
My Dungeon System in Revara

Step into the mystical realm of Revara alongside Viru, thrust into a world of magic and mystery. With the power to command a living dungeon, Viru faces a thrilling path ahead. As he gathers extraordinary allies with powers beyond imagination, they forge a dungeon that beckons challengers from all corners. Prepare for an exhilarating journey as Viru rises, confronts, and conquers in the relentless pursuit of glory. In a world where every step is a heartbeat away from danger, Revara's secrets unravel, and Viru's destiny unfolds in a tale that will grip you until the final, heart-pounding moment.

Revara · Fantasy
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103 Chs

Tragic past

*** Abilities and advancements

1. Dungeon return: Master and his subordinates can return back to dungeon whenever they want. This ability can only be used once every day.

2. Core's extension: Master can now use the core's abitly to turn defeated enemies into his subordinates. But the healing ability is not on par with the dungeon's core.

3. Dungeon Master Body: Master can now change his appearance or any part of the body similar to anyone of his subordinates. But the strength and defence of this part is restricted to master's current level.

4.Ability Sync: master can now use any abilities or skills owned by his subordinates to his current level.

5.Dugeon plot: master now has the ability to set the situation of his dungeon levels. Master can now install conditions that must be met by the outsiders inside the dungeon so that they can clear the level.

6.Dungeon sublevels : Master can now create sub domains inside dungeons levels and appoint respective guardians. This provides more substance to be creative inside the dungeon.

7. Unlocking Major Levels: A major level, like the first nature domain is unlocked when the previous domain gets more difficult.

(i.e the current nature domain is not significantly difficult for the enemies to defeat, when the domain develops further in the future and has strong soldiers or monsters gaurding it, a new level will be unlocked before the previous level.)

Create dungeon subordinate: 0/1.

Master can create any being he wants out of nothing. The limit is one according to masters current upgrade.

Possible beings that can be created:





Rihno warrior

Rabbit folk

Feline demihuman




Without thinking twice about it.

'DRAGONNN!!!!! DO IT FAST!!' Screamed Viru with excitement.

'Understood, the process has been started'

'Time to complete: two months'

Said Albus.

Viru could hardly believe it. Dragons were ultimately rare and hard to even encounter in the entire lifespan. Now the idea of him having his own dragon pet was too thrilling.

After he contained his excitement he read through the first mentioned abilities.

'Wow, there's so much options to be more creative' said Viru with sparkling eyes.

'Hey Albus, how do I make my domain stronger as whole?' Asked Viru.

'A domain's strength is the direct reflection of the guardian's strength. Inorder to raise the level of the dungeon monsters, master Viru and the dungeon guardian must rise in strength' explained Albus.

'Oh, so I have to make the forest Walker level up. As you said, the forest walker's strength grows as the forest under his command expands.' Said Viru

'Affirmative' said Albus.

'Okay then, I need a plan. Let's group up with everyone in the village and come up with something' said Viru.

Viru gathered all the important subordinates which included his elites, Navia and Marve.

Marve had built a makeshift room which could serve as a meeting hall in the village. It had a large table in the middle and had 15 chairs around it.

All of them took their respective seats and began to discuss the next step of their future.

Viru started explaining about the current dungeon state and the options that he have to make it stronger.

After a detailed explanation delivered by him, he asked for the opinions of his allies.

'Navia, I know that you and the rabbit folk used to live in a town full of demihumans like you. What made you and the others leave the town and migrate into this horrific place?'

Viru wanted to get rid of this question in his mind before it ate him alive.

Navia prepared herself to explain the story of her and her current village in the forest.

Navia, the eldest daughter of the town's mayor, was a spirited young rabbit folk who grew up in a bustling village nestled amidst the woods. Her father was not only the mayor but also owned a thriving transportation service catering primarily to their rabbit folk community. Following the tragic loss of her mother, her father eventually remarried, bringing Marve, Navia's younger sibling, into the family.

Their father's enterprise revolved around the rabbit folk, a close-knit community where bonds ran deep. Among these close relationships were the seasoned adventurers, parents of Karina and Rosev, whose skills were often enlisted by Navia's father to safeguard the goods being transported. Their association grew strong over the years, adding depth to the intertwined lives of their families.

However, their harmonious existence was shattered when a rival trading company embarked on a malicious campaign against Navia's father and their friends. False accusations of smuggling stolen royal jewelry tainted their reputation. Deviously, the rival company planted the stolen valuables within Navia's father's company, falsely implicating them in the crime. Despite their innocence, they found themselves accused of a heinous act.

The situation turned dire when the false accusations reached the royal court. The gravity of the accusations led to a tragic royal decree. Navia's father, along with Karina and Rosev's parents, faced a harsh fate—execution. The tight-knit rabbit folk community associated with them suffered a cruel expulsion, forced to abandon their homes and livelihoods. The heartbreak and anguish tore through the community like a relentless storm.

Marve's mother succumbed to the overwhelming sorrow, leaving Navia and Marve to navigate through the painful aftermath. Devoid of justice and with no recourse, they sought refuge in the depths of the forest, a place both shelter and peril.

Living amidst the forest's embrace, they encountered its unforgiving terrors that claimed the lives of some among them. Yet, despite the hardships and losses, they found solace in their communal strength, in the resilience that adversity fosters.

'I'm sorry for what happened to you and your community Navia. I can not begin to imagine the emotional pain everyone here has been through' said Viru.

'I swear on my name that you'll get your revenge one day' sweared Viru.

Navia, Marve, Karina and Rosev held their hands together in comfort.

'We would be eternally grateful to you for that master' said Navia in a grieving tone.

Everyone at the table comforted them and the mood seemed to get better.

'Okay then let's continue to make plans in improving the dungeon' viru put forth.

Zain was the first to come up with a plan.

'If the way to make the forest Walker strong is to expand the forest, let's go and capture up my kroken monster settlement and make them settle in the nature domain. Expect me who had gained intelligence because of Master Viru, the rest of the kroken monsters are not that smart. They live in groups in a simple settlement near water. We can create a sub domain and let them settle there'

'Good idea! And I can make you the sub domain head. So that the domain grows more strong as you level up.' exclaimed Viru.