
My fine step brother

Growing up a single child with s single father for the Majority of her life was mostly lonely and hard, considering he was rarely home and to think that he could break through and find love again was shocking. It was more shocking when he was so persistent about moving in with that woman and her fine... hunk a chunk of a son. Strange right? Dating was one thing, but marrying her? Couldn't be, not meant for her: for them, it's a pretty big move, especially when she was planning on running away with him. Finding new love, It's not wrong if it's not illegal.

bbgurl_Egypt · Teen
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5 Chs

Family vacation

I sat there writintnrhe last if my notes " think you got it?" My dad asked and I nodded, stacking my papers nice and neat. I placed my papers inside the folder I'm taking to school with me tomorrow before standing up " get Le-Sean for game night, tomorrow's friday so I wont make you guys go to bed early" my dad ordered me.

I nodded my head before standing up and going downstairs to our bedrooms. I noticed his door was closed unlike earlier when it was left half open, I knocked on the door, waiting for a response. I placed my ear on the door knocking again yet he didnt answer. I could hear faint noises but with the way the rooms are non matter how loud the tv was, you couldn't hear anything.

I groaned before opening the door and freezing as I stared at him. He jolted and covered himself before relaxing and rolling his eyes " close your mouth" he spoke up before I broke out in an awkward smile " s-sorry dad just wanted me to-to get you for game night" I coughed awkwardly as he stood up.

I covered my eyes and frowned hearing him start laughing. Listening, I heard a bit of rustling and him clearing his throat " you can look now," he said, now standing directly in front of me.

"Well I'm gonna go now " I whispered before going to walk out, I barely made it out the door before he grabbed my hand and pulled me back inside the room " you know if you want to continue" he started before leaning in to whisper in my ear " we can wait till everyone's asleep I'll meet you in your room for your decision" he nipped at my ear before walking out ahead of me. I blinked slowly comprehending the words that just came out of his mouth " did he just? I outta smack him" I grumbled walking out the room and up the stairs.

" dad where's the guacamole?" Krissy asked and I glared at her " stop calling him that, hes my dad" She looked at me with a hurt expression making me roll my eyes. " be nice Azariah, I'm still your father and all but you gotta learn to share I'm not just yours anymore we have a family okay? You're still my number one but you're getting older and you've been saving up for your own apartment I'm still always going to be here okay" he said walking toward the table with a bowl of salsa and a bag of chips.

"Zari" he spoke again and I just turned my head " so the baddest bitch here finally reveals her soft spot 'losing daddy" Le-Sean mocked me and I glared at him trying not to cry. I admit I have serious separation issues when it comes to my dad, I lost my mom and nearly lost my dad to CPS I mean what do you expect.

"Shut up" I muttered " awe cute shes gonna cry" he laughed and my lip started to quiver " shut. Up" I snapped and Krissy stood up " shut up Le-Sean you're just mad because your dad blaims you for everything " she yelled pointing making their mother gasping " Krissy!" She shrieked and Le-Sean stood up " shut up!, you're just mad because moms afraid to tell you you're dad abandoned you because you were a girl at least my dads still around" He argued making me gasp as Lanna slapped him, Krissy started crying as she looked at her mom " that's not true! Right mommy? Tell him!" She pauses as her mom stood there looking sentimental. She whimpered and ran upstairs " I hate you! I wish I was an only child and my dad was still here he loves me you dont know what you're talking about" she cried as she slammed the door shut.

" dont you think you went too far? " I asked him disgusted " oh boo I'd rather her know now than later get over it faster " he replied making me scoff " that's not shit you can get over " I argued back.

" yeah you would know, your moms doing drugs an is dating an abusive body builder who thinks it's okay to hut women" he said as he walked downstairs.

My dad looked at me " what?" He asked as he stepped closer to touch me, out of reaction I backed away " you said you tripped at the park when playing with kids" his gaze hardened " you lied to me? For what?" He started to get loud.

I shook my head " because I know you, you're gonna hurt him and I dont want to lose you! You're all I have left and I'd be damned if you leave me trying to protect me someone I never have to see again" I arose my voice a bit trying not to cry.

"That's the thing! I'm your father, what else do you expect me to do? Let some random guy put his hands on my child? Let her grow up thinking that's how men are supposed to be treated? ILL BE DAMNED if you grow up to be like your mother" he said grabbing his keys.

Le-Sean came back up dressed with his keys " where is he going?" He asked watching my dad walk out " Azariah Marie let's go! We're getting your shit and so help me God if he says something I'll kill him" he shouted causing me to flinch out of surprise " dad please" I begged as I grabbed my coat " look what going started" I glared at Sean before walking out to get in the car.

Le-Sean came out hopping in his own car following us as we pulled out.


We pulled up to my mothers house and I began to feel anxious, nothing good ever happened when my parents were in the same place.

Le-Sean pulled up, getting out the car at the same time as us. His mom coming out too, we all walked to the door and waited as my father banged on the door "Devin!" He hollered waiting for said man to open the door.

After a big of silence the door swung open " who the fu-" he was cut off as my father barged into the house " get your shit" he ordered me, I took Le-Seans hand as I rushed up the stairs.

I entered my bedroom and closed the door locking it as we could hear yelling all the way up here.

The sound of a door opening and closing echoed through the house, my mothers voice evident as she began to argue with Lanna.

