
My Ever Persistent Luna

[My Ever Persistent Luna Synopsis] Emily Silverfang, Who was the heiress of the Silverfang family who's descendants had always been chosen as the head of the Silverfang pack was left heartbroken when her chosen mate and the unfortunate biological father of her child decided to reject her for another. With her mate now gone and the elders of the pack that continuously pressured her to seek another mate, Emily who had long given up on love seemed to have lost her will to live. ******* On one faithful night Emily's thirst for love was rekindled when a seemingly vexed heartbroken man known as Lu Xin happened to save her life during a near death encounter. Unfortunately since her family and pack would only allow her to marry a mate of her own chosen, She soth the help of a witch, Her best friend Sasha who inturn helped her to turn Lu Xin into one of her kind, Sadly this was all done against Lu Xin's own will. After being turned against his will, Lu Xin wants nothing more to do with her, Unfortunately even though he wanted to reject her he still couldn't escape her family's pursuit. His resentment for Emily grows when he gets forced to become her betrothed due to her family's pressure while also trying his best to fit into her exorbitant life. Moreover Emily who wants nothing more than for him to truly love her tries her best to close the distance between them only to find out that she wasn't the only one who currently had eye's on the dashing man.

Lord_GrimX101 · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Chapter 18, Breaking the ice

"Uhhhh....,I know the law enforcer's are going to get here in a few minutes but the thing is i don't really think we'll be able to live long enough to see that happen" Lu Xin smiled helplessly.

The silver haired cashier raised a brow feeling confused. " And why's that?..." She said in a light tone so as to not attract the robber's attention.

" Hey what are you doing?..." She said hastily when she saw him slowly getting up all of a sudden.

Lu Xin quickly motioned for her to keep quiet before saying " What does it look like am doing?, am getting ready to make a run for it obviously"

Before she could voice her objections he followed on.

" That guy over there is obviously not going to stay silent for much longer" he pointed towards the robbers direction.

" As one who doesn't even know what's going on anymore am sure his slowly losing his bearings" Lu Xin said while gesturing with his hands.

" Wait wait, how do you even know if any of this things your saying is true.." she asked while staring at him in doubt.

Lu Xin didn't seem to mind her gaze, to her question he quickly replied with a simple sentence " Simple, it's because am a medical graduate"

" I don't think being a medical graduate proves anything..." She smiled forcefully towards him.

" Truthfully neither do I, But don't you think am more entitled to knowing how most people would react in such cases than you whose only been working behind a register till date...." He replied back but swiftly stopped at a loss of words when he noticed just how offensive his words were.

" Wait that didn't come out well..."

" Am sorry..." He stared at her with pleading eyes.

"I didn't really mean it like that, please forgive me-"

" Hahaha It's ok I don't mind, plus I think your cute expression is apologetic enough already " she chuckled lightly leaving Lu Xin embarrassed as his handsome face quickly turned a shade of red, he wanted to refute but seeing her icy expression thaw lightly like an icy glacier underneath the summer sun left him feeling breathless.

He stared silently at her for a few moments completely entranced, only when he noticed her looking back at him with a confused gaze did he snap out of his stupor.

" Sorry I just dazed off for a moment...."

" Oh it's ok I don't mind really, I'd be happy if you continued instead" she smiled lightly at him.

" Oh, Of Course^^" he said hastily almost raising his voice even.

" I didn't happen to catch your name earlier, My name's Lu Xin am sorry about my clumsy nature" He tried introducing himself, truth be told he was just trying to break the ice between them so as to not cause any complications later on.

" Lu Xin...., Lu Xin..." She repeated his words to herself, looking as if she was trying to engrain it into her mind.

" Yeah, Lu Xin it's not Korean I know, you see my family moved here from china while I was a child so I kinda ended up growing up here" he smiled nervously before asking again.

" Whats your's though"

" Oh it's Emily..." she said In a neither light nor heavy tone.

" Emily, what a beautiful name" Lu Xin courteously replied back.

" You really think so?.." She said lightly, her head raised slightly, staring intently at him as if she was afraid of missing his next words.

" Of course, why would I lie?, I really do think you're name is beautiful" he raised his brow in genuine confusion.

"The sound it gives when said is no different than the refreshing feeling one would get from the first enchanting breeze of spring" he said happily purposely trying to cheer her up.

Emily stiffened lightly before shifting her gaze downwards, her silver hair blocked his vision leaving him curious as he wondered just what type of expression she had at the moment.

_ I hope she's not offended_ he thought to himself since he was only trying to cheer her up.

Only God knew what sort of reaction he would have if he knew the stunning silver beauty before him was completely smitten from his words.

After a silent pause, Lu Xin soon continued with his explanation.

" Like I was saying Emily, if you think about it, if you suddenly experienced a black out then your hostage managed to escape?, Anyone with a sensible mind would naturally not think of it as normal"

" As an experienced crook am guessing he is judging by his actions he'll naturally start thinking from his hostages perspective"

" What does one do when they escaped a criminals hands but can't leave the area?"

" It's as clear as day if you ask me, anyone would be able to tell that they'd call the Cops"

" With the threat of the cops and the threat he misunderstood as there being multiple individuals in the store there's only one thing left to do..." Lu Xin said as his eyes squinted sharply, his muscles and tendons started warming up as they contracted and flexed rapidly.

He bent down before his hands reached towards the Emily, under her stunned eye's, he lifted her into his embrace.

One of his arms held up her legs while the other supported her back, the two held up her body as Lu Xin comfortably held her in a princess carry.

" W-what a-are you doing..." Emily said in a flustered manner, her winter like eyes staring widely at the Masculine man who she laid her head against his chest.

" Oh am worried you won't be able to keep up so....." He said plainly only to come to a stop at the end.

" Am s-sorry, if you want I can just dro-" Lu Xin apologized quickly but Emily who was even faster cut him off before he could finish.

" I-it's ok..., I don't mind..." She said meekly as she buried her face which was bright from embarrassment deeper into his warm chest not willing to meet his gaze.

Lu Xin himself was also feeling a bit awkward from the current situation but even then he still steeled his nerves, with the beauty in his arm's his courage grew momentously like that of a Lions.

To the silver haired beauty in his arm's the aura he was currently giving off was no different than an energized car getting ready to Reve at any given moment.

When he heard a faint siren call from the distance with his keen ears, his eyes turned sharp abruptly as he kicked off with all his strength!.

**'Now!!!!!'** he roared inwardly before speeding off with Emily in his arm's.


Hey there, hope your enjoying my book guys cause I really hope so.

Am just an upstart author who could really use the support ok, any little help could go a long way, whether sending reviews or sharing to others, I would really appreciate any.

The more you support, the more energetic I'll feel to continue writing, I may be the one writing but you guys are the ones pushing me to get better so please let's help each other.

For those who want to contact me.

My Face Book accounts are:

(1) Antonio Silverstone

(2) Dexter Nus

I mostly use Dexter Nus a lot more so feel free to text me on that far more ok.

My Instagram account are:

(1) Runt Wolf

(2) Antonio Silverstone.

For those who get lost because they see multiple names popping up, I usually use anime characters as my profile pictures or cool black and white teen fashion clothing or cars.

My Novels include:

(1) Artificial Divinity: I became an all powerful immortal

(2) Second Chance: My New Life As A Phantom

(3) My Ever Persistent Luna

And so much more.

My penname is usually LordGrimX101 so feel free to use that when looking for me on any writing platforms ok.

A special thank you and a respectful bow to those who are willing to read through this.