. "You looked like you were about to pass out in there."

Lanz shot his cousin a glare but couldn't muster the energy for a retort. Instead, he slumped back in his chair, feeling the weight of the day pressing down on him. The morning had been a whirlwind of emotions, and it was only the beginning. The road ahead was uncertain, and Lanz could only hope he had the strength to face whatever challenges Dou would throw his way.

"Better get used to it," Fanzi continued, undeterred by Lanz's silence. "If you think today was bad, just wait until tomorrow."

Lanz groaned inwardly, knowing that his cousin was probably right. As he downed the last of his water, he couldn't help but wonder what new trials awaited him—and whether he would be able to face them head-on.