I hurried packing everything I could find and touch " help me!" I hiccupped as my head began to pound. Memories of my home before my parents split began to fill my mind, I hated it here " Zari" he called yet I sidnt answer " Ria" he called me again before snatching me up from the closet floor.

I coughed out choked tears as I stared at him " let me go" I whispered no longer wanting to be in this house, he shook his head pulling me closer "breathe" he told me as he patted my back.

I placed my head against his chest as I practiced my breathing " I'm sorry I was just heated in the moment" he whispered " it's fine I get the same way when my families talked about too" I spoke up, my voice harsh.

We pulled away slightly staring up/down at one another, I reached up slightly my foot barely lifted off the floor as I kissed him. I gripped his shirt as he placed his hands on my hips "fuck" he muttered as we heard footsteps. I pulled away quickly and went to zip up both of my superhero suitcases.

I lifted one as he took the other, we unlocked the door and my dad opened it " let's go" he said as we left " you can't keep my daughter away from me!" I heard my mother cry " Please! Michael!" She cried as Devin held her back. I glanced at them. Her hair was a mess and she had Mark's in her arms at the crease of her elbow, Devin had a busted lip and bruises that decorated his skin. I quickly looked away " Azariah, you want me right? You love me still right?" I didnt answer her, I couldnt answer her. She cried out as we entered the car " no more visits, I'm getting a restraining order against them both " he said as we all pulled over to a gas station " ride with Le-Sean get a breather meet us back at the house when you're ready" he said kissing my head.

Sean stood outside his car waiting for me as I watched my dad and Lanna pull off " I cant see her anymore" I whispered as he gave me a hug " I'm fine trust me Its just a lot to process" I quickly squeezed in before he could say anything. He cupped my cheeks " hungry?" He asked an I laughed out " yeah, lets go to Wendy's " I continued to giggle and shake my head as we got in the car.

We drove in silence for about 2 minutes before I reached for the radio, Mid reach he popped me.

I scoffed " what the fuck" I did it again and he popped me again " dont touch, no one is allowed to touch my radio other than me, no you cant have the aux either" he said despite it also being bluetooth.

I scoffed and reached for it again making him pop me " stop it" I whined " I wanna hear music " I threw a small temper tantrum. He pulled into somewhere and stopped the car, I looked around " where-" he cut me off, grabbing my throat. " you just dont know when to stop, do you?" He growled as he pulled me closer, I whimpered causing him to quirk an eyebrow " oh~" he leaned in kissing me roughly, biting my lip as he devoured me.

I moaned into the kiss reaching to touch him but he pulled away "be a doll and come here " he said moving his seat back and patting his lap, I bit my lip and without thinking: climbed over and sat on his lap.

He gripped my hips grinding up into me as he attacked my collar bone, I moaned softly " you better be glad I wore this hood" I mocked him causing him smack my ass.

I squeaked quietly making him chuckle and pull away " now?" He asked and I nodded returning to our makeout session, a part of me thought this was so wrong. We're supposed to be eating out and going home not eating each others faces like some horny teens, we're practically adults I mean considering we are adults.

We heard a tap on the window causing us to look, lucky for us they couldnt see much other than our silhouettes, I put my hood on and scooted to my seat as he smacked his lips and put his shades on.

He cracked the window " yes?" He asked irritated " private property leave please" we heard a familiar voice " hayes?" He asked rolling the window down, Hayes looked up from his phone " Sean? What you doing here?" He asked and Glanced at me " Hey uh, Ria?" He asked and I nodded " yall coo? " he asked again and we nodded " trying to decide where we are going to eat since fat ass over there is hungry" Sean gestured toward me making me gasp " what?! You're the fat ass you roach just take me to Wendy's so we can go home " I glared no longer in the moment.

Hayes laughed before walking off and bidding us goodbye, Sean rolled the window up and sighed starting the engine " that was close" he groaned.

I rolled my eyes annoyed at his small response to the situation, what a sleaze.


We arrived home and opened the front door seeing the house was dark, we heard a groggy small shout " Is that you guys?" My dad's sleepy voice, I smiled.

"Yeah dad we got Wendy's and drove around" I informed him as we walked downstairs " alright goodnight see you tomorrow night I got work in the morning" he called out to us, I smiled and opened my bedroom door.

I reached my bed and removed my hoodie staring at the mirror across the room, I liked my outfit, tank top and all.

I danced my gaze across my body, tilting my head to get a better look at my hickeys " dad would kill me" I mumbled, letting a sigh out afterwards. " im sure he'd kill me first " I turned around and held my hand to my chest " don't do that" I whisper shouted.

He smiled walked further in as I sat on my bed " so" he started and I nodded " about earlier and my offer, it's still up if you want," he said biting his lip, I let out a sigh and held a straight face.

" we cant keep this up" I started " we cant keep doing this, our parents are getting married soon" He scoffed letting out a forced chuckle at the same time as laughing " you're joking" he laughed again before glancing at me, I held a stoic expression as I averted my gaze down.

" you've gotta be joking with me" he said tilting his head " I wish I was " I whispered and he scoffed heading out.

" Sean wait please, as much fun as this is I just-" he cut me off " Nah it's fine I get it just, leave me alone for a while" he said before leaving to go to bed.