
A reward in the midst of challenges

The carriage meandered along the bumpy path, deliberately slowing its pace to prevent the royal passenger from feeling sick. Inside the carriage, Ryan, a gamer from the modern world, had yet to fully grasp that he had somehow become a prince in this alternate reality.

"Where are we going?" Ryan inquired, looking at the middle-aged man seated across from him in the carriage.

The man looked back at Ryan with a mix of surprise and disbelief, clearly not expecting such a question from the prince.

"Your Highness, weren't you aware?" The middle-aged man studied Ryan's bewildered face, pondering to himself, "Ah, the jostling of the carriage must have scrambled his thoughts."

After a moment of reflection, he began to explain, "Your Highness, a few days ago, the king decreed that you are to govern the city of Bathsheba, the sole city in the region of Thornvale." As he continued, a look of sympathy appeared in his eyes, reflecting his pity for the young prince.

The region Prince Ryan was assigned to rule was far from ideal: it lacked important resources, was isolated from the rest of the kingdom, and notably, Thornvale was home to just a single city nestled deep within the forest. The kingdom's interest in Thornvale stemmed from the dense forest's potential as a natural defense against invasions from neighboring realms and barbarian threats.

Ryan was inwardly stunned upon hearing the middle-aged man's description...

The forest of Thornvale and the city of Bathsheba?

The names felt strangely familiar because they were exactly what he had named his own domain in the video game "Kingdom vs. Empire." In the game, his small village of Bathsheba grew into a town and eventually a city, allowing Ryan to claim a region of his own. He had chosen a forest setting, placing his city at the heart of a dense woodland.

Despite the economic disadvantages, Ryan had selected the forest for its strategic defensive benefits. He believed the thick woods not only offered protection but also concealed untapped resources, making it a place ripe with potential despite its initial challenges.

As memories of his "Kingdom vs. Empire" gaming exploits flickered through his mind, Ryan began to piece together his current predicament.

It seemed a "King" had dispatched him to the region of Thornvale, specifically to the city of Bathsheba, entrusting him with its governance. Given Bathsheba's status as the region's sole city, Ryan realized his role was essentially to govern a city-state.

Furthermore, being addressed as "Your Highness" by the middle-aged man led Ryan to deduce he was a prince within this kingdom—a notion that thrilled him, as he had always harbored dreams of royalty.

Lost in thought and with the middle-aged man—who appeared to be the prince's steward—watching over him, their reverie was shattered by a sudden cry: "We're under attack!"

The urgency of the situation snapped Ryan and the steward into alertness. Peering through the carriage window, Ryan witnessed archers targeting their lightly armored soldiers.

The steward took a moment to assess the situation before issuing a stern warning to Ryan, "Your Highness, please, stay inside. It's too dangerous out here." With that, he stepped out, sword in hand—a light rapier that Ryan had only just noticed.

Assuming a defensive posture, the steward skillfully deflected an arrow aimed at them, his actions unfolding under Ryan's anxious watch.

The conflict escalated quickly, their fifty-strong guard dwindling to forty-seven. Then, a heavily armored adversary charged, diminishing the prince's forces further. Despite their faltering morale, the steward's command—"Protect His Highness at all costs!"—echoed across the battlefield, yet the response from the beleaguered soldiers was hesitant and slow.

As the steward and the soldiers grew increasingly anxious, particularly with the steward's concerns for the prince's safety at the forefront, the assailants—both soldiers and archers—suddenly began to withdraw.

"What's happening?" Both Ryan and the steward were baffled by the turn of events.


The soldier leading the charge ordered a retreat. Everything was unfolding according to plan, a scheme orchestrated by the third prince.

The objective was to ambush the bastard Prince Ryan's escort, targeting the troops assigned to accompany him to Bathsheba.

The underlying motive was clear: to weaken Prince Ryan's forces, complicating his future endeavors and governance in Bathsheba.


"Damn, I was attacked?" Ryan mulled over the situation with frustration.

According to the steward's report, the assault had cost him at least 22 soldiers and 10 servants. His military strength was now diminished to 38 soldiers, and only 8 servants remained.

"This is a disaster," Ryan thought grimly.

Noticing Ryan's sour mood, the steward saw him command a hastening of their journey. For several hours thereafter, their travel smoothed out, much to the relief of Ryan and his companions. Aside from necessary stops for rest and meals, they pressed on, reaching the city of Bathsheba two days later.

To Ryan, the Thornvale region appeared far more expansive than he had initially imagined.

Yet, upon arrival, Ryan was momentarily lost for words. What he saw was hardly a city but a village, and a destitute one at that. "A city? This looks more like a village," he thought.

The local dignitaries, clad in animal skins rather than proper attire, greeted him at the wooden gates: "Welcome, Prince Ryan! It is our utmost honor to be governed by you!"

As Ryan was escorted through, what was supposed to be a city revealed itself as nothing more than a village. The carriage bumped along the uneven roads, and through the window, Ryan observed the malnourished populace, the air thick with the stench of poverty.

"Is Bathsheba really this dire?" Ryan questioned internally. Unfamiliar with his new role, unaware even of his steward's name or those of his key soldiers and servants, he felt lost. To avoid raising suspicion, he refrained from bombarding his steward with questions, especially by asking their names.

Just as anxiety began to take hold, contemplating how to navigate his precarious situation, a mechanical voice echoed in his mind, accompanied by a translucent interface materializing before his eyes:

[Ding! The legendary player of "Kingdoms vs. Empire" has been rewarded with the "My Empire System"!]

[Seeking fame? Riches? Flourishing cities and a revered governance? Desiring to be a king or emperor adored by his subjects, yet feared by foes? The My Empire System is here to realize dreams beyond a mere prince's aspirations.]

[Will you accept My Empire System?]

[Yes] or [No]

At the appearance of the interface and the mechanical female voice in his head, excitement surged within Ryan.

"Yes!" he exclaimed, eagerly selecting [Yes].

Unbeknownst to those around him, the fate of their world had just been intertwined with an extraordinary anomaly: Ryan and his newfound system.