

James a 16 year old teenager was killed and sent to another world filled with monsters, magic, and death. He was bestowed the evolution system by something or someone so he at least stands a chance in this new life since he refused to die, and James is unwilling to die a second time at any cost!

LordNephilim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

7: RAGE!!


"Alright let's take some of this cooked meat they already made for later then head further in since there's nothing else worth taking."

[You have stored Rabbit meat] x3

[You have stored Fox meat]

[You have stored Human meat]

"Human meat? I shouldn't be surprised since they are goblins, but I wonder if any are alive...actually that would be worse in their case since it's probably only women who are only raped and uses for breeding more of those vile creatures."

James thinks about this whole walking down the tunnel and then he just barely hears something crying and screaming in the distance. James moves forward as the cries grow louder. He enters an empty room, but to his right he sees a tunnel which he hears the cries coming from and now the low grunts and snarls of goblins as well.

"I can't just ignore this, plus I still gotta kill all of the goblins anyway so why not do a little good in the process."

James moved down the tunnel full of screams and grunts till it was all he could hear and came upon a room that reeked of sweat, blood, and semen. All he could see was a giant room full of 40 goblins pinning down young women some were elves while some were humans and the goblins were using every part of them to please themselves no matter how much the girls cried and the few that fought back got stabbed in non-vital places or pounded even harder as more force was used to pin them down while some goblins got off on their struggles enjoying their pain and suffering as they dug their nails into their soft flesh cumming repeatedly inside and all over them. In a far corner James saw a group of 7 girls curled up together scared witless and crying, while on another corner watched by 10 more goblins were 9 pregnant women that had dead looks in their eyes as if they'd given up all hope. James was disgusted and for reasons he himself didn't fully understand, enraged, he wanted to rip every goblin in this room to shreds.

James made a mighty roar that shook the very cave itself startling and inducing fear into everything in the room as if a dragon had descended upon them.


Everyone in the room stared at the entrance as they saw a giant lizardman unlike they've ever seen, the goblins were terrified even with the vast number of them not even one of them thought they could win. They could all feel James' bloodlust and none could match his murderous gaze, all of them could feel their primal instinct telling them he was the predator and they were mere prey.


The goblins all backed away from the women even though they couldn't understand James' words.


The girls all frightened immediately got up and ran to the far wall by the corner where the girls huddled together are even the pregnant ones that had given up hope moved since currently the fear they felt from James was greater than what they felt from the goblins.

The goblins wanted to stop them, but before they could James started to step forward making them all freeze in place.

"Filthy creatures you will now know true pain and fear you disgusting WORMS!!"

James looked like the harbinger of death to these frightened goblins and even more like death itself as he charges into the crowd of goblins shredding multiple with each swipe of his arms sending flesh and bone flying onto other goblins. None could escape no matter how hard they tried to get past James he'd rip them in half or knock them away with his tail crushing their ribs upon impact. Within 5 minutes 33 of the original 50 goblins were all dead covering the floor with blood, guts, bone, and excrement as the goblins could no longer control their bodies due to the fear.

James was covered from head to toe in blood with pieces of a goblin or two's guts hanging from his shoulders.

"Come on you little bitches! Are you scared!? Now you know a tiny sliver of what it's like to be those poor girls you've abused and raped for who knows how long, and now you'll die!!"

James cut the rest down then looked at himself covered in all this nasty shit finally calming down a little.

"I need a bath or at least something to wipe some of this off cause this is disgusting."

[You have learned the Rare Skill Rage: Rage allows you to enter a state of intense anger where you feel no pain and gain 25% damage and attack speed]

[You have learned the Uncommon Skill Primal Intimidation: Primal Intimidation allows you to send intense intent at your target/targets and it will succeed at intimidating said target/targets as long as you're double the targets level or have 10 more charisma than them]

James turned to look at all the girls huddling together to afraid to run away and even more scared at him looking their way.

"If you can understand me I won't hurt you. I merely came here to kill this nest of goblins. If you're all to scared to leave or don't have the strength to move then stay here and look after each other while I go kill the rest of them."

[You have slain a Goblin] x50

[You have gained 10XP] x50

[You have leveled up] x2

[You've hit lvl 5]

[You've unlocked classes, would you like to undergo class evaluation?]



Name: James Stormblood

Lvl: 5

XP: 75/500

EP: 235

Health: 115/140

Mana: 70

Race: Lizardfolk

Class: N/A

Height: 7ft 9in

Weight: 310lbs


Strength- 18

Dexterity- 9

Intelligence- 7

Wisdom- 5

Constitution- 14

Charisma- 4


Active- Rage, Primal Intimidation

Passive- N/A

Traits: N/A

Iron Stomach, Monster Eater, Lesser Night Vision

Aspects: Blood of The Dark Blood Wolf

Free Attribute Points: 48