
My Fenrir System

(#WPC 252 -Bronze winner) Jamie a high school Student shuffled off his mortal coil because of an unfortunate event and gets reincarnated in a fantasy world of magic as a Wolf. Read his journey as he climbs up the ladder of evolution to become the mythical creature Fenrir with a system.What will happen in his life?, will he be able to climb up the ladder of evolution and become human? or will he perish?. Check it out :-) #Vote it with power stone or I'll steal your plushie.

Mister_Imaginative · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 12:I'll return

Due to fears awesomesauce decision of saving the wolves by keeping them in the middle layer of the dungeon a banquet was prepared.

Jamie laid down under a tree and kept on thinking how Srides was doing. Absorbed in thoughts he fell asleep.

"Are you there Mr. Wolf?, please come back I need you", a voice echoed throughout his mind which was similar to the voice of Srides.Jamie woke up and noticed he was alone,the cold wind gazed all over his body and he felt a chill spreading throughout his body like the vibration of sound.

The wolves were in a cheerful mood and eating to their fill.Fear noticed Jamie looking at them from a distance.Jamie shifted his view to the moon and kept on staring at it and in the meantime Fear came beside him.Did you like the feast prepared for respecting your wits?, asked Jamie looking at the moon."Yea, I did like it but it seems like my lord is thinking about something troubling".Oh, it's nothing like that."I hope so".

Fear returned to the banquet leaving Jamie alone.As Jamie looked at the moon he remembered a quote written by 'Gandhi' and it was 'If nobody heeds your call don't stop keep on going alone yourself'.Jamie looked at the moon and thought is it fun to rotate in an axis being alone and glow every night for somebody else.Jamie didn't understand why did he become so emotional all of a sudden.The only thing he knew was he badly misses the time when he was human.

Jamie remembered that the matches of the colosseum didn't end and he needs to go back.I will be leaving for some time fear, said Jamie as he charged fear with the duty of watching over the tribe for the time being."I'll do my best and we'll be waiting for you".I'll return I promise, saying this Jamie left.As Jamie left Fear howled and all the wolves replied by howling back.

As Jamie came closer to the mansion of Srides he noticed her staring at the moon thinking about something.The gate was closed so Jamie barked looking at Srides from down.Srides noticed and rushed to open the door.After the door opened Srides started petting Jamie on his head and squeezed his fluffy cheeks which made Jamie feel a bit embarrassed and he stepped back.

"Naughty boy trying to save yourself from my squeezing,that's not going to happen",saying this Srides started to play with the fluffy cheeks of Jamie.Jamie stayed silent and stood without moving an inch as he kinda liked it a bit.

"Well let's go inside",said Srides as she stood and stopped petting Jamie. Srides's father chucked bottles of alcohol and kept on yelling for unnecessary reasons.Jamie didn't like the old man and was kinda annoyed.

The next match was two days later and Jamie was not sure if he was going to win or not then he remembered the promise he swore to fear.Jamie understood that he had only one option left and it was to win.

The awaited day came and Jamie's enemy is the humongous spider Gargantula.As Jamie entered he noticed the spider spreading it's web throughout the arena.Jamie figured out that running isn't an option and started to plot the demise of the spider.

The gate of the arena was closed the moment he walked in.The spider was going up and down with it's six legs as it was making a round cobweb to hunt it's prey cause that's the nature of the spiders.

Jamie reverted to his original size and used his skill dark howl but since the spider was a being of darkness it didn't affect the spider.

Jamie used his skill ruthless and started to run in the spider's direction and used mega bite to tear off one of it's legs.The spider after losing one leg backed a bit and started to throw webs at Jamie.Jamie jumped up, down, left and right while running and used mega bite to tear off its other leg.The spider then used its skill and summoned a horde of little spiders.The little ones were annoying so Jamie used his skill one pack army and destroyed them harnessing the power of a wolf pack.

The spider Gargantula was not happy about that and started to crawl towards Jamie.Jamie waited for the spider to come close and now that it's near Jamie used mega bite and bit it's head tightly.The spider started to let out poison but it didn't affect Jamie as he had poison resistance.The spider used one of it's leg and pierced Jamie's left leg.Jamie was in pain but didn't let go.Jamie used his skill poison claws to inflict more damage on the spiders body.The poison didn't affect Gargantula but the claws left a mark on the spider's body.The spider was struggling to get it's head out of Jamie's mouth but Jamie didn't let go.The spider started to pierce Jamie's body using it's leg.The match became a match of duration.

Seeing no other option the spider released some webs and struck it at the wall behind it.After successfully sticking the web on the wall the spider started to walk in front to create tension.The spider was walking lifting the body of Jamie.Jamie noticed the spider's motive and started trying to decapitate the head of the spider using his bite pressure.

The spider stopped walking after reaching a certain distance and loosened its body,the tension the spider created paid off as Jamie's left leg got badly pierced by the spider's leg.Jamie thought that it was time to wrap it up and bit as hard as possible and the bite pressure decapitated the spider.

As Jamie won the match the crowd went nuts and started letting out screams.Jamie barely stood as his left leg was injured badly.Jamie looked at the crowd and started to lose his consciousness.The last thing he saw was a popped up mirror of the system and Srides running towards him as his body touched the ground.

Three or four hours later Arnold woke up and found himself lying on a bed with bandages on his left leg.Srides was beside him and gave him a bowl of chicken stew to eat.Jamie ate the stew and decided to check what skills he gained after his last match.

As Jamie thought about the system the mirror again popped up


[Congratulations on your victory]

[You leveled up]

[New skills gained - 4]

[Shadow Merge,Deathly Howl,Grave claws and lastly Berserk]

[Details:Shadow merge lets you merge with shadows, Deathly Howl helps lowering your enemies health to 50 percent if it's a dark type monster if not then the damage is 10 percent and can be used only once, Grave claws gives you the ability to both poison and inflict 30 per cent damage on the enemy and lastly Berserk lets you go wild at the cost of losing control of your mind]

Among all the skills Jamie liked the Deathly howl the most as it enables him to inflict damage on dark beings.As Jamie was on the bed lying he felt his body was numb and weak.Srides was gently caressing Jamie's fur and Jamie had to endure it as he was weak to fight back. So rather than fighting, he gave in to the affection and love.

Thanks a lot, guys for helping me reach 400 plus collections milestone of this book ;-) .

Mister_Imaginativecreators' thoughts