
My Fenrir System

(#WPC 252 -Bronze winner) Jamie a high school Student shuffled off his mortal coil because of an unfortunate event and gets reincarnated in a fantasy world of magic as a Wolf. Read his journey as he climbs up the ladder of evolution to become the mythical creature Fenrir with a system.What will happen in his life?, will he be able to climb up the ladder of evolution and become human? or will he perish?. Check it out :-) #Vote it with power stone or I'll steal your plushie.

Mister_Imaginative · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 11:Meeting Gone Wrong

As Jamie anticipated two warriors of the Lizardman tribe came to invite him on a meeting with their Lord.Jamie accepted the offer and left for the Lizardman tribe with 5 wolves attending him.

The lizardman tribe was near a swamp and there was a cave that connects the swamp with their tribal grounds.As Jamie was passing through the cave he noticed that bat-like animals were hanging on the walls.Jamie asked one of the soldiers,but they didn't answer and simply said the Lord will tell.

As they entered the throne room of the Lord of the Lizardman tribe Jamie noticed a throne made of different types of species skeletons.The lord stood up and said,"I was awaiting your arrival new Lord of the Wolves tribe".I can tell you did, the throne looks exquisite."Do you like it?,it's made with the skeletons of Goblins and cockroach man tribes warriors".Ooh, I see so why did you want an audience with me?."I want you to join hands with me and together we'll destroy the people of Goblins and cockroach man tribes once and for all".

What's in it for me and my people?."The chance to live on peaceful terms with us".So you're saying if we don't accept the offer you're going to destroy the people of my tribe?."It's great that you catch on quick,don't worry I'll make it a painless and easy death for your people.What makes you think you can defeat me?."I suppose you already know the fact that the humans aligned with each other and are currently marching to the forest to destroy the monsters of every tribe.I know but what makes you think they will leave the people of your tribe?."Well that's a secret which I'll share if you join hands with me".

"My lord is true that humans are coming to kill us all?, asked Dire.Yes,that's true I'm sorry for not filling you in with the details.

" So what is it going to be?".If I join hands with you I know that you'll be using my people as slaves."Well you're right but why does that concern you, just leave 2 or 3 to die that's the natural rule".I'm sorry but the joining hands won't be happening."You're making a grave mistake I'm telling you, just leave 3 to die for a 100". I'm not like you, you love to take control of everything around you which makes me want to puke,I can pretty much tell looking at your people.

"I'll not tolerate insults, either join hands right now or die".After the lord of the Lizardman, tribe finished his words the room became full of soldiers pointing spears at them.You think you can force me to submit to you, well you're damn wrong, saying this Jamie used Dark Howl and most of the soldiers fell on the ground being paralyzed by his skill.

Jamie reverted to his original size and seeing him like this the Lord of Lizardman tribe fell on his knees.What? afraid of me?, well you better be."Why don't you damn monsters listen to me?, you were born to listen to me the great almighty Lord". You're more pathetic than I thought, you thought everything will turn out the way you want and you'll sacrifice all of your people along with my people to escape in some distant land but it didn't turn out as you wanted I think you already know the answer, saying this Jamie knocked down the warriors of the Lizardman tribe one after another.

As Jamie was fighting he didn't know the fact that the goblin and the cockroach man tribe were marching towards his tribe to kill every last one of his people.

Jamie beat almost 100 of the Lizardman tribe soldiers by himself and thought it was time to leave but before that, he went close to the lord of the Lizardman man tribe and whispered something in his ear.

The Lord of the lizardman tribe stood after hearing this and told his soldiers to stop.Jamie left the Lizardman tribe along with the 5 wolves who were attending to him.

As Jamie was returning to his tribe grounds he halted as he heard sounds of swords, spears and magical explosions.Jamie along with the 5 wolves hid inside a bush and noticed that the humans were fighting with the soldiers of the Goblin and Cockroach man tribe.Jamie got concerned about his people but there was no wolf in sight fighting with the humans.

Jamie waited and after some time moved bush to bush to reach the tribe of wolves to see whether they are alright or not.The battle continued and the fertile fields were covered in bloods and countless dead bodies of Humans, Goblins and Cockroach man.

The battle ended and the humans won.The remaining Goblins and the people of the cockroach man tribe fled in different directions.All The humans let out a war cry which was echoing throughout the fields.

Jamie at some point reached the tribal grounds of the wolves but no wolf was in sight.Jamie became restless as he couldn't find any wolves nearby.After searching here and there he still didn't see any wolves and all of a sudden searching the dungeon came to his mind and he went to the dungeon to search for his people.

After entering the dungeon there was nothing but dungeon monsters on the first floor and Jamie kept on going down till he reached the fifth floor.On the fifth floor he found his people gathered up together under the command of fear.Seeing Jamie the Wolves rushed towards him and howled out of happiness."My Lord are you alright?",asked fear.Yes,I'm alright."How did the meeting turn out to be?, asked fear.Well it went on the wrong direction."Does that mean we'll go war with the Lizardman tribe also". Don't worry we won't be going to war with them, more importantly, who's idea was it to stay in the middle of the dungeon to avoid the humans?."Well it was my idea",replied Fear.Why did you choose this location?." Well the thing this our hunting team saw humans merching towards the forest and ran back to notify us and since you left to meet with the Lord of Lizardman tribe I on behalf of you decided to enter and stay in the middle of the dungeon".

That was an excellent decision fear, from today onward you're the head warrior of the tribe."I'm very much grateful that you gave me such an important role and I'll try my best to live up to your expectations my Lord".

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