
First mission

In the grand and opulent castle nestled beneath the capital city of the Kingdom of Valthorn, known as Fortisar, there lies a sprawling royal estate.

Within the castle's dedicated training grounds, the third prince of Valthorn was honing his swordsmanship alongside his knights when he momentarily halted his session to address an approaching subordinate.

"What news do you bring from your mission?" inquired the third prince.

Dropping to one knee, the subordinate replied, "Your Highness Emeric, I'm pleased to report that we've successfully accomplished the task you set for us, exactly as you envisioned."

A smile broke across Prince Emeric's face. "Is that so? I'm eager to hear the details."

With due respect, the subordinate shared, "My men and I have successfully diminished the forces aligned with the bastard Prince."

Prince Emeric's expression was one of sheer satisfaction.

The subordinate, a high-ranking squire and a leader among his peers, belonged to a military echelon that, despite its modest rank, boasted members from noble lineages, commanding a significant budget within the kingdom's military hierarchy.

After the exchange, Prince Emeric's attendant, a man in his thirties, voiced a concern, "Your Highness, are you sure we shouldn't have just eliminated the bastard Prince outright?"

To this, Prince Emeric responded with a chuckle, "There's no need for such drastic measures. My aim was merely to unsettle him by thinning his ranks, to complicate his endeavors in Bathsheba..."

The attendant couldn't help but sympathize with the bastard Prince, thinking it might have been kinder to end his struggles than to doom him to governance over a destitute land.


Elsewhere, aboard a carriage, the steward to Prince Ryan observed his charge with a mix of concern and resignation. Prince Ryan appeared oddly jubilant, absentmindedly gesturing in the air as if lost in thought.

The steward sighed inwardly, lamenting, "The loss of soldiers and servants seems to weigh heavily on his highness's heart..."

What the steward couldn't have guessed was that Ryan's excitement stemmed from a pivotal moment in his life. He had just embraced an extraordinary opportunity, a "cheat" known as "My Empire System," poised to transform his destiny.

After enthusiastically selecting 'yes,' Ryan's gaze was drawn to the visual display that materialized before his eyes.

[System Activation Confirmed! Welcome to My Empire System. Displaying host status now.]

Race: Human

Name: Ryan Fitzroy

Title: The Reborn Prince

Location: Bathsheba, Thornvale

Role: System User/Prince

System Level: 1

Experience: 0/100


- Leadership: Level 1 (Boosts command effectiveness and follower morale)

- Diplomacy: Level 1 (Improves negotiation outcomes and relationships)

- Strategy: Level 1 (Grants tactical advantages in battles and resource allocation)

- Survival: Level 1 (Enhances adaptability and resilience under tough conditions)

As Ryan perused the interface, he noted it included details of his identity, Ryan's name coincidentally matching the prince's name. But beyond these personal and skill level specifics, an alert captured his attention, echoing in his mind and flashing across the interface.

The system had just issued Ryan his first mission.

[Mission: Establish a Base of Power]

Objective: Transform Bathsheba into your undisputed stronghold. This entails assessing the village's resources, bolstering its defenses, and winning over the hearts and minds of the local populace.

Rewards: +500 XP, Access to the "Construction" feature, Enhancements to Charisma and Leadership skills.

Ryan pondered the mission with a contemplative stroke of his chin.

The mission's goals hinted at underlying challenges and power dynamics he would need to navigate carefully. Recalling his initial impressions of Bathsheba's higher-ups, adorned in animal skins yet displaying robust physiques, contrasted starkly with the villagers—rather, city-dwellers. Noting their simple, threadbare garments of linen or wool, and their noticeably undernourished appearances.

The disparity was striking. The city's elite, who had welcomed him at the gates, might not be as sharp or competent as they presented themselves. Yet, this observation led Ryan to speculate about the local economy, particularly the presence of flax plants in Bathsheba, likely cultivated in small plots or fields. This detail, as minor as it might seem, could be a crucial piece of the puzzle in understanding the city's resources and potential.

Before Ryan fully realized it, mere minutes had slipped by, and they had arrived at a modest, albeit run-down castle.

"We've arrived at the castle, Your Highness," reminded Gilbert, Ryan's middle-aged steward. Glancing at Gilbert, Ryan was surprised to see the man's detailed status before his eyes: [Race: Human. Name: Gilbert Renard. Role: Ryan's Steward, Knight, Chef...]

Seeing Gilbert's varied roles caught Ryan off guard, but it also brought a sense of relief—finally, he knew the name of the man who had been serving him all this time.

"Thanks, Gilbert," Ryan nodded appreciatively before stepping out of the carriage.

Gilbert, for his part, seemed taken aback—Ryan hadn't used his name in their recent interactions.

As Ryan's gaze fell upon the castle, he couldn't help but note its significance amidst the backdrop of what was more a village than a city. Despite its obvious neglect and the presence of undernourished guards, the castle held a certain allure.

Although it was clear the castle hadn't been well-maintained, Ryan was greeted by a thin, poorly-equipped guard upon arrival.

Inside the castle, Ryan's subordinates and servants couldn't help but chuckle at the sorry state of the place—the worn-out carpets, the miserable condition of the halls.

Gilbert watched Ryan's expression closely, expecting disappointment. But to his surprise, Ryan seemed unfazed.

Despite the castle's appearance, Ryan felt a surge of excitement. The "My Empire System" had given him newfound hope and determination. With this powerful tool at his disposal, the castle's current condition mattered little. Ryan was determined to turn Bathsheba into a prosperous city, fueled by the possibilities the system offered.