

The believe in a higher form of power guiding humanity and deciding on its fate like an all powerful being ,is this thought accurate? Pardon my language but let me put it this way, what if it's just a faulty thinking to understand the world and the universe at large that had slowly been rooted into the human system over a span of thousands of years . Angels , Demons and gods , what if all this are misconceptions created by our imagination of the unknown , what if they are no gods no higher power only...........higher life forms . This matrix thinking that as trapped the human race in a psychological box , does the human species have any hope of breaking through the unknown and challenging fate it self ? , no the question should be do we dare to challenge unquestionable power . Only an anomaly of the human race will go against the norm and discover the mysteries of the universe , and only an anomaly of all anomalies Kyle will be bold enough to challenge powers that will make self proclaimed gods shake in fear at the mere sight of them . ..... coming soon to royal read

Afro_Grooves · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 3 Bloodline awakening 2

Opening the escape pod Kyle , steeled his heart , he no longer cared for his life all he wanted was an end , an end to his miserable life, Maybe his next life would be better than this .

Immediately the safety hatch was released and Kyle's bare skin was sucked into empty space left to face the harsh atmosphere of space unprotected , under normal circumstances the human skin can't possibly survive in space for more than 2-3 minutes , they would have been faced with boiling bodily fluids from been exposed to the sun, as well as freezing nose and mouth due to there been no oxygen in space , but something unexpected happened .

Kyle found himself breathing comfortably, and it wasn't oxygen , no it was something else something ... addictive , Kyle felt ecstasy with every breath he took .

' Am I getting high off space.', Kyle couldn't help but remark after sniffing in the addictive feeling for the third time with each more pronounced and more addictive.

Just then a strange red screen appeared in his vision.

[ Congratulations 1/2 task completed ]


[ First task make contact with the void completed √ ]

(*_*), Kyle.

[ Now teleporting ??π¶∆ ]

'Am I losing my grip on reality... , could this ..... strange sensation be me slowly dieing out, what the hell is this strange screen and what the hell is it even saying.'Kyle thought in fear .

He was still caught up in his taught when a single blank sheet appeared right in front of him out of literally nothing , it just straight up showed up from no where .

Kyle shocked by this strange occurrence let out an inaudible scream (He is in space remember).

' Wait a minute it looks quite familiar... could it be."

[ ??π¶∆ now bonding with host ]

Before Kyle could complete his sentence , the once blank paper started to glow an eerie red with purple inscriptions and markings strangely moving on the sheet, the light was so bright it momentarily blinded Kyles vision .

' What the heck just happened , what the hell is going on.'

[ Universal Grade Artifact fully Assimilated ]

The last message jolted him out of his thoughts .

' this words could they be real , it says here an artifact was assimilated by me , that was right when the...'

Kyle paused when a particular revaluation became clear to him .

' that paper , it's the one that was given to me by my parent.'

Kyle burst into tears at that moment .

' I knew it , SOB , it wasn't just a blank sheet , I knew it all along.'Kyle thought remembering how he had made sure that single piece of paper was still intact after fourteen good years .

[ Task in progress , | Meet a 5𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 being and obtain a 𝐂𝐨𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐞 , would you like to proceed ]

It took awhile for Kyle to stop his tears and focus on the text, and when he read through it .

Kyle Couldn't help but put on an evil grin on , he liked where all this was going to ,a boy who was always oppressed suddenly get the chance of his life to receive an OP power which made him the strongest and most influential person in the world.... , well at least that's how it worked in webnovels , he had always believed in things like that so he was quite happy to be freed of his bleak past now he was heading to a shining light .

' Well ladies and gentlemen I think we all know where all this is going , bye bye old me and hello new me."

<( ̄︶ ̄)>

With a villainous smirk Kyle took in one final breathe before deciding .

