
My Everyday Life With A Pimp System!

After countless reincarnation cycles, he finally settles in this particular world to live his life as a mage scholar born with a silver spoon — Dickens Nuttinson. Dickens may be excellent in all things but one thing about this world marvelled it. It was not the magical beasts or magic techniques neither was it the arcane, dark or any other type of magic. It was simply his opposite gender — girls. To understand how to win them over and quell the pressure from the Nuttinson Family, Dickens creates a Pimp System and with that he will climb the ladder to becoming an alpha while also tackling the challenges in his normal life in the world of magic Tags: Slice Of Life | R18+ | Overpowered MC | Magic | Smut | Gore | Harem | Comedy | Academy | Schedule: 1-2 chapters/day |

BleedingPen · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Chapter 72 – Fast and Steady Will Win This Race

The first door was before me.

The atmosphere was overcast, cold and quiet.

I walked a little bit and stopped, having sensed the strange aura that hovered between me and the door.

I watched and waited and soon something happened.

A whirlpool of magical energy erupted out of nowhere, covering the already misty environment with an ashy gas.

As the gas cleared, I saw another magnificent sight manifested in front of me.


The sound of whistling air resonated in the surroundings.

My mouth gradually parted and my eyes slowly broadened.

An elegant body appeared out of the whirlpool, spinning gracefully and sparkling with glamour.

Breasts bouncing and nipples pouting through a thin see-through dress.

The dress, asides from being transparent, barely covered the big nipples, breasts and genitals of this extremely voluptuous figure.