
My First Love (Dream Boyfriend)

Are you the type with a huge crush on celebrities? Do you want more? Then, this is a must read! The novel depicts college students in which various emotions are constantly intertwined in the face of dreams and struggles, friendship and love. Young people with experience at a particular period of time in their lives. The boys and girls are still very young, their future is filled with many chances, pursuits and wishes. They went through meaningful years, experienced enough up and downs, failures, success and momentous happenings of friendship, love and then become the people who dare to dream, dare to desire more. (Aaliyah grew up to manifest her powers which was long hidden from her and later discovered her family secrets..)

Musili_Abdulrahman · Fantasy
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8 Chs


The warm sun and humidity hit my face like opening a dryer midcycle.

I stepped onto the sidewalk and walked down the street.

"Aaliyah, wait up!" Arthur said while buttoning his shirt and running towards me barefooted.

Arthur, my dad works for his dad.

We were not very close but attended the same elementary school. He's far older than me and also, he's my senior in school.

He always laugh at me for being my fathers daughter, threatening me...


I was on my way to my lesson class, it was Saturday.

I keep walking.. "I have to get back before next period"

"Wait." He grabs my arm.

"Aaliyah, just look at me" he added.

I was pinned to the ground in the dim room, fingernails digging into the wooden floorboards, red light blinking in front of my face.

"Just look at me," Arthur said through glitted teeth.

I closed my eyes tight, panicking.

"Look at me!" He yelled.


I was on my stomach and he was on top of me and I couldn't look at him if I try.

My fingers were white, gripping at the cracks on the floor.

I press my hands in the floor and push up as hard as i can.

He falls off and I faced him. I lunge and dig into his skin, tearing at his eyes with claws I didn't know I had.

"Aaliyah stop!" Arthur cries.

"Do you want your dad to lose his job! My dad only listens to whatever I asked of him." He added.

"Can't you leave me alone? For once...

Yes! you are rich, your dad is the boss so does that gives you the right to treat me this way!" I said aloud, in a tearful.

I gazed at him furiously then walked away from him. Walking as fast as I could so he wouldn't catch up.

"So you are walking out on me huh? Walking fast? Running??"

"You are doom.. you and your family. Wait up!" He screamed while walking towards me in haste.

"If I can't have her now then no one else can.


She's just nobody and yet she's making it hard for me to have her. " he cursed under his breath.

"I truly wanna be gentle with her since it's her first time but.. I will make it the way round now.

It's gonna be hell..." He said in sarcasm.

He was still approaching confidently.

The last sentence he made was audible. As soon as I heard that..

I had my heart on my mouth while running from him.. He doesn't mind chasing after me with joy...

Arthur has a younger brother, his name is Daniel. We were age mates and same class in elementary school. Daniel was the opposite of Arthur. He was so calm and nice to me, wanting to be a close friend even though I insisted.

I stepped on a stone and stumbled. Arthur finally caught on me, he gripped my hair hardly, dragged me to an uncompleted building, it was very quiet in their that you could hardly sight a passerby.

He was about to forcedly undress me..

A voice from nowhere distracted him from doing so.

Clapping hands "wow! This is just soo... awesome! Go on dude and don't mind me here.." The person showed himself, he was a guy, seemed the same age with Arthur or maybe younger. he was holding a phone, seemed to be recording something..

Immediately Arthur released me and faced the unknown guy head on.

He looks like an Asian. More of a Chinese but speaks English fluently even with his Chinese tune he speaks well..

"Were you.. what are you doing, recording??" Arthur asked.

"Why? Scared?" The white guy said and then smiled quietly.

"You shouldn't have start this if you aren't strong hearted. I thought you don't fear anything, you are from a prestigious family so you are scared of nothing huh!" The white guy said and then chuckled.

"Stop the nonsense act and answer me!

Do you have video of me??" Arthur asked again, nervously.

"You too shut the fuck up!

Shut up you sh*t!" The white guy said.

"What? Are you cursing on me in my country you fucking white ass..!"

"Do you want to know?

In fact, I have everything from the start. So you can't escape this one at least.."

I was left dumbfounded. And instead of standing next to Arthur like in movies before he uses me as a bait to get away from the mess he put himself into. He's capable of doing more so I ran to hide behind the white guy since he's took my place, fight for me (A Godsent).

"How did you get here? Were you following us from the start?" Arthur interjected.

"Delete everything now!" Arthur said.

"Sorry dude, but you can't order me around since I am not even in your country.

I will just hand over this to the police so they know what to do next." The white guy said.

"I think erm... They should be on their way now, in few minutes" The white guy said and then glanced at his wristwatch.

"Are you threatening meee?!!"


We will see for ourselves" the white guy said and then smirked.

This time, Arthur couldn't continue wearing the brave look and began panicking.

"I said hand over the phone to me!" Arthur cries out.

"Calm down bro.."

"Aaliyah. Are you quiet? Just watching this??" Arthur interrupted the white guy.

"Say something Aaliyah..!" He screamed.

"She has nothing to say to you so stop calling her." The white guy replied instead.

"What??" Arthur said in annoyance.


As we speak now, the copes should be here anytime soon."


Think about your family, if my father finds out anything happening to me or gets hurt because of you.. He won't allow your family.." He said, trying to persuade me but more like a threat.

"Do you not know why my family is still nice towards yours? Why my dad is still helping yours? Because I asked that of him. He's doing what I asked for... My families are." Arthur added.

"You are lying!

It's because of Daniel, we are like siblings so your family considered us as best friends not you." I retorted.