[ Now transferring host to coordinate @##**ππ ]

' Geez, What's up with all the secrecy.' Kyle thought before he got warped to another location in time and space

He felt like he just traveled a distance too vast for his mind to comprehend in a split second , but strangely enough he was perfectly fine , after confirming for the last time that he was okay he decided to focus on his surrounding , and what he saw turned all the event of the last day added and multiplied together child's play to what was in front of him , A planet so massive that it occupied most of his vision was right in front of him , but that was not what freaked him out, right under the planet was an even more massive hand which the planet was slowly orbiting in , the hand easily dwarfed the planet infact he could only see the wrist of the unbelievably massive entity which made him wonder just what gangantuan creature or entity had this wrist , while trying to stable his heart that was beating so abnormally fast an even bastardious thought appeared in his head , he was in space where there was no relative way to tell the distance of things for all it was worth , the wrist could have been light years away , holding his chest to stop his racing heart Kyle took another look at the wrist before shutting his eyes closed ,

he wished with all his heart that it was all a dream , maybe he had gone mad after spending time alone in space , but no every time he opened his eyes the wrist was still as real as can be and still very much in front of him .

' No , No , No this can't be real it's all an illusion , ... yes it's an illusion my mind is just playing tricks on me.'unwillingly to accept the image his eyes was feeding his brain

As Kyle slowly found himself losing his grip on his sanity .

A thunderous voice slowly assaulted his mind and brought him out from his disrupted mental state .

With a voice that seem to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time , a cryptic voice spoke to him .

* 𝐃𝐎 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 , 𝐈 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐀𝐁𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐁 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒.* the language was more like cryptic wordings but strangely enough he could understand every single word , .... like he had a universal translator .

Opening his eyes again he finally saw the face of this person , ..... no entity or thing , well more like he was finally allowed to see it infact the entities face was slowly growing more pronounced in the background like a hidden image that was slowly been revealed to his pitiful existence , and although he was shaking in fright he couldn't even move a muscle ,.... even to close his eyes from this horror that went against all known scientific and mortal reasoning was a tall task for him

Another bomb shell struck Kyle's as this being Moved it's eyes sight staring straight at him.

At that moment Kyle felt as if his whole body had just freezed over .

' it's okay Kyle calm down there is no way he is looking at you , compared to it you are just an atom , and beside the distance not to mention the darkness , can he see me.'

as if to confirm his thought, the planet resting on the hands of the void being was shed of all earth, mineral and other unknown mineral leaving behind the core of the planet which looked like a condensed energy ball in the hands of the entity, the condensed energy suddenly began to expand slowly shaping itself into waves of light

Kyle closed his eyes shut to scared to witness what was going to happen , when he made contact with the entity he felt a similar feeling to when he first came in contact with space except this time it was several folds more dense than before .

As large quantities of energy were been absorbed by Kyle he felt all those energy solidify and become compressed into a small orb within his belly and with each passing second the orb was getting more brighter and more alive .

in a few short moment Kyle had already completely absorbed the waves of energy and the orb in his stomach had already become stable and he could feel a connection with it .

[ All tasks completed ✓ ]

[ Now Awakening your dormant genes ]

With the message came a searing pain from the depth of Kyle's being he felt like he was been cooked from the inside out while someone was breaking and remolding his bones back , unable to move or speak Kyle just simply endured the pain .

[ Awakening process 3% ]

A few minutes later .

[ Awakening process 36% ]

' Dammit , how long is this going to last , it is draining me out .'

[ Awakening process 72% ]

[ Awakening processing 89% ]

Kyle felt himself barely holding on during the process, there were times where he thought he would black out due to the pain but some how he would notice a warm sensation in his belly and he would find himself pulling through , he knew it was the strange orb , whatever it was it helped him a lot .

[ Awakening process 99% ]

At this point Kyle found himself barely holding on to reality , he could pass out at any moment .

[ Awakening process 100% ]

And with that Kyle felt the pressure that had assaulted him so far immediately stopped and this feeling was replaced by power , he felt an unimaginable amount of power within every single cell of his being and the strange orb in his belly had now become even more radiant and bright glowing a dazzling white and had even connected more deeply to his being , but before he could appreciate his new found power he found himself slowly losing consciousness.

{ Congratulations dormant genes unlocked }

{ You have become an 𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐍 }

Kyle managed to read the message through the Conner of his eyes before he passed out .