
My every day life

Alejandro_Ortega · Fantasy
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What I gant to by

When I was a little kid 5-7 my dream was to by a superhero but that changed rader fast wen at the age of 10 they discovered that I had no powers in the years to come I that I was useless because I had no powers but that girl that asked me out probed me rong sadly we had to baracke up because her family didn't want her to be with someone with no superpower at the age of 15 I I tried to get into a prestigious science school sense I was good with math and sienes and new multiple lenguajes ( sadly in real life it's not like dat hehe) I got in no problems but aside from me and 2 Oder students all the others were in rather because of their family or money sense I was always the last student to live the school I estarted to develop a drug that enhances people's ability and if mixed with blood from something or some on it can.( small thing in real life I tho now more than one lenguajes)