
My Ever Persistent Luna

[My Ever Persistent Luna Synopsis] Emily Silverfang, Who was the heiress of the Silverfang family who's descendants had always been chosen as the head of the Silverfang pack was left heartbroken when her chosen mate and the unfortunate biological father of her child decided to reject her for another. With her mate now gone and the elders of the pack that continuously pressured her to seek another mate, Emily who had long given up on love seemed to have lost her will to live. ******* On one faithful night Emily's thirst for love was rekindled when a seemingly vexed heartbroken man known as Lu Xin happened to save her life during a near death encounter. Unfortunately since her family and pack would only allow her to marry a mate of her own chosen, She soth the help of a witch, Her best friend Sasha who inturn helped her to turn Lu Xin into one of her kind, Sadly this was all done against Lu Xin's own will. After being turned against his will, Lu Xin wants nothing more to do with her, Unfortunately even though he wanted to reject her he still couldn't escape her family's pursuit. His resentment for Emily grows when he gets forced to become her betrothed due to her family's pressure while also trying his best to fit into her exorbitant life. Moreover Emily who wants nothing more than for him to truly love her tries her best to close the distance between them only to find out that she wasn't the only one who currently had eye's on the dashing man.

Lord_GrimX101 · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Chapter 26, Shameless woman!

Earlier she was sweet and kind when he saved her but now she looked no different than a ruthless solider on the battlefield!!'

With a bitter smile etched on his face he decided to comply with the ladies demands.

Truthfully, He wasn't a coward but he knew that she was dead set on her words, resisting when given such a warning would naturally be the stupid thing to do in this situation.

" Cough, Cough!, Fine then!, I'll drink it, Just get it over with!!!" he coughed trying his best not to spit out more blood than necessarily.

 Lu Xins eyes were filled with resentment while he stared at Emily but she on the other hand didn't seem to bothered instead returning his hateful gaze with a loving one instead.

Seeing such a a reaction he finally decided that the lady before him was not mentally stable.

With his mouth now opened wide, Emily revealed a happy smile like a little girl who had gotten what she wanted for Christmas " Now was that so hard?..." She asked gently, her voice filled with happiness and affection unlike earlier but seeing Lu Xin's still detached and resentful expression she suddenly looked flustered and panicked.

Emily quickly squatted down next to Lu Xin who lay'd atop the ground.

" Please don't be like that~, I only did it because you were resisting, I really didn't mean to.... " She pleaded meekly before embracing Lu Xin's upper body in her arms.

' Fxck off!!, you had the gull to punch me yet say you didn't mean it!!, do you think am stupid enough to believe that!' Lu Xin cursed inwardly but truth be told he didn't dare say it out loud, he might be pissed but that doesn't mean he was willing to take another one of those hits again.

" Am sorry please don't get mad~ " seeing his still unresponsive gaze Emily felt even more pained inside, she earnestly tried pleading again.

Sasha on the other hand had her arms crossed outside the glowing formation, her eyes filled with wonder and curiosity.

Truth be told in all the time they'd spent together, she'd never seen Emily act this humble and caring towards another man again before, for her this was truly a first in a long while.

For those who were confused, it wasn't that Lu Xin fully hated her now but that he just didn't dare to show much emotional reactions out of fear of her being attracted to him any further, since he couldn't resist, The least he could do was try and wain out her feelings instead.

But unfortunately for him Emily wasn't feeling the least bit unattracted to him but entirely the opposite.

With confused eyes he watched as she drank the blood dripping from her wrist.

He couldn't help wondering just what on earth she was planning on doing?, wasn't he supposed to be the one to drink her blood so what was she doing.

Lu Xin soon got his answer, After drinking a little bit of her blood Emily turned back towards him with moistened eyes filled with nothing but apology and warmth before her head suddenly started leaning in closer towards him.

Lu Xin was left shocked, before he could even react, her blood red lips touched his as she kissed him leaving Lu Xin stunned yet that didn't seem to be the end of it

" Lucky bastard...." Sasha who was watching from the sidelines commented while looking at Lu Xin with a resentful expression, her cold eye's glaring daggers at the man making out with her best friend.

Lu Xin who was already unwilling wanted to curse back at her but was stopped because Emily went on to deliver a more passionate kiss as her tongue slid all the way into his mouth soon entangling his tongue with hers, Yet instead of being entranced in the arousing moment Lu Xin who felt the earlier blood she'd drank slowly falling into his mouth as they both kissed each other suddenly stiffened.

As if a bomb had exploded within him, Lu Xin felt his entire body, from his cells, tissues to his several organs and systems instantly roaring with unimaginable pain.

Like the wind Emily quickly retreated to Sasha's the instant before he screamed.

" Is it finally starting?..." Emily asked in a worried tone.

" I suppose so....." Sasha replied calmly.

" Now all we have to do is stand by and watch..." She added, the duo maintained a certain distance away from Lu Xin outside the formation, With them now becoming the spectators instead.

Hey there, hope your enjoying my book guys cause I really hope so.

Am just an upstart Author and AE who could really use the support ok, Any little help could go a long way, whether sending reviews or sharing to others, I would really appreciate any.

The more you support, the more energetic I'll feel to continue writing, I may be the one writing but you guys are the ones pushing me to get better so please let's help each other.

For those who want to contact me.

My Face Book accounts are:

(1) Antonio Silverstone 

(2) Dexter Nus

I mostly use Dexter Nus a lot more so feel free to text me on that far more ok.

My Instagram account are:

(1) Runt Wolf

(2) Antonio Silverstone.

For those who get lost because they see multiple names popping up, I usually use anime characters as my profile pictures or cool black and white teen fashion clothing or cars.

My Novels include:

(1) Artificial Divinity: I became an all powerful immortal 

(2) Second Chance: My New Life As A Phantom

(3) My Ever Persistent Luna

And so much more.

My penname is always LordGrimX101 so feel free to use that when looking for me o

n any writing platforms ok.

A special thank you and a respectful bow to those who are willing to read through this.