"Is that what Daniel told you? Daniel has never take sides with you nor your family he's always dumb as usual. Only I do that.

And even if he wanted to, who is gonna listen to a mute boy. I am all my family has so do as I said if you don't want your family gets in trouble.." Arthur said.

"Don't listen to him.." The white guy interrupted.

The white guy looked at me in reassure and then whispered to me..

"Don't mind everything he's just said, I assure you will be fine huh?"

"He won't be here forever so think over Aaliyah!" Arthur said.

"Are you trusting him over me?

What! You will be fine?!

What a bloody lie!!!

He's not even from this country for crying out loud!" He added.

The white guy looked at me again and asked.

"Do you not trust me?

It's fine, you can say what's in your mind and I will be fine with your answer but I hope you won't regret later." He whispered it to me.

"So, what is your say.." Arthur asked, eagerly.

I was quiet for few minutes before I could speak..

"Promise you will leave my family and I alone forever.." I said.

"I promise you will never set your eyes on me again since I will be leaving this country soon, perhaps tomorrow." Arthur replied.

"So, are you gonna let him escape this?" The white guy said almost angrily but it was controlled.

"I know.

Delete the video, please..

Also tell the copes not to come again.

I beg of you.." I said, awkwardly.

"But.." the white guy said.

"Please, do me this favor if you wanna help me" I interrupted.

"Okay, as you wish.

I will delete everything and ask the cope not to come.." The white guy said with a sigh..

He deleted everything and then gave the police a call. He told them it was a prank call so they shouldn't mind coming.

"Let's get out of here,


Are you leaving with him too?" He said, seemed annoyed though..

I gave a no respond with a nod.

Arthur seemed pleased, he was overly happy since the police didn't come for him and the evidence was terminated.

The white guy held my hand firmly and then walked me out of there to the roadside, he made sure there was a lot of people so I wouldn't be put in danger again.

"Who are you?" I asked, curiously with my innocent face staring at him.

"My name is jin goo,

Yeo jin goo." He replied.

"Are you a Chinese?" I asked.


A Korean.

I am from Seoul south Korean." He said.


You look like a Chinese.

Anyways, I thought both Japanese, north Korean, Chinese and all are same because they all look the same to me." I replied, sheepishly.

"Perhaps you don't wanna know the difference." Yeo jin goo replied and then chuckled.

"How can I know Koreans then?" I asked.

"Watch Korean movies.

Kdramas might help you know us well and you will be able to differentiate us." He said.

"But, I don't know Korean language. Don't Koreans speak their language in movies as well as Japanese?" I asked.


You should download the subtitle and you might even get familiar with our language.." He said.


I am an actor,

Still a baby actor though..

Not yet famous like Min ho oppa and others." He said flushing.

"Wow! You are an actor??

I would love to watch your show! Recommend me a drama you are in please....?" I said, excitedly.

"Well, my best sageuk (historical) drama is warrior dong soo. I bet you will love my part because I did well.." He said.

"Warrior baek dong su?

I will watch! I will make sure I will, tonight.."

"But.. What's sageuk?" I asked, curiously.

"It's a historical drama.

Sageuk drama means historical drama." He replied.

"And your language sounds nice too!" I said, smiling widely.

"Well, help me become popular here?

Thanks in advance." He said and then smile-smirked.


I will put in good words about you among my friends and families, infact.. I just love everything about Koreans, they are super nice." I said, exaggerating.

Chuckles "why? Because I saved you from him?" He asked.


Its because you are very nice person and a Korean.

So..." I replied.

"Well, not everyone are like me in this world.

Not everybody are the same, some might see you struggling like that and choose to walk out but...

I just can't help seeing such devilish act and the spoilt kids behaviors." He replied.

"It doesn't matter since you are my savior, I will forever remember you.." I said, inwardly.


Can you go home alone?

You can manage yeah?" He asked, worriedly.

"Should I walk you home?" He added.

I couldn't say a word and was only staring at his cute face admiring his looks and his charming voice was seductive.

"What did you come to do here?" I finally asked.

"I came with dad.

I wanted to know how Africans look and the place a whole so I followed dad here.."

I wanted him to also remembered my name. So without him even asking I decided to introduce myself to him.

"Well, my name is.."

"And it's beautiful!" He interrupted.

"Huh, what's beautiful?" I asked, seemed confused.

"The country, your country Nigerian it's beautiful and the people in it too." He said with a pleasing smile.

"Although there are also cruel people here like the guy just now but it's everywhere. Not only in Nigerian, I think it is mostly common in Korean among the rich kids, they are all spoilt brats. You will only find few good ones." He added and then sighed.

"Thank you for helping me Yeo. Jin. Goo?" I said with a bright smile.

"It's nothing..

Well, about the name..

About my name, it's not actually.." he paused.

"Actually what?"

" The real actor Yeo Jin goo.."

"Yes?" I said curiously hoping for a quick response.

"Well nevermind." He concluded.

"Can you tell me please?" I asked.

"You might be disappointed but..

I should get going, dad will be waiting for me." He said hastily

"Get home safely." He bowed towards me and bade a farewell then left immediately without allowing me to say anything.


Soon I arrived home from school, I heard a loud screen from inside and it was mom's voice, I saw few pairs of female shoes too. it was my first time seeing those. so prolly it doesn't belongs to mom.

I proceeded in..

I saw mom crying in sorrow and two women sitting next to her were petting her.

Perhaps those shoes belongs to them.

"But, what's happening here?

Why is mom crying so bitterly..

Could it be..!" I pondered.
