
My Ex Rejected me, so I Married his Boss

A day before her engagement, Renée Findlay gets rejected by her boyfriend. Above that, she finds out he has been cheating on her with another woman. Her distress doesn't end here as Renée is thrown out of her own house after her ex transfers it in his name. Renée feels she is trapped in the darkness until her ex's boss, Killian Morrison, enters her life that night, showing a sudden interest in her. CEO Killian Morrison is renowned for his icy demeanor, a reputation cemented by his cold, heartless, and arrogant attitude. However, to Renée, he reveals an entirely contrasting persona—a man of warmth, compassion, and humility. "Marry me," Killian proposed. "You gave me words last night that you are mine," he reminded her. "Fine. I'll marry you, but I'll use you in making my ex's life hell," Renée put forward a condition. "Use me as you wish," Killian immediately responded. He lifted from his seat and hovered over Renée. Pulling her chin up, Killian said, "I also have a condition." "What is it?" Renée asked. "I want you on my bed every night," Killian pronounced with a smirk.

Kn_star8 · Urban
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12 Chs

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"I forgot to ask you about August. Where is he? I thought he lived here," Renée asked Killian after he placed his phone down.

"August was here for two days since he wanted to play games with me. He lives with Grandma and Grandpa," Killian replied. Mark carefully drove the car on the highway as he heard their conversation.

"I see. He called me 'Mommy'. I think he misses his mother. Where's his father?" Renée didn't know she showed her interest in a sensitive topic.

Killian was surprised to find that August saw Renée as his mother. "My brother, his father is dead. We don't know who his mother is since my late brother never told me about her," he briefed her. There was a slight frown on his forehead as he suddenly recalled a painful memory of his past.

"I'm sorry," Renée apologized. She was shocked to learn that Killian had a younger brother, who was no more alive. She didn't ask him further since she believed Killian also wanted to keep it a secret from her, or else, he would have told her earlier.

"It's alright," Killian said, but he didn't look he was fine.

"Let's keep August with us," Renée suddenly suggested.

"That's not up to me to decide. Grandma, Grandpa doesn't want August to be away from their sight," Killian explained to her.

"Oh." Renée felt upset for the boy. "Can you take me to the villa in the evening after your work finishes? I'd like to meet August and spend time with him," she opined.

Killian turned his face at her. "Wife, shouldn't you spend the time with me? Also, we will be heading to a place in the evening," he reminded her. "Meet August on Monday," he suggested.

"August feels lonely, I think," Renée said in a low voice and averted her gaze from him.

"Mark, drive the car to the Morrison Villa," Killian suddenly said.

"Why?" Renée asked him.

"Today August classes are till noon. I'll pick you up in the evening from the villa," he opined. Renée was stunned seeing how much Killian cared for her wishes.

Her ex was not like this. Renée felt she gave more tha four years to a very wrong person, who never deserved love from her.

"Killian," Renée pronounced his name.

"Hmm?" Killian turned his head at her when her lips landed above hers.

Mark pressed his lips together as he smiled and focused his gaze on the road. He had already turned the car to another route and drove straight to the villa.

Renée looked into his eyes and saw he looked surprised. "Ah...I-I... thought... I..." she stuttered and blinked her eyes rapidly.

Killian placed his hand on the back of her head and pulled her close. He fervently kissed her but withdrew since Mark was at the front. Grazing his thumb over her lips, Killian ducked his head to her ear, "It's tough to resist you, but I have to since Mark is sitting ahead."

He kissed her cheek and saw the blush on them. A smile carved on his lips as Renée like a quiet kid, leaned back on her seat. He liked the advances she had made on him.

Finally, they reached the Morrison Villa. Renée was a bit worried thinking how would Florence and Ethan react to see her. However, Killian didn't ask her to go as the car stopped. Instead, he accompanied her inside the villa.

"If you feel uncomfortable here, call me. I'll send Mark to bring you to the penthouse," Killian told her. He felt that his grandmother might trouble Renée.

Upon entering the living room, the housemaid stopped commanding the servants and greeted Killian and his wife.

"Where's Grandpa and Grandma?" Killian asked.

"Master Ethan is in his study while Madam is in the garden. I will call them here," the housemaid said when Renée stopped her.

"Please don't disturb them," Renée requested and turned to face Killian. "Don't worry about me. Your family is mine too. I'll take care of the things here," she stated with a smile of assurance.

"Well, I'm leaving you here because you want to see August," Killian said. He was getting late for work and walked away.

Renée glanced at the housemaid, who again had instructed the servants to resume the work. "Could you please take me to the garden, where Grandma is present?" she requested the housemaid.

"Ahh, sure. Please come this way with me," the housemaid told Renée.

As they made their way to the garden, Renée asked her name.

"I am Anna Clarke. We are so happy to see Killian get married. Though, it was very sudden," Anna told Renée.

"Yes. It was sudden," Renée responded in a low voice.

They were now in the garden, where Florence was instructing the gardeners about the new plants that should be planted soon.

"Pardon me for intruding, Madam," Anna said when Florence stopped speaking and turned around. She was astonished to see Renée there.

"Good morning, Grandma," Renée greeted her.

"Hmm. Why are you here? Where's Killian?" Florence asked, not interested in conversing with Renée.

"He went to the office after dropping me here," Renée replied.

"Shall I help you, Grandma? I'm good at gardening. It is one of my hobbies," Renée stated.

"Your help isn't needed. We have servants to do that. Are you going to live the same life as you used to before the marriage?" Florence taunted her. Her words clearly indicated that she considered Renée of not same status as them.

"So, why are you here?" Florence asked. "You three should trim the leaves of these plants," she then instructed the gardeners. Anna had left the garden since she had to check the works of the other servants.

"I-I," Renée was a bit scared of Killian's grandmother so she started stuttering.

"Just because you are my grandson's choice, I remained quiet and let him marry you. In my eyes, you are not at all suitable for him. I wonder how you two even met and fell in love. You do have some skills to charm my grandson," Florence bitterly said. She didn't like Renée a bit. Even yesterday in the marriage hall, Florence had to keep her mouth shut about Renée's origin.

"Leave if you have nothing to say," Florence told Renée coldly.