
My Friend and I Reincarnated Into a Tragedy Dating Game

So I've been playing this shitty dating game along with my friend. Why is it shitty? Well, none of the damn endings are happy! You're destined to get a sad ending no matter what choices you make. But for some reason, we couldn't stop ourselves from talking about it or searching for some other ending. Ah... but I guess it doesn't matter since both of us died saving some random people we never met. ...Wait, why did I reincarnate into the villain of the shitty dating game? And my friend reincarnated as the hero? Is this... a good thing? Fuck, Nathan why are you beating yourself up? We need to make a real plan here!

Disgrace · Fantasy
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256 Chs

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As bright as Bryson's determination shined, I had to admit that the body was getting weak.

Our blades clashed once more. Although the red cloth that Nathan gave me was supposed to help, in the end it only made our fingers hurt more than usual by increasing the recoil.

And that was taking into consideration that Bryson used some method I didn't really understand to deflect most of the blow.

Sunshower Nightmare was purposely attacking in areas that only slightly impaired our movement, or directly to show the difference in strength. It was as though he couldn't make it any more painfully obvious that his goal wasn't to win the battle, but rather break our spirit.

He had some strange type of mentality.

It was as though he had some sort of ego that needed to be validated. For some reason, he needed us to believe it as well before he could be satisfied. Even though his intention was to kill us, and after that it wouldn't matter anymore.