
My First Love (Dream Boyfriend)

Are you the type with a huge crush on celebrities? Do you want more? Then, this is a must read! The novel depicts college students in which various emotions are constantly intertwined in the face of dreams and struggles, friendship and love. Young people with experience at a particular period of time in their lives. The boys and girls are still very young, their future is filled with many chances, pursuits and wishes. They went through meaningful years, experienced enough up and downs, failures, success and momentous happenings of friendship, love and then become the people who dare to dream, dare to desire more. (Aaliyah grew up to manifest her powers which was long hidden from her and later discovered her family secrets..)

Musili_Abdulrahman · Fantasy
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8 Chs


"why.. why is mom crying?" I asked innocently with a breaking voice.

I hate my mind, don't want to think about something worse so I just concluded within me that it's all about work since mom loves her work so much..

Those two women stared at me sadly without any word coming out from their mouth.

Meanwhile mom was still crying, she brought down her head and continued sobbing.

"CAN. SOMEONE. TELL. ME. WHAT'S... happening in here!"

This time, I asked rudely not thinking about their age. All I wanted to hear was the cause of mom's tears and the sad faces.

"Dear, come here..

Everything is gonna be fine soon you don't need to think..."

One of the old lady came to me and was patting my hair trying to change my question.

"Who are you?

Don't touch me!" I interrupted and angrily took her hands off me.

"What's wrong with mom is all I asked and why are you two here consoling mom with ur sad faces.

I was scared I couldn't bring myself to talk about death, the thought of it alone freaked me out but only death would cause this..

"But who died that's so painful to mom like that..?

No no..!

Not death,

Stop thinking about that!" I said within me.

"Her work right? Mom had a fight with her boss is that why she's weeping like this?

You guys should help beg her boss instead of sitting here with her consoling... It won't solve anything."

I finally bring myself to cover up with work.

I said that wearing a bold face but inside of me I knew that wasn't the case. but, I was too scared of anything to do with death since my best friends death, it was so painful and I hate something like that repeating itself especially from the people I love most.

I didn't get any response so I decided to walk in my room.. panicking.

"Your dad!

In a tragic air plane crash..

and erm, and..." Mom finally spoke.

"What?? DAD!!

And what mom? Where's dad?

Don't tell me...

Dad survived it right? He's inside isn't he?

Sleeping that's why he's this quiet." I said without wanting to hear more of the story. I was too scared.

I ran to check dad's room but unfortunately it was empty. I didn't accept the fact and rummaged everywhere even the freezer but still could not find him.

I ran back to mom.

"What happened to dad! He's not inside...

I can't find him mom..." I said wearingly.

"Mom don't tell me you are weeping because of dad, it's not it right?" I said, with my eyes widely open hoping for a no even if I already knew the answer within me.

Mom hesitated for a while but finally summoned the courage to tell me dad's Dead.

Breathing shakily "Aaliyah, your dad couldn't make it alive.

All of them died in the plane, there was no survival."

Immediately she said that tears rolled down my cheeks, it was uncontrollable.

"And his body?" I asked

"Couldn't be identified, everything turned into ash.." mom said.

"No dad's remains!" I said and suddenly burst out into crying loudly.

"This isn't true! Dad is still alive, he's not even dead this is a dream please wake me up from this horrible dream mom..." I said while crying.

Mom could only pat on my hair at that moment, she couldn't say a word either.

She made me rest on her lap.

"Dear, stop crying and making it worst on you..

Your dad is dead and he's not gonna come back you should accept the fact and let's stay strong while we re still alive." She said and then gasped.


Can you hear yourself??

You said dad's gone and you are just talking about moving on?" I said angrily while sobbing and took her hands off my hair then sat on my own..

"So what are you going to do,

Keep crying all day?

Or do you wanna die with him?? " She Said.

Sighs "Dear, let's be strong.

We can do this together we have to be strong, to survive if we wanna live huh?" She said and then bringing her hands towards me..

"Let go of me!

I know where you are getting at but it's so soon, it's just too soon to bury dad inside." I said and then moved her hands away from me immediately before it even got to touch me.

"So tell me, where is dad's remains? " I asked.

"I said everyone is dead! No body could be identified only ashes were seen.." She replied.

"Where did this happen? Did you see it for yourself?" I asked.

"No, I saw in news and erm.."

"And what?!

And you just concluded he's no more? You didn't even checked!" I interrupted.

I was infact very rude, couldn't control my rage perhaps because I was extremely mad at mom so I lost my manners.

"Could you guys excuse us please?

I need to talk to my daughter, privately.." mom turned towards her friends, they stood focused just watching at our dramas perhaps they could spread rumors about this.

"Sure! We will" they replied in unison and then head out soon.

"Can you hear yourself? You watched on TV.

You should be ashamed of yourself! This man we are talking about is also your husband and not only my dad your sweetheart!

Mom, I am very dis..."

She couldn't allow me to finish what I was saying and shut me up with a hot slap.

"I am still your mother, you should know your manners!" She said after releasing the slap.

"I am as well hurt.

Do you think it's easy for me too? Do you know how much I love him? He's my husband for crying out loud Aaliyah!" She screamed.

