
Chapter 4: Visiting Melanie

I woke up the sun was shining on my face and I went to the bathroom to get.I dressed up and went to Kyle room.I knocked the door"Kyle wake up, we are gonna visit my sister."Okay wait for let me get dress"."Okay".I waited for him to be done,Kyle opened,"lets go".We went to the hospital and when we got there, I ask the resigration lady,"Do you know Melanie room number is"."Yes"."All you do is just sign here"."Okay".I signed it."Okay her room is 239"."Thanks".We went to her room, we saw melanie laying there.We came in.I grabbed a chair and sit right next to her.I grabbed her hand,"Melanie please wake up"."I have the bracelet that you gave it to me"."It fits perfectly"."Melanie remember that when we were kids, a dog was chasing us and you said ethan help me it's chasing me not you,I was laughing so hard that I pee on my pants"."I hope you wake"."Imma get food for us Kyle"."Stay here"."OKay".Ethan went."Hi Melanie its me Kyle"."How are you been".We miss you so much"."I heard your brother cry in his room"."I haven't tell you this but I have a crush on someone but we got married in a game, she doesn't know that I truly like her but I don't think she will like me back".I wish that you would met her but I don't really know how she looks like"."Melanie please wake up, we all need you".Kyle talks about the girl that he likes to you while you were in a coma.Ethan came back. "here Kyle, eat up"."thanks"."Kyle"."yes?"."what were you talking about when I was gone?"."well.."

Kyle told everything to Ethan. "wow I can't believe you already found a girlfriend"."Mhm"."Do you how know she look like"."no"."she haven't be online since 3 days ago so yeah"."are you ready to head out".Kyle nodded his head."Ethan you go first I have to do something"."oh okay".Ethan left."see you later Melanie".Kyle kiss Melanie forehead and he left.