
My Feelings For You, Park Jimin (my childhood friend)

It's been a lot of years since meeting her childhood friend. she meets him finally but is scared to meet him as she's worried if he'd remember her. They eventually meet and face problems in between. Tune in to find out what they were and how they overcame it!

Ruby093 · Urban
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68 Chs

Meeting again

Third person POV

**two months later

Two months had passed by. She hasn't met Jimin nor anyone. She has heard news about them, about their new album, their upcoming trip and more.

Looking at Jimin now, he looks a way lot happier than before. She thought.

She didn't try talking to any of them and focused on her job. Tae Yong kept pushing her to go and talk with him.

Every time she said she'll try but it never happened. It made her think too much to go and talk to him.

On the other hand, Jimin was busy. He thought he'd forget Y/n while being with Aerum, but it turned out to be of no use.

He didn't want to hurt her also, so he broke up with her.

The members started worrying about Jimin. They all know he misses Y/n, but he doesn't accept it.

Taehyung everyday approaches to him and tried to get the truth out. Tries to get Jimin's feelings for Y/n out.

But he never admits it. Sometimes he sits alone and just thinks about those good old times he had with y/n.

Some days he used to cry himself to sleep. Some days he used to smile himself to sleep thinking that some day y/n will come back again, talk with him and that day he'd say his feelings.

Two months passed, and his hopes were gone. She never came back nor called anyone. He started worrying if she was alright.

But soon negative thoughts started coming to his mind.

Whether she'd like to see him now? Maybe she's with someone else now?

Maybe she forgot about him?

He didn't know what to do. He started working out more and more. The members were very worried now. They didn't know what to do.

Each day everyone would talk with him and comfort him. He just nods his head and sleeps.

He started concentrating on work. His full focus was on work only. But inside he still thinks of her.


Y/n's POV

*at office

I was in my desk with Tae Yong. We both are now in charge of the designing.

I was the PA, later I got shifted to this job. I still don't know why but I like it.

"We'll be designing for a new idol group."

"Who is it?" I asked.

"That's a surprise."

"Male or female?"

"Boy groups. You'll be excited to see them. He's coming today." Tae Yong said and left.

"Tell me who it is." I shouted from the place I was sitting.

"You'll see evening." He left.

God! I hope it's not Jimin. I don't have the energy to look at him after what I did.

I went back to work.

*time skip

It was a very tight schedule work. I was waiting so much for this time.

"Give me a clue at least." I whined.

"You'll see." He said.

"Come on. Please." I begged him.

"They'll be here any minute."

As he said a car stopped by.

I was hoping to be some group like Stray Kids or TXT or Monsta X. But It was not.

I was surprised to see my brother.

"Shit!" I whispered to myself.

"It's EXO!" He said.

My brother knew nothing that happened. If he sees me here, he'll worry a lot about me.

I pulled Tae Yong away and asked,

"Why didn't you tell it was EXO?"

"Why? Anything wrong?"

"Uh...Im..... umm..... I'm Byun Baekhyun's sister."

"What?!" He was shocked.

"Yeah. But why didn't you tell before?"

"Why didn't you tell before? He doesn't know anything or what?"

"He doesn't cause I didn't want him to worry. He already feels guilty for not being there with me and now I don't want that to happen again."

"I'll manage. Come with me."

"How will you? It's too late to tell him everything now. If I were to, I would've done it long back."

"Are you coming with me or not?" He asked.

"Fine." I said and went with him.

"Hey oppa!" I said.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asked surprised.

"Hey baekhyun!" Tae Yong hugged him.

"What is the occasion for?"

"A music festival. What are you doing here?" He kept asking.

"Umm... oppa... Tae Yong will tell." I said and looked at him.

"Yeah, I actually needed someone to help, and that is when I saw her in a store. She said she's working in BigHit. I said it was fine, she could do both the jobs but then she resigned and joined this job."

"Do you like this job?"

"Ne oppa! I really love it." I did like it though.

"If you're happy, then I'm fine with it."

He said and left.


Baekhyun's POV

I got down and was shocked to see y/n here. So this is the place she is working in.

I asked her what she was doing here, but she said she liked the job. I didn't want to force her to say. I just left.

Yes, I knew about the reason why she's here. The other day, her friend, Mia, called me and asked if she was there with me.

I said no and asked what happened. She said me everything. I went in search of her. I couldn't find her anywhere.

I was very worried about her. I couldn't do anything. Members comforted me, but still I couldn't feel good about it.

I tried calling her but it said switched off.

But after seeing her here, I felt a bit relieved.

Jimin was her best friend. He was there for her. He took care of her.

I know y/n shouldn't have said like that but she wouldn't have really meant it.

She still misses him. She likes him a lot.

I just wish everything gets back to normal. It's hard to see her like this.


Y/n's POV

I was relieved he took it easy.

"Thanks a lot." I said to Tae Yong.

"As a friend, I gotta do it."

"So when is this music festival that we're supposed to design?"

"Two days later."

"What?! Only two days? Have you even decided what to do?"

"Hey, I've got everything in hand. Don't worry." He said smiling.

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"Wanted it to be surprise."

"Ok. Now what should we do?"

"You've got nothing to do, so you can head home." I nodded and left.

*time skip

I reached his house and entered. I felt really tired. I showered and flopped on the bed.


"I miss you so much."

"And I'm really sorry for what I did." I whispered and slept.

*two days later

Today was the music festival. I felt kinda excited but at the same time nervous.

Music festival is a festival where all idols would perform. All idols meaning including BTS, and Jimin.

I wanted to see him so bad but I didn't know whether he would want to see me.

I got ready for the day, looked at myself at the mirror, let out a deep breath and said,

"Y/n, you can do it."

I left with Tae Yong to the stadium.

On our way, we bought coffee.

*at the stadium

We reached and there were a lot of idols there.

A woman approached to us and said,

"Sir, there's another group who need to be designed by you. Sorry for late information, but they really need you now."

"Who is that?" Tae Yong asked.

"I don't know. They just told me to call you, as soon as you come."

"Ok thanks for the information." He walked and I followed him.

Tae Yong was talking with someone, asking about who it was and other stuff. I was just looking around.

"Y/n." He called. I nodded.

"You wait in the 4th room. The group members will be there soon. I have an important work now. I'll join you soon." He said and left.

I asked the person in charge the direction to the 4th room. He guided me. I bowed and he left.

I sat down and looked around.

*20 mins later

No one had come. I got up and started walking around.

I wondered who it would be. There was no sign of which group it was. Nor was there any name board on the door.

I looked everywhere to find what group it was. It kinda made me curious though.

There was a book on the mirror table. I opened it and it had some random things in it, which I didn't have patience to read.

I skipped the pages and finally got the page I wanted.

At the very end. I took a closer look at the groups name.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

"BTS?" I whispered.

I was in disbelief.

"Y/n?!" I heard a familiar voice behind me.

I kept the book back down. I felt nervous. Is it really them?

"Y/n? Are you alright?" Tae Yong asked as he came to me. I felt a bit relieved as he was there with me.

I turned around and saw all of them. Except Jimin. He was nowhere to be seen.

"Y/n!" Mia cried and hugged me tight. I hugged her back. I controlled my tears. We broke the hug.

"Y/n, is it really you? How you've been doing?" They all asked worried.

"I'm fine. How are you guys doing?" I forced a smile and said.

"We're doing good." I just nodded.

"I'm sorry I'm la....." Jimin came in and paused when he saw me.

I felt like crying seeing him. But I controlled.

"Tae Yong, can I talk to you?" I asked him. He nodded and we left out.

We walked near the washroom and talked.

"You knew it was them?" I asked.

"I did know."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't cause I want you to talk with him. I want you to speak up to him. Tell him how you feel. This is your only chance y/n. Don't waste it."

"I can't. You saw what just happened there. It's difficult to face him."

"Y/n, you can do it. I know you can." He patted and left.

I stood there and thought what to do now.

"Y/n." I heard someone. I turned and saw Yoongi oppa.

I just hugged him. Tears flowed.

He comforted me.

"Y/n, it's ok. Things will get better soon."

I nodded.

"I'm sorry I left without saying anything."

He broke the hug and wiped my tears.

"We understand y/n. You don't need to apologise."

"You should talk with Jimin. He's changing. He works out more and doesn't eat properly. He has also fainted once or twice."

"Is he fine now?" I asked worried. He nodded.

"I'll talk to him."

"But not now. After the festival." I nodded and we went back.

"Y/n, are you ok now?" Tae Yong asked.

"Ne." I said and stood by the wall.

