
My Ever Persistent Luna

[My Ever Persistent Luna Synopsis] Emily Silverfang, Who was the heiress of the Silverfang family who's descendants had always been chosen as the head of the Silverfang pack was left heartbroken when her chosen mate and the unfortunate biological father of her child decided to reject her for another. With her mate now gone and the elders of the pack that continuously pressured her to seek another mate, Emily who had long given up on love seemed to have lost her will to live. ******* On one faithful night Emily's thirst for love was rekindled when a seemingly vexed heartbroken man known as Lu Xin happened to save her life during a near death encounter. Unfortunately since her family and pack would only allow her to marry a mate of her own chosen, She soth the help of a witch, Her best friend Sasha who inturn helped her to turn Lu Xin into one of her kind, Sadly this was all done against Lu Xin's own will. After being turned against his will, Lu Xin wants nothing more to do with her, Unfortunately even though he wanted to reject her he still couldn't escape her family's pursuit. His resentment for Emily grows when he gets forced to become her betrothed due to her family's pressure while also trying his best to fit into her exorbitant life. Moreover Emily who wants nothing more than for him to truly love her tries her best to close the distance between them only to find out that she wasn't the only one who currently had eye's on the dashing man.

Lord_GrimX101 · Urban
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33 Chs

Chapter 19, Caught at last

The moment the robber lost sight of Emily, just like Lu Xin suggested, the criminal was slowly being pushed to the edge.

Since now that she was out of his sights, she would finally be able to call the police!.

'Damned Bitch!!!!' he cursed inwardly as his face scrunched up in frustration.

He was already mad because she had managed to escape his grasp just when he was about to get to the best part of there lustful entanglement, but now there was a high chance that the law enforcer's would soon be arriving at the scene at any given moment.

With that in mind he knew staying here would only endanger himself far more than necessary.

After robbing such a huge amount of cash and managing to evade capture till now, his sentence would naturally be a heavy one he thought.

" Better make sure to grab as much cash as I can!" He said urgently before rushing towards the crashed car, with his gun pointing about continuously because he was afraid of being attacked from behind.

His other hand started hauling the abundant number of cash bills into his bag as fast as possible, yet even then he couldn't help feeling frustrated because he knew with the short amount of time he had, hauling all this money would be impossible!.

He wouldn't even be able to take 30 percent of it at this rate!, the cash was just too much, With a haul like this, he would've been set for life, never having to do this job ever again, If only he could take it.

At the thought of that his face was looking even more frustrated than ever.

' Dammit!!!! Dammit!!! Dammit!!!,

' how could this have happened, shit!!'

' if I had known it would all end up like this, I would've killed off that darned bitch from the very beginning!!!!, Shit!'

With time ticking away by the second the robber grew even more panicked and irritated, his heart rate racing quickly as perspiration covered his face.

He'd currently managed to take 15 percent of the money but even then he still couldn't stand up and leave, the pain from losing such a huge haul was just to much for him to handle.

Like an insatiable creature, the more cash he picked, the larger his greed grew, his hands grabbed faster and faster as if his life depended on it.

" Just a bit more!"

" Just a bit more!!"

" Just a bit more!!!"

" Just a bit more!!!!" He continuously cried inwardly, his eyes were soon reddened by his own madness as he pleaded for more time, just a bit more time he pleaded in his heart hahaha.

So pitiful, for one who committed such evil acts to suddenly start asking for forgiveness all of a sudden, was he delusional or something?, who was even pleading to, God?.

Well that was even more unlikely, though God forgives all for their sins and retributions against him that doesn't mean he was one who allowed the evil to prosper!.

Like the old saying went!!, **Every day is for the thief but one day is for the owner!!!**

Though faint and still growing, the very moment he heard the sounds of siren's already approaching at swift speeds the robbers heart skipped a beat.

His hands which were busy furiously grabbing stacks and stacks of cash instantly came to halt, at the sounds of the increasing sirens they started trembling, both from fear, trepidation and a silver of unbridled rage!!!!!!.




At the sound of feet suddenly running behind him, the panicked robber quickly turned around on instinct like a cornered rat, unlike the wretched view of handcuffs and men and women in matching uniforms, what came into his line of sight caused his whole body to come to a halt as his eyes slowly enlarged.

The robbers silver of unbridled rage suddenly exploded like a boom!.

His furious eyes glared towards the figure or should I say figures before his eyes like flaming daggers.

If looks could kill, the duo before his eyes would have gone to the afterlife and back several times over!!!!!.

" Damned bastard!!!!, so your the reason for all of this aren't you!!!!" He roared loudly like a ferocious beast, without even wasting time he opened fire on the duo before his eyes.




Lu Xin who was already expecting this ran in irregular motions, moving left and right like a slippery eel in water, to the robbers astonishment, Lu Xin who was already carrying Emily in his arm's skillfully dodged his gun fire without even turning back!.

" Bastard!!!!" Seeing this the robber quickly flew into a rage, didn't even care about anything else at the moment, since he was already sure of his capture from the sounds of several squad cars parking outside the only thing he thought of at the moment was killing the running bastard that was already outside the store!!!.

With a rush, he stood up and quickly gave chase!!!, firing round after round at the duo but to his utter resentment, non of the bullets made contact at all, Lu Xin who had safely escaped his pursuit quickly made his way behind the law enforcement.

" Darn it!!!!" The robber cursed but it was already to late for him to regret his actions, the moment his gun ran out of ammo, the group of police officers who had already arrived at the seen quickly went to work as the leading one shouted. " Get down now!!!"

Not wanting to get shot himself, the criminal quickly got onto his knees with his hands raised upwards in surrender, nevertheless his face was still as frustrated as ever, his eyes looking as if they'd spill venom at any moment.

Hey there, hope your enjoying my book guys cause I really hope so.

Am just an upstart author who could really use the support ok, any little help could go a long way, whether sending reviews or sharing to others, I would really appreciate any.

The more you support, the more energetic I'll feel to continue writing, I may be the one writing but you guys are the ones pushing me to get better so please let's help each other.

For those who want to contact me.

My Face Book accounts are:

(1) Antonio Silverstone

(2) Dexter Nus

I mostly use Dexter Nus a lot more so feel free to text me on that far more ok.

My Instagram account are:

(1) Runt Wolf

(2) Antonio Silverstone.

For those who get lost because they see multiple names popping up, I usually use anime characters as my profile pictures or cool black and white teen fashion clothing or cars.

My Novels include:

(1) Artificial Divinity: I became an all powerful immortal

(2) Second Chance: My New Life As A Phantom

(3) My Ever Persistent Luna

And so much more.

My penname is usually LordGrimX101 so feel free to use that when looking for me on any writing platforms ok.

A special thank you and a respectful bow to those who are willing to read through this.

Told you I wouldn't stop posting suckers!!.

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