

James a 16 year old teenager was killed and sent to another world filled with monsters, magic, and death. He was bestowed the evolution system by something or someone so he at least stands a chance in this new life since he refused to die, and James is unwilling to die a second time at any cost!

LordNephilim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

6: I Have What?!



Name: James Stormblood

Lvl: 3

XP: 100/300

EP: 215

Health: 135/140

Mana: 70

Race: Lizardfolk

Height: 7ft 9in

Weight: 310lbs


Strength- 18

Dexterity- 9

Intelligence- 7

Wisdom- 5

Constitution- 14

Charisma- 4

Skills: N/A

Traits: N/A

Strong Stomach, Monster Eater

Aspects: Blood of The Dark Blood Wolf

Free Attribute Points: 18


James entered the cave and surprisingly there were torches throughout the entrance tunnel. James kept moving forward till he came across a bit open room where he saw 10 goblins moving around 4 skinning small animals while others were either cooking meat or eating it yet they all stopped moving when they heard the distinct loud steps of James echoing in the cave and they all started shaking at the sight of him with dark blood covering his body and dripping from his mouth.

"It seems they understand what I've done to get here, it's to bad I can't let any of you live!"

James dashes at the 4 goblins skinning animals since they had knives in hand while the others had no weapons. The goblins all started to panic and try to get away, but James wouldn't let them get away.

"Why run when you can help me get stronger!"

James grabbed one with his tail throwing him at the cave wall as he brought his fist down upon another's head cracking it open like a melon while impaling the third. The fourth goblin froze in it's tracks scared to even breath at the brutality before it's eyes, to bad to James that didn't matter as he tore out the fourth goblins throat then charges towards the others trying to run away.

4 of the remaining goblins were running to a tunnel at the far end of the room while the other 2 went down the tunnel closest to the fire at the right of the room. James chased the group of 4 and quickly caught them as he tore them to shreds with his claws. The last 2 made it into the tunnel with James closing in on them faster than their little feet could possibly get away from, but hope was in their eyes as they saw a group of 5 hobgoblins eating meat in the room ahead and tried getting their attention with their weird grunts and goblin speech.

The hobgoblins saw the pair of goblins running their way screaming at them to help. The group of 5 immediately got up and grabbed their clubs and moves to see what was wrong then they stopped as they finally saw James looming over the 2 goblins as he jumped forward crushing one of the goblin's back beneath his right foot as he tore through the last goblin with his claws decapitating it in the process.

"You guys again huh, you'll be kind of annoying if you're even close to as smart as the last one of you I killed. I guess I'll just try throwing your dead friends at you and get a couple free kills in if I can."

James threw the 2 goblins bodies at the hobgoblins which didn't work this time as the hobgoblins were more cautious then the idiots outside and dodged the bodies which in favor for James separated the group in half with just enough space for him to charge the 2 on the left.

As James charged them just as he got in front of the 2 they tried to hit him from both sides, but James with his superior strength and speed grabbed the clubs mid-swing and ripped the clubs from their hands surprising all 5 of the hobgoblins as he used the clubs to smash the first one's head wide open which broke both clubs in half in the process, then shoved his claws into the other one's chest breaking it's ribs as he grasped it's heart and ripped it out with all his might leaving a gaping hole in it's chest.

The other 3 remaining hobgoblins didn't stand and watch they closed the distance trying to surround James then they swung rapidly trying to kill him as fast as they could. James tried to avoid the clubs and take them away from the hobgoblins which he succeeded at, but in the process he took 4 solid hits.

[You've taken 20 damage]

"Damn I hate your clubs", as he smashed the clubs beneath his feet.

"Now I'm just irritated, I think you're gonna be my snack for that!"

James lunged at one kicking it in the head sending it tumbling to the ground with a cracked skull heavily bleeding, but before it could even get up James slammed his tail into it's head slamming its head into the ground splitting it wide open spilling blood and brains behind James.

"That makes me feel better, now just to end this already so I can move on."

James quickly massacred the last 2 since they had no weapons then took a bite out of each of the 5 hobgoblins then searched the room for anything useful and he found a big empty bag he could use to carry stuff then returned to the big room to look around and take a chunk out of each goblin gaining another 20 evolution points.

[You have slain a Goblin] x10

[You have slain a Hobgoblin] x5

[You have gained 10XP] x10

[You have gained 15XP] x5

[Total XP: 275/300]

[Total EP: 235]

[Monster Eater has activated you gained 2 Free Attribute Points] x15

[Total Free Attribute Points: 48]

[Regular goblins and hobgoblins will no longer give attributes points from Monster Eater]

[Strong Stomach has evolved into the rare trait Iron Stomach: Iron Stomach allows you to eat and digest most things even low level poisoned food or items]

[You gained the common trait Lesser Night Vision: Lesser Night Vision allows you to see clearly within a 15ft radius in dark areas and at night]

[Master the bag is unnecessary as you have an inventory you may store things which will not degrade or spoil as long as they are within the inventory space]

"Yuh know that would have been helpful to know much earlier! For a system sometimes you're not very dependable."

[The system apologizes as it is made up of an A.I. with no previous knowledge other than what the system holds and it does not know what should or should not be said at this time]

"That is so damn stupid and I no longer have the energy to even bother with you at the moment."