"So I think it's time to get you guys ready."

They nodded.

Few people came inside with their costumes and a few helpers.

First was makeup and then was the suit.

I totally forgot about Mia and Namjoon oppa. I never really got to know what happened after that.

Mia sat by me and asked,

"Where were you? I called your brother and asked him but he said he didn't know."

"You told oppa what happened?" I asked shocked. She nodded.

He knew but yet he didn't say anything. He didn't force me to tell.

I got up from there.

"I'll come back in a minute." I said and went over to my brother's room.

I knocked on the door.

"Hey y/n." I was greater by Chanyeol. I bowed down.

"Where's baekhyun oppa?"

"He went to have some drink. Maybe in that room. Just check it, if not, he might be somewhere here." I smiled and went to the snacks station.

Luckily, I found him there. I walked over to oppa and hugged him.

"Thanks oppa."

"Y/n? What happened?" He asked.

I broke the hug and said,

"You knew about what happened between me and Jimin and yet you didn't ask me anything. I know you're sad that you couldn't help me."

He patted my head and said,

"You know me very well than I know you. I didn't want to bring that topic back and make you worry, so I didn't talk about it."

I smiled at him.

"So, did you talk with Jimin?"

"Not yet. After the program, I'll talk." He nodded and left.

I drank some water and went back to the room. I didn't see who was coming and dashed into him as I entered their room.

"I'm sorry." I said and looked up. It was Jimin.

"Sorry." He whispered and left.

I watched him go and went back in.

"Y/n, can you help me with this." Tae Yong called me to help Taehyung.

I helped Taehyung wear his coat.

"You're done." I said uninterested.

"Y/n, I can see sadness in you. He'll definitely talk to you. Cheer up."

"I know something that will cheer up y/n." Jin oppa came to us and said.

"This is for you. Wait...." he put his hand into all his pockets and showed a finger heart.

"That's a sweet thought." I said.

"There's another thing." We all listened to him.

"What do you call an ice cream that parties hard?"

"Seriously hyung?" Jungkook said.

"Just say it." Suga oppa said.

"Out of CONEtrol." He said.

I and Taehyung were controlling our laugh.

"There's one more. You know my jokes are quite..." before he could finish, Jungkook interrupted.

"Hyung please don't."


We couldn't control anymore and burst out laughing.

"That did cheer you up." He said.

"It really did." I said.

"You better get ready fast. I'll go check on the other group." I said and went to EXO's room.

I helped them with their dress and sat down for a while.

*after few minutes

They were done. Next up was BTS's turn. I headed to their room. Tae Yong was already there. Seeing him, I turned back and tried to walk away, when he pulled me inside.

"Hey, why do you need to pull me?"

"If I called you, you wouldn't come." He said.

"Put this tie on Jimin."

I took the tie from him and whispered,

"Say hi to your death bed." I smiled and went over to Jimin.

I didn't know how to call him.


He looked at me.

"Y-you're supposed to wear a tie."

He took the tie from my hand and tried tying it.

"I can help." I said looking somewhere else.

He handed the tie to me. I put it around my neck, made a tie, removed it and put it on him.

"You're done." I said and smiled a bit. He looked at me. I looked at him.

We looked at each other's eyes deeply.

I could fell how much I missed him. How much I missed being with him.

"Everyone done?" Tae Yong asked. We came back to reality.

"I'll take a leave." He said. I nodded and he left.


Jimin's POV

I entered the room and was surprised to see y/n.

She excused herself and went with Tae Yong.

She works with him, probably.

Knowing that she was Tae Yong, I felt a bit relieved. We all know Tae Yong is Taehyung's friend.

The others kept talking about y/n. But I didn't talk anything.

After sometime, y/n was nowhere to be seen.

I wanted some air, so I went out and dashed into someone.

"I'm sorry." It was y/n.

Nothing came out of my mouth for a while.

"Sorry." I said and left.

*after an hour

I was all done.

Y/n came over to me and said I need to wear a tie.

I took it from her and tried tying it.

Then I realised I didn't know how to tie a tie. She offered me help. I couldn't stop looking at her.

She finished and kept looking at each other.

Tae Yong called us and I left.

I shouldn't have let go of her that day. I should've stayed and solved it that day. I miss you so much y/n. I miss you a lot.

I still like you. I still have feelings for you. But I don't know how to tell. But it'll be soon.

To be continued.....