
My Father's Mistress (No one can take my place)

Have you lost your mind? why are you doing this?This is out of the equation Annabelle ,you know that I have always love and adore you but is this how you're paying me back? Everyone knows that you only care about yourself and your benefits ,you lured My Dad just for your so called revenge ,what then happen to forgiving and forgetting you selfish woman, Anna said to her. You are evil,so....so evil that you even went to the extent of using your daughter as a bit ,how do you expect me to behave. Talking about equation,you thought that am really mad that I have nuts sorry but this is your end dear lovely step-Mother . When she was about to shoot her a voice said "why don't I do the deed for you than dirting your hands with her stinking blood darling. ............ All the people in the room were puzzled ,how can you still be in the lion's den and still be so calm. What benefit will I get if I cooperate with you ?she asked . Don't Tell me that what you need is a bed warmer because I don't deal with shits. Your mind runs wild Annabelle dear but am not like that I can get girls pretty and much more beautiful than you so let me land first. He said in a husky voice. For unknown reason she felt different when he called her name which she haven't felt since she was born but then how can he say that he can have girls more pretty than her what then do he want(author: you're misinterpreting dear),but I won't let my guard down she said to her self. What about a contract love ,how does it sound ? you can get all the benefits but I only ask for one thing.... be by my side he completed in his mind.

Emmanuel_Ogbonna · Fantasy
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20 Chs


Arriving at the restaurant........

Why don't we go to the nearest one Instead of going this far Drew asked.

Because there food is the best ,tasted, confirmed and approved after all it's not like you are going to eat the whole world , it's just a few meters away Rose answered.

You confirm and approve of other people's cooking when you can't even make a simple Chip for your friends to eat but I know that one day we shall taste it Drew commented.

You're saying that I can't make a Chip and I agree to that but what can you cook that one can eat without visiting the restroom through out the day Rose said.


I really pity the lady that will call you husband because she will get stomach cancer within two weeks of your marriage She cut him off.

Seeing that it will cause a problem Anna said I am already tired of your banter's but can I rest before we reach out destination atleast when we reach you guys can continue.

I will never abandoned my food for anything like him because it's just a wasting of my precious time Rose said and stared out of the window.

Drew sighed while Anna chuckled no one can beat her when it comes to food but no matter how much she eats she never grow fat.

Rose and Anna were in Drew's car while Stella is in Rays car,Rose was the one directing the way so the car was the one in the front.

Meanwhile in the other car.....

There was an akward silence in the car that none of them were able to speak Ray kept on glancing at Stella who was looking out if the window , finally Stella turned to him and said I know that nothing is on my face so can you stop staring it's making me uncomfortable.

Sorry, it's just that I can't help myself from staring at you. A beautiful lady like you is facing this kind of thing really beauty is pain Ray said.

Stella blushed at the compliment and stared at him , right he was handsome with those kissable pink lips,chiseled jawline,high pointed nose and smooth skin.she said It's not about my beauty that they are all trying to get me married it's just that they think am getting older where no man will marry me .

Then how am I gonna help you?he asked.

They've stop pestering me for now but I think what's going to happen next is setting me up on a blind date she said with her head low.

Sure Stella is a beautiful girl plus she's rich she can fend for herself no man will refuse a marriage alliance when offered the wealth of her parents it's such a disappointment that she can't see his love for her.

He just wanted to talk to her that's why he asked others to go in Drew's car but it's not working as he wanted.

Stella sighed and said drive faster so that we can catch up on others so that they won't wait for us.

Okay he replied,he had slowed down for them not to get in an accident.

Cyril's house....

Cyril went to the office,his daughter went out with her friends, only Emily and the servants were home.

Standing Infront of the huge mirror she is going out to meet her friends but then her phone rang she went to the dressing table and took it but before she answered the phone she stared at the number which has no name before she reluctantly picked it up.

Hello , who am I speaking with please?she asked.

Have you forgotten so soon my darling who you are speaking to?The person asked.


You have forgotten who licked your body ,the one who fucked you on the stool and made you what you are.

Am not calling you for you to guess who I am just come to our usual place ,Am giving you an hour if not everything will blow up and you know the consequences, the person cut the call immediately after saying his piece.

Emily shirved ,she know that voice the one who helped her plan everything. she screamed on top of her voice and ran downstairs.

Where is the driver? she asked. He is in the servants quarter should I call him ma?

No don't where is the car keys?she asked.

It's always in the car ma .

Okay,if your boss comes back tell him that I went to see my friends and I may return late. Okay ma I will inform him that .

In order not to rise a suspicion she decided to drive herself to meet the man who called her. The servants who answered her questions stood there staring at the car leaving and shook her head .

Another maid tapped her on the back and she jumped in fright. Easy am not biting you so relax the servant said, don't you think she's acting suspiciously like the way she screamed on top of her voice and refuse to tell the driver to drive her to her destination? the servant asked.

Look I don't know but I will definitely say that she is acting suspiciously but I will just relay her message to boss.

Let's continue with our chores before the little devil comes back. They named Olivia Little devil because she's just like her mother always ordering and shouting at the servants but they never call her that in her face.

Arriving at the cemetery she got out of the car and walked to a certain grave Joyce Adams and there is the man sitting beside it staring at her with his hawk like eye,the only thing that scares her is that this man is always sitting beside this grave I don't know what he has with cemetery,he doesn't meet her at other places but cemetery.

So you have forgotten who sucked your pussy dry He said when she reached close to him .

Pervert tell me quickly ,why do you call me here don't you know am a married woman. She said to him.

Don't raise your voice at me unless he scanned her body you know what it will cost you. Yes she knows what it will cost her but she look for a way to stop him from meeting her it's just that she doesn't know why the man is always helping her.

Throwing some pictures at her feet he said I want you to find this lady for the boss . But I don't know her how am I supposed to find her whereabouts ,is she related to my case ?she asked.

Just ask your husband about her boss wants her . But who is the boss tell me so that I can meet him by myself she said.

You're not worth meeting him so pick up the pictures and leave here before someone catches you here.

Picking up the pictures she turned and started walking out of the cemetery but after walking for sometime she turned around to Know if the devil is still looking at her but then he was not there anymore,she sighed and frightenly walked out of the cemetery to her car.