" I loved him so much and I still do.." she said with a sob.

"No, you don't.

Because if you do love dad you will have to find out yourself what really happens to him and not just sit here faking tears after listening to a fake rumor!"

"Are you blaming me?

I am faking tears Aaliyah... Me?" She replied wearingly.

"I don't know, how do you expect me to believe only in rumors.."

"I actually got a call from your your dad .

It was his number, so I thought it was actually him but it turned out to be the cops.

They called to confirm if I am his wife and called me wife of the deceased and I also i saw in News." She Said.

"Do you still think I am faking things and not serious about him?" She asked.

Sighs " Mom, where did you get the call from? " I asked randomly.

"At the airport.."

"Is that where it happened? "

"I'm not sure, I don't really know but we can find out from them at the airport." She said.

"Try reaching the line again."

"What's your plan?"

"I will go confirm myself if dad's dead." I said

Sighs "Are you nut?

You, do you not always believe in reality.."

"I was born like that..

You gave birth to me that way, so with the little faith I have I will always rely on it." I sniffled

"Please, try calling that number again."

Mom dialed the number countless times but it was not reachable.

"Mom, do you not think something is suspicious? Why are they not picking up again? They should be alerted right? Since it's the deceased phone.."

"I think you re right, I smell something fishy but..."

"But what?" I retorted.

"Are we supposed to be doing this? Suspecting the government"

"It's the government that sent dad out to figure out things in a secret mission dad wouldn't even tell us what it was all about so it's not a bad thing suspecting them.

All I am saying is that, we should just go check where it happens to know if he's really dead." I said.


"Who's calling mom?" I asked, nervously.

"It's them, your dad's number that we have been trying to reach."

"Pick up mom, let's hear what they have to say or if they keep silent let's ask about the exact location of the plane crash.."

"Aaliyah you are taking this too.."

"Serious I know, I have to.

Let me talk to them instead mom, I can act better.." I said while trying to take the phone from her.

"No! I will do it." She interrupted and pulled back her hands so i wouldn't take the phone.

Finally, mom took the call but it was unusually quiet, they called but wasn't saying anything.

I tapped on mom and immediately communicating with her quietly thankfully she was quick to respond.

"Uhm, this is Mrs Brett.

You called earlier and informed me about my husband's death in an air plane crash. could you tell me where it happened? The plane crash."


"What's she saying.." he mumbled but it was audible since the phone was on speaker.

"I don't know what you are talking about, you have dialed the wrong number.

Note, if you want to be alive never call this phone again." He said and then hung up.

"Hel.. hello.

You called earlier it's not a wrong number this is my husband's phone!" She screamed.

"It's no use mom, he's already hung up on you." I Said.

"This is a bad call Aaliyah." Mom said.

"I know, it seemed like a prank or whatever I don't care but I don't trust anyone.." I said and then sighed softly.

"Let's go." I said while reaching for the door.

"Where are we going?"

"To the airport,

You said the first call mentioned there, that he's calling from the there." I replied.

"Aaliyah don't you think this is a trap? We can't do this on our own let me call our detective instead." Mom suggested.


They are all same.

I will go check things out myself if you are not coming.

We can call the detective afterwards." I said

"Sure! We are on this together...

Let's go!" Mom said pretending to cheer us up.

"But, where are you going with your school uniform..?"

"It's way better so they won't even suspect a thing." I replied and then give a weird smiles..


Mom took her latest car she got as a birthday gift recently from dad before he traveled out.

"Mom, are you sure we re supposed to take this?" I asked since it was still brand new..

"Hop in.

People will respect us when they see us with this."

"Okay mom." I excitedly hoped in on the front sit meanwhile mom was still standing staring the car.

"What are you looking at mom? We are running out of time."

"Coming swee..." Mom was still talking when her phone rang and interrupted.

"The same number mom?" I asked, nervously.

"No, this is from work." She said and immediately took the call.

"Yes sir! I will be right on my way!" It was a brief phone call.

Mom looks so serious after the call and immediately got inside the car.

She was about to start the car before I asked..

"Mom, what's going on?

Is everything alright?

Who was the person you spoke with on phone? I asked, curiously.

"It's my boss at work, there is an emergency that I need to be there quickly!" She replied in haste.

"What? Are you going to the office now?

You are not taking me with you are you?"

"You can get off now. I will be busier there."

"When will you be back?" I asked hoping for a genuine reply.

"I can't tell dear.."

"What about our discussion? We planned to go check on dad together are you already giving up on dad for work!" I said

"Work comes first, it's how we can survive it's my first priority."

"And dad comes last?"

"Sweetie we can only survive with this..."

"Don't call me!

I am already fed up by just looking at you."

"Get out, now!

You can do your thing your way, hate me all you want I don't care because someday you will thank me for this decision later..."

"You disgusts me... Mom!" I said angrily and then pulled the car door open.

Mom rode off immediately without any hesitation as soon as I left the car.

Breathing shakily " I can do this, no. I will find out dad's whereabouts myself!" I spat and puffed then rushed inside the house immediately to get some stuffs that would be helpful for my spying